Hella Sunday...


Well-Known Member
Yesterday was one hell of a ride. o_O The "Murder Mountain" reputation of my grow area continues. Early Sunday morning my first clue something was going on was the Sheriff helicopter circling over and around my farm. I drove out to our locked gate to be greeted by a team of sheriffs with dogs. I could see down the road and there were several other teams as well, apparently in the pre-dawn hrs Sunday Morning they had already set up a command post about 1 mile up the road and had the road blocked. Looked like there must have been several doz Sheriff's with at least 5-6 dogs. They had search warrants for all properties on this road and were searching from house to house or farm to farm (we're all pot farmers out here) looking for a missing trimmigrant person. They searched all around my farm with a dog and never asked a single question about the pot plants, and left and went down the road. By late afternoon they were finished and were gone. Like i said it was one hella day up in the hills.:roll:
It would seem to me the last place to try to hide in would a farm w a valuable crop. In my corner of the globe, shotguns take care of ‘unwanted’ visitors!
they were looking for a dead trimmigrant...
That’s crazy man. I have been intrigued with that area since watching Murder Mountain on Netflix. I thought it was pretty cool (aside from the obvious) listening to the OG (like yourself) talking about the good old days of smuggling seeds and how we came to have a lot of the genetics that we do today. Stay safe Double JJ.
Glad they were there for something else and didn't mess with you or the crew. Must have been a butt puckering moment seeing that coming up the mountain!