
Look mate your clearly delusional regarding the subject so I'm not gonna bother.
If it's not a sealed mask it doesn't protect you from the virus. End of.
I wear one wherever I need to. Doesn't bother me and I know it helps a fair bit to prevent me from passing it to others if I get it.
But I'm under absolutely no illusion that an unsealed mask will protect me from anything.
I have to wear respirators at work because they simply don't work.
You have fun in your little bubble of safety.
Don't worry you'll be protected ;)

Somebody puts a gun to your head and makes you sit down by yourself at a table with 3 chairs in an 8X8 room. He then sets down a factory sealed n95, a box of surgical masks and a face shield and leaves the room and locks the door.

He then announces that in 2 minutes, he is going to let in 2 asymptomatic positive covid-19 carriers who will sit at the table with you while they loudly argue about whether masks are useful.

The door remains locked for 10 minutes before you can leave.

You going to put on that PPE or not?

Yes or no?

Edit: I can't hear you, what was the answer again?
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  1. lack of knowledge or information.

Man, 30, who thought coronavirus was hoax dies after attending ‘COVID party,’ doctor says

Since you'll probably call that fake news I'll include a link from your favorite Fair and Balanced station.

Of course, everything has to do with covid in 2020, parties are no exception, it's been non stop all year, can you not tell they're clawing their way through any open gaped hole to feed you/us more amplified news about a supposedly deadly plague covid virus, but yet people want ignore the fact that multiple types of causes for Death like pneumonia, heart attacks, stroke, flu and cancer deaths just magically evaporate from becoming known causes of death for thousands of people nationwide all year long?

"I thought it was a hoax" of course they are going to post a news article in refutation directly and precisely in response to the exact words that people are using and the same lingo that would or could possibly be used in a conversation in regards to the covid pandemic and with this topic being of heightened discussion within the minds of your common everyday folk because of all the daily false narration of the spread of this supposed covid virus outbreak. Point being it's easy for people to believe that this discussion of a patient dying in a hospital went down exactly as they're saying it did.

But yeah nobody is going around having these supposed super hip and awesome "covid" parties as these deep state indoctrination outlets continue to weaponisingly release as truth into the minds of the public, that's just what the dork patrol lamestream media wants you to believe, they aren't sworn over to protecting our nation from foreign contrived geopolitical narration, they've already been caught on multiple levels red handed blatantly lying to the American public, how long will so many willfully continue to accept that the mass produced media we are hearing about is for our own good, and for our cause as a Nation, take what I'm saying seriously, they've already said again and again that their end goal is to cripple the American economy and dissolve our nation through propaganda based proxy wars until actual War breaks out with China and their allies that is, these are the same people guiding this bio psychological conflict machinery into the disarray of our nation, Death to America being their allegorical/literal endgame, but yeah stay safe out there, 6ft apart and staying masked up is what's most important, don't worry the rest of the world around you is completely innocent, stay in your happy place however you are able dear friends, nothing bad would ever be conspired against us, this here's merica, and proud we are. Cheers.
Of course, everything has to do with covid in 2020, parties are no exception, it's been non stop all year, can you not tell they're clawing their way through any open gaped hole to feed you/us more amplified news about a supposedly deadly plague covid virus, but yet people want ignore the fact that multiple types of causes for Death like pneumonia, heart attacks, stroke, flu and cancer deaths just magically evaporate from becoming known causes of death for thousands of people nationwide all year long?

"I thought it was a hoax" of course they are going to post a news article in refutation directly and precisely in response to the exact words that people are using and the same lingo that would or could possibly be used in a conversation in regards to the covid pandemic and with this topic being of heightened discussion within the minds of your common everyday folk because of all the daily false narration of the spread of this supposed covid virus outbreak. Point being it's easy for people to believe that this discussion of a patient dying in a hospital went down exactly as they're saying it did.

But yeah nobody is going around having these supposed super hip and awesome "covid" parties as these deep state indoctrination outlets continue to weaponisingly release as truth into the minds of the public, that's just what the dork patrol lamestream media wants you to believe, they aren't sworn over to protecting our nation from foreign contrived geopolitical narration, they've already been caught on multiple levels red handed blatantly lying to the American public, how long will so many willfully continue to accept that the mass produced media we are hearing about is for our own good, and for our cause as a Nation, take what I'm saying seriously, they've already said again and again that their end goal is to cripple the American economy and dissolve our nation through propaganda based proxy wars until actual War breaks out with China and their allies that is, these are the same people guiding this bio psychological conflict machinery into the disarray of our nation, Death to America being their allegorical/literal endgame, but yeah stay safe out there, 6ft apart and staying masked up is what's most important, don't worry the rest of the world around you is completely innocent, stay in your happy place however you are able dear friends, nothing bad would ever be conspired against us, this here's merica, and proud we are. Cheers.

Your primary source of news is even reporting about Covid parties. I guess trump and his propaganda network are part of the Deep State as well.

It's just astonishing that the greatest nation in history has failed so miserably at dealing with Covid-19. We have the greatest minds on the planet but unfortunately they are not being listened to or are not in a position of power to do anything. It's been like watching a slow drip on a faucet get worse and worse while so many said "What we need to do is replace the o-ring". But then you have those saying the o-ring is fine. The leak will just go away on it's own like a miracle. Well it isn't going away it's getting worse.

An example of how great America is and how the people of this country can do anything. Too bad the Olympics were cancelled. I sure would have liked to see her land this and bring home another gold.

Jeez what happened to this thread?

It's evolving just like the spread of Covid. My recent post was tied into covid due to the Olympics being cancelled because of it and I merely posted an example of what we'll miss out on with a lead in about America and how it produces people that are the best in the world at what they do as a counter to what we are currently witnessing which is the worst America has to offer.
It's evolving just like the spread of Covid. My recent post was tied into covid due to the Olympics being cancelled because of it and I merely posted an example of what we'll miss out on with a lead in about America and how it produces people that are the best in the world at what they do as a counter to what we are currently witnessing which is the worst America has to offer.

Can't see your video, the uploader hasn't made it available in my country >:( She's freaking adorable and like four and a half feet tall. Did you see her throw the first ball for the baseball game? These nut jobs post in here... a lot less adorable.

Can't see your video, the uploader hasn't made it available in my country >:( She's freaking adorable and like four and a half feet tall. Did you see her throw the first ball for the baseball game? These nut jobs post in here... a lot less adorable.

Too bad you can't see the video. It's awesome what she does. Truly amazing.

I'm a big gymnastics fan. I was good at the rings, parallel bars, and pommel horse back in school but started smoking weed and that was the end of that.
