Use peat, perlite and compost to make your Base. About 1 and 1/3 cubic feet of each to get 4 cubic feet total. EWC are great, if you get some count it like compost. Some people like a little more perlite or a little less compost, so you don't have to be super exact.
For nutrients use 1/4 cup of alfalfa per cubic foot of base. And about 1/2 cup of crab shell and kelp per cubic foot of base. I agree, it's best to go kinda light on amendments in the soil. You can always top dress or use teas or repot into bigger pots if your soil is a little bit weak. But your plants will struggle and your soil will be kinda whack if you use too much.
For minerals use half cup of azomite and half cup of gypsum per cubic foot of base. Some people use up to a cup of each, but don't go too crazy. If you get some lime start with 1/4 or 1/2 cup per cubic foot. Some people feel like lime will drive your pH up too high and they don't like to use it. Others say your peat will turn acidic as it breaks down and you need the lime to counter this. I split the difference and use about 1/2 cup per cubic foot.
I would save the Dr Earth tomato fertilizer to top dress with, once your plants are bigger and established in their pots.
I like to use alfalfa and kelp tea through veg and first half of flower. Then kelp tea(sometimes with fish hydro or guano) during the last half of flower. It's pretty easy, but not mandatory if you don't want to mess with it.