Super Soil Stopped Growing Mycro Web


So I made a batch of super soil and it only took two days for my soil to produce a micro web but now I'm on day 30 and I don't see any web anywhere not sure what happend to it, I have been keeping the soil moist, maybe the water i have stuck with filtered water from the machines and i have used crystal geyser before as well, please let me know if this is a issue or if there is nothing to worry about?
not sure what happend to it
perhaps the fungus didn't find any more food and died off... I think decomposition or "cooking" consists of various steps in which bacteria and fungi all play a part in it... this microlife is currently metabolisizing some of the ingredients in your soil and in turn release in free form, for plants to be able to absorb them.
perhaps the fungus didn't find any more food and died off... I think decomposition or "cooking" consists of various steps in which bacteria and fungi all play a part in it... this microlife is currently metabolisizing some of the ingredients in your soil and in turn release in free form, for plants to be able to absorb them.
Does that mean that I messed up? And if I did any tips on how to correct my mistake ?
So I made a batch of super soil and it only took two days for my soil to produce a micro web but now I'm on day 30 and I don't see any web anywhere not sure what happend to it, I have been keeping the soil moist, maybe the water i have stuck with filtered water from the machines and i have used crystal geyser before as well, please let me know if this is a issue or if there is nothing to worry about?
I think you actually mean a mycelium layer to get technical, but it's all good.

The fungi are still active in your soil, just not as visible anymore. If you top dress the soil, you'll probably see it get really active again.

But like Kassi said, its just one of the many helpers that break down the organic nutrients. Nothing to worry about.
add some myco ( recharge , xtreme , great white ) into a top dress to bump microbial numbers.
Not the end of the world you don’t see it on top , Magic happens at root level.
@SaucyJoshy I think your question was answered however,
I wanted to add, I wouldn't worry about the appearance as much as I would smell.
When it starts to smell earthy that's when the jobs done and typically this is when I see activity slow down.
I use a combination of open compost (gardening) and containers (for cannabis) and results are consistent, any dank or sweet smells I add more water, till and wait.
Anywho, just remember they are microscopic organisms and whilst you may not see them in your awesome soil. they are there, perhaps dormant.

Good luck!
Your fungus web is probably either Endo/ecto mycos or it is mycelium. Add great white like products for mycos and add grokashi like malted barley products for mycelium. Both at the same time is fine too but I believe the mycelium is dominant and will eat the mycos over time.
Your fungus web is probably either Endo/ecto mycos or it is mycelium. Add great white like products for mycos and add grokashi like malted barley products for mycelium. Both at the same time is fine too but I believe the mycelium is dominant and will eat the mycos over time.
Yep. Gro-Kashi rocks for building a mycelium layer, but malted barley works too. The first time I saw it I thought it was mold and freaked out. I had mixed up some dry amendments and EWC into a small container and after a few days I noticed the white layer. I panicked and brought it to my garage, until I realized it was a good thing, lol.
Do you turn your soil? If so did you check for sclerotia? Mine always come back less fuzzy after every turn but the sclerotia can get nice and big waiting for exudates and a good watering.
Good question. I have a layer of bu's compost I put on top with mycelium. After each grow I scoop that later off and start over. It is a SIP btw.

Do you turn your soil? If so did you check for sclerotia? Mine always come back less fuzzy after every turn but the sclerotia can get nice and big waiting for exudates and a good watering.
add some myco ( recharge , xtreme , great white ) into a top dress to bump microbial numbers.
Not the end of the world you don’t see it on top , Magic happens at root level.
Your fungus web is probably either Endo/ecto mycos or it is mycelium. Add great white like products for mycos and add grokashi like malted barley products for mycelium. Both at the same time is fine too but I believe the mycelium is dominant and will eat the mycos over time.

Have you guys ever tried DYNOMYCO? It has 900 propagules/gram of 2 species of endomycorrhizal fungi strains that have been scientifically proven to establish symbiotic relationships with cannabis plants. DYNOMYCO has a higher concentration of propagules/gram of endomycos than any of the products mentioned above. Feel free to reach out if interested and happy growing !!