Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

We had it beaten in May. So disappointed. That was our window of opportunity and we blew it.

Schools are not going to open in the fall. It's not going to happen.

it wasn't beaten, the curve was flattened at which time tests needed to be distributed and contact tracing commence. that didn't happen.
it wasn't beaten, the curve was flattened at which time tests needed to be distributed and contact tracing commence. that didn't happen.
We did beat it in Oregon, new cases were down to about 35/day for the entire state in mid May. We were one of the few states that were staffed for contact tracing and the numbers at that time were low enough that contact tracing and isolation protocols could be effective. Looking at the figure showing daily cases over time that Taco posted, most states could have managed to open. What's happened here and elsewhere is that too many people slid into their 2019 behaviors, meaning, no mask, no social distancing, basically life before coronavirus. Also, as you say, the US has completely under-scoped their testing and tracing efforts. Too few people to do tracing and not enough test capacity. We should be on the path to doing hundreds of millions of tests per month and we aren't even doing a tenth of that now.

It's a shame, really, a shame. Home schooling sucks but that's where we are headed this fall. No way I'm sending my kids to school with the numbers of new cases that we are seeing. I don't think Oregon will go for it. The economy won't come back without public confidence that we can move about safely. So, people's livelihoods are on the line in a big way going into the fall as well. Oregon WAS doing really well but now, it seems that's at risk.

It's not too late but it's going to require a big change in behavior. At least 40% of our population are listening to the Republican messaging. What's there to hope from that? I'd like to be wrong on this but given peoples failure to take individual responsibility, I'm not optimistic about the last half of 2020 or 2021. I'm not expecting a vaccine to help until 2022. That warp speed program by Trump is as real as Star Wars the movie.

As usual, I invite my little "Canadian" brothers to comment. Your replies are adorable.

edit: The figure below shows weekly new cases in Oregon. The state publishes a weekly update. The current weekly update is found here, if interested:

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It is. They're letting criminals out on the street for no reason whatsoever to terrorize our communities every day of the week in those fantastic liberal states
I know right.
We did beat it in Oregon, new cases were down to about 35/day for the entire state in mid May. We were one of the few states that were staffed for contact tracing and the numbers at that time were low enough that contact tracing and isolation protocols could be effective. Looking at the figure showing daily cases over time that Taco posted, most states could have managed to open. What's happened here and elsewhere is that too many people slid into their 2019 behaviors, meaning, no mask, no social distancing, basically life before coronavirus. Also, as you say, the US has completely under-scoped their testing and tracing efforts. Too few people to do tracing and not enough test capacity. We should be on the path to doing hundreds of millions of tests per month and we aren't even doing a tenth of that now.

It's a shame, really, a shame. Home schooling sucks but that's where we are headed this fall. No way I'm sending my kids to school with the numbers of new cases that we are seeing. I don't think Oregon will go for it. The economy won't come back without public confidence that we can move about safely. So, people's livelihoods are on the line in a big way going into the fall as well. Oregon WAS doing really well but now, it seems that's at risk.

It's not too late but it's going to require a big change in behavior. At least 40% of our population are listening to the Republican messaging so, what's there to hope from that? I'd like to be wrong on this but given peoples failure to take individual responsibility, I'm not optimistic about the last half of 2020 or 2021. I'm not expecting a vaccine to help until 2022. That warp speed program by Trump is as real as Star Wars the movie.

As usual, I invite my little "Canadian" brothers to comment. Your replies are adorable.
What do you want to hear. Little!? mothaphuka! Only messing around with yah. Im canadian and conservative. Not religious, racist, and im pro choice. A woman's rights has no place with gov or church, thats discrimination and sexism. The difference I find with conservatives, is that many are uneducated and depends on the city size. Im not an idiot but I'm not a genius. The problem I have is ignorance and the fact that this virus is about science and not politics. Its not a fucking hoax, its real and people are dying. Republicans will be eating their words soon enough. The 40% that don't get can't count past 20 with their shoes on, so statistics are impossible and they'd rather just live in denial.
What do you want to hear. Little!? mothaphuka! Only messing around with yah. Im canadian and conservative. Not religious, racist, and im pro choice. A woman's rights has no place with gov or church, thats discrimination and sexism. The difference I find with conservatives, is that many are uneducated and depends on the city size. Im not an idiot but I'm not a genius. The problem I have is ignorance and the fact that this virus is about science and not politics. Its not a fucking hoax, its real and people are dying. Republicans will be eating their words soon enough. The 40% that don't get can't count past 20 with their shoes on, so statistics are impossible and they'd rather just live in denial.

There are four troll-like "Canadians" that ride the USA hard each day, mostly repeating the same things. "USA is fucked up." "Trump is bad." "Americans are idiots." On and On. It's not as if the message needs repeating. Trump didn't even get a majority of our vote. Most didn't like him out of the chute and now, well, dumpster fire. I let it ride for a few months but after a while I decided that Canada isn't all that great. Sure, comment on the US but damn man, take care of your own business. I don't really pay that much attention to the Czech Republic, why would "Canadians" pay that much attention to US? It occurred to me that Putin trolls could just pull the old Trojan Horse in RIU as "Canadians". Pretty much, we in the US like our Canadian neighbors, so, its a good disguise. Most, including myself don't want to pick a fight with Canada. I'm not saying I'm 100% certain these "Canadians" (that would be: @VILEPLUME , @CunningCanuk , @DIY-HP-LED , @spek9 ) are Putin's dick sucking trolls but they sound like they are.

Other Canadians, such as @Budley Doright , they come here to talk and share. You too, so far. When I'm trash talking "Canada", I'm trashing those so-called "Candians", I don't mean actual Canadians.

We have a saying about racists in the US -- "The struck dog howls". It's a saying by African American activists. If a person isn't racist, they have no reason to be upset when a black person talks about racists. If my trash talk bothers "Canadian" trolls, it's because they are in fact just "Canadian" trolls. soeffem. Let those struck dogs howl.
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There are four troll-like "Canadians" that ride the USA hard each day, mostly repeating the same things. "USA is fucked up." "Trump is bad." "Americans are idiots." On and On. It's not as if the message needs repeating. Trump didn't even get a majority of our vote. Most didn't like him out of the chute and now, well, dumpster fire. I let it ride for a few months but after a while I decided that Canada isn't all that great. Sure, comment on the US but damn man, take care of your own business. I don't really pay that much attention to the Czech Republic, why would "Canadians" pay that much attention to US? It occurred to me that Putin trolls could just pull the old Trojan Horse in RIU as "Canadians". Pretty much, we in the US, like our Canadian neighbors, so, its a good disguise. Most, including myself don't want to pick a fight with Canada. I'm not saying I'm 100% certain these "Canadians" (that would be: @VILEPLUME , @CunningCanuk , @DIY-HP-LED , @spek9 ) are Putin's dick sucking trolls but they sound like they are.

Other Canadians, such as @Budley Doright , they come here to talk and share. You too, so far. When I'm trash talking "Canada", I'm trashing those so-called "Candians", I don't mean actual Canadians.

We have a saying about racists in the US -- "The struck dog howls". It's a saying by African American activists. If a person isn't racist, they have no reason to be upset when a black person talks about racists. If my trash talk bothers "Canadian" trolls, it's because they are in fact just "Canadian" trolls. soeffem. Let those struck dogs howl.

I've already explained, very clearly why I have interest in the US, and have as much right as you do to talk about the embarrassing bullshit going on down there.

Leave me out of this crap.
It is. They're letting criminals out on the street for no reason whatsoever to terrorize our communities every day of the week in those fantastic liberal states

That's the sense of entitlement I expect to read when an old white man filled to the gills with entitlement and FOX propaganda gets his dander up.
So just checking, is that supposed to read: You are not religious, you are racist, and you are pro-choice?
Holy fuck....no, no, no!!!!!!! Fucking typo. Not at all
I meant to include the not with religious. Im so sorry everyone. Should have said it better. My bad. Thanks for picking that up. No again. Deffinately not. Fuck sakes, my grandmother is 100% first nations. That would be so bad...can we move on...im owning the mistake, im embarrassed. :wall: :peace: