Here are some basics, I’ll prob accidentally leave some out cause i’m new to this so feel free to ask questions: I’m growing 4 Plants outside (they are in pots right now), and I’m using soil. Not sure on the percentages of things in the soil, but the soil i’m using is Miracle-gro potting mix.
Everyone reading that probably just cringed so hard when you read the words miracle-gro. When I stared growing, I wasn’t aware of the dangers of miracle-gro but I also didn’t know much about growing either. I used my dad as a reference, cause when he grew a while back, he used miracle-gro for his weed and it worked fine, but he only used the miracle-gro food. I’m not sure if all my problems are stemming from the miracle-gro or what, But I really need some advice! I’m getting curling and yellowing on my bottom leaves, on 2 of plants, and it’s starting to move up to the tip of the 2 first fan leaves. On my third plant, something is eating her! I don’t know what it could be. Previously, I had a couple caterpillars try to move in, but they were very very little and there was only 2 and I killed them. Ever since I killed them no more came back, and there no more poop underneath the leaves. I had to remove the bottom damaged leaves that the caterpillars ate on cause they were brown. There’s still no poop but now there’s bite marks / leaves missing (only the little new grow leaves / only bite marks on the little leaves). Lastly, my last plant, is a sad one. She’s burnt, and 2 of the three leafed leaves got completely burnt and i had to remove them. New five leaved leaves came out, but they stopped growing, and only got burnt somewhat. Pictures are below. THANK YOU FOR READING AND I APPRECIATE ANY ADVISE !

Everyone reading that probably just cringed so hard when you read the words miracle-gro. When I stared growing, I wasn’t aware of the dangers of miracle-gro but I also didn’t know much about growing either. I used my dad as a reference, cause when he grew a while back, he used miracle-gro for his weed and it worked fine, but he only used the miracle-gro food. I’m not sure if all my problems are stemming from the miracle-gro or what, But I really need some advice! I’m getting curling and yellowing on my bottom leaves, on 2 of plants, and it’s starting to move up to the tip of the 2 first fan leaves. On my third plant, something is eating her! I don’t know what it could be. Previously, I had a couple caterpillars try to move in, but they were very very little and there was only 2 and I killed them. Ever since I killed them no more came back, and there no more poop underneath the leaves. I had to remove the bottom damaged leaves that the caterpillars ate on cause they were brown. There’s still no poop but now there’s bite marks / leaves missing (only the little new grow leaves / only bite marks on the little leaves). Lastly, my last plant, is a sad one. She’s burnt, and 2 of the three leafed leaves got completely burnt and i had to remove them. New five leaved leaves came out, but they stopped growing, and only got burnt somewhat. Pictures are below. THANK YOU FOR READING AND I APPRECIATE ANY ADVISE !