Does this look like it needs more nitrogen?


Active Member
Outdoor Frisian dew that has so far been doing its thing with minimal issues. Started getting some yellow leaves in the last week. PH of the soil is 6.1. Thoughts?




Well-Known Member
Outdoor Frisian dew that has so far been doing its thing with minimal issues. Started getting some yellow leaves in the last week. PH of the soil is 6.1. Thoughts?

View attachment 4627197

View attachment 4627198
That looks like poor watering practicing to me. Of course it is only a picture. But its my 1st guess. How often do you water it? How dry does it get before you add water? Too much, too little can have these exact effects. I was taught to stick my index finger in the soil/medium and if it was dry up to the 2nd joint in my finger, then its time for water. Its never failed me, knock on wood