
Don’t be like someone I know that’s writing this post right now and buys a cheap pen and then go crazy trying to figure out why Your plants dying been there done that not cool at all
cheap pens can definitely do the trick for some but you need to give yourself room for error. I did fine on my first two grows. Having a cheap one is better than nothing especially for checking your ec
Nice. I just ordered some. Thanks man, but I'll probably bug you again when I get it and mix it up, lol.
If you haven't yet, get a stirring plate, you will thank me later. Always use glass on one too, I have had the magnet wear a hole through plastic beakers when I forget and leave it running overnight lol mason jars work well, turn it upside down and the magnet sticks to the lid.
If you haven't yet, get a stirring plate, you will thank me later. Always use glass on one too, I have had the magnet wear a hole through plastic beakers when I forget and leave it running overnight lol mason jars work well, turn it upside down and the magnet sticks to the lid.
Thanks, what do you recommend?
Thanks, what do you recommend?
I just picked up a cheap one off amazon, figured I would see how long it lasts lol. I leave it running overnight a lot and so far so good. I am sure the more expensive ones are nicer but then I would have to worry about spilling salty shit on it. You don't need to bone up for the heated one.
I just picked up a cheap one off amazon, figured I would see how long it lasts lol. I leave it running overnight a lot and so far so good. I am sure the more expensive ones are nicer but then I would have to worry about spilling salty shit on it. You don't need to bone up for the heated one.
I saw this one.

I see they have an Apera one too.

You don't have a link to the one you're talking about do you?
You don't have a link to the one you're talking about do you?
That intellilab is the one I ordered. Nothing fancy but it works. That Apera looks like it's nicer but in my case I went cheap on this one figuring that I would spill something on it sooner or later thus limiting it's life span. I know, I always preach against cheap stuff and if I thought I would be taking care of it I would probably buy the Apera, doubt you will require the holder for anything. Really though, not like it's critical gear like a pH pen. If you get the Apera don't forget to get some of the magnetic pills as I don't think they are included. I would get nicer ones because the cheapo ones are usually poorly balanced and when you try to spin them fast they fly off center and stop.
KCl is 74.5513 g/mol (according to google)

To make 1000 ml of 2 mole strength solution we would start with 900 ml of distilled or RO water, add 2 x 74.5513 = 149.1 grams of the KCl powder and stir until it's dissolved and then pour into a graduated cylinder and top off with your pure H2O to get a total volume of 1000 ml.

If I am correct you can dissolve about 340 grams per liter of h2o at 68F, that would be saturation.

You don't really have to be all uber precise with it really. I have often just done it to saturation and then added enough H2O to double the volume.
That intellilab is the one I ordered. Nothing fancy but it works. That Apera looks like it's nicer but in my case I went cheap on this one figuring that I would spill something on it sooner or later thus limiting it's life span. I know, I always preach against cheap stuff and if I thought I would be taking care of it I would probably buy the Apera, doubt you will require the holder for anything. Really though, not like it's critical gear like a pH pen. If you get the Apera don't forget to get some of the magnetic pills as I don't think they are included. I would get nicer ones because the cheapo ones are usually poorly balanced and when you try to spin them fast they fly off center and stop.
What magnetic pills do you recommend? I was gonna order the extra 7 that comes with the cheap kit. Or should I get something else? And will a quart Mason jar work as well as a glass beaker? Thanks again.
KCl is 74.5513 g/mol (according to google)

To make 1000 ml of 2 mole strength solution we would start with 900 ml of distilled or RO water, add 2 x 74.5513 = 149.1 grams of the KCl powder and stir until it's dissolved and then pour into a graduated cylinder and top off with your pure H2O to get a total volume of 1000 ml.

If I am correct you can dissolve about 340 grams per liter of h2o at 68F, that would be saturation.

You don't really have to be all uber precise with it really. I have often just done it to saturation and then added enough H2O to double the volume.
Perfect. Do you mean to add extra distilled or RO water to top it off to 1000ml, or my own well water? Thanks once again, lol.
Do you mean to add extra distilled or RO water to top it off to 1000ml, or my own well water?
You are kidding right?
To make 1000 ml of 2 mole strength solution we would start with 900 ml of distilled or RO water, add 2 x 74.5513 = 149.1 grams of the KCl powder and stir until it's dissolved and then pour into a graduated cylinder and top off with your pure H2O to get a total volume of 1000 ml.
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All the cheap stir bars I have tried were crap, couldn't even turn it up past 30 or 40% with most of those. The balanced ones I had much better luck with, most of those I could crank up so long as I ease the speed up so the water catches up.

This is the balanced set I was talking about:

I do like the 2 liter brown mason jars myself but smaller ones I also use sometimes.
You are kidding right?
I wish I could say I was, lol.

That's what I thought you meant, but I remember the BlueLab Soil Pen saying not to rinse with RO water, so I just wanted to make sure.

Thanks for making me feel like a real dumbass. Kidding man. I know that was a really stupid question. But in my defense, I am a stoner. I'm sure I'll have an even dumber one sometime in the future, lol.

Seriously thanks for all your help.