Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Spank dat ass | 'Dat Ass | Know Your Meme


They did confirm UFO's this year. The U.S. confirmed this year and Canada (ex-minister of defence?) suggested it a few years ago.

Strangely enough, no one seemed to really notice because they don't want to notice.

Personally, I appreciate the idea we aren't the only intelligent life in the universe.

Canada Sauce

US Sauce
Yeah all UK bookies have stopped taking bets on it too. Used to get 10'000 - 1 like 5 years ago. Not they wont take bets at all.
When I was a kid we would go to a golf course and find the balls in the bushes and wait for golfers to walk by and sell them to the golfers. It was a slow day so we decided to mess with the golfers on a blind hole. We waited until the balls were on the green then put a couple in the hole, and the rest within a couple feet, then hid in the bushes. We couldn't hold the laughter watching the guys find two holes in one, so we ran away down the path by the creek before they came after us.