Pandemic 2020

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So, uh, the directive came down this morning. Everybody in our organization is now required to wear a mask.

Despite this and the fact that we have a person here working who is untested and exhibited Covid-19 symptoms, management declined to brief employees on the new policy. I am the only person wearing a mask.
Sorry to hear about it Unclebaldrick. That sounds terrible . It sounds very stressful. You are not alone. I am very stressed as well. I picked up some shifts at the ER and didn’t realize how much additional stress it would give me. And now one of the dr.s at work came to work sick and then tested positive. He didn’t wear a mask all the time and I only heard about it through a chance meeting in the break room (12 feet apart chat) from a nurse that works with him . and when I asked if she would now get tested she said no even though she said she should. This is what I have feared from the beginning of this Pandemic back in March and now it’s happening With close contacts testing positive and then is Nothing being Said or done by management. I continue to do as much social distancing as possible . Always wear a mask and gear up with n95 with surgical mask on top , gown , face shield when working the ER or any direct patient contact and wash my hands a lot and disinfect all surfaces after every person.

the Karma police have their hands full.

If you can double up on masks of get any filtered type mask that will help even more and a face shield really helps. Good luck! Take care and stay safe.
Anytime I’m out, which is rare, I’m always wearing an n95 with a bandana over it. Sunglasses and a hat too.

Most everyone at the grocery store is masked up, not so much in other stores though. Usually pretty easy to keep 10 feet even from the cashier.

I mix my own bleach solution once I get home and disinfect anything I touched from the truck to the house and anything I bought. We have washable reusable rags we bought once we ran out of Clorox wipes

One thing I’ve been getting to do a lot more of now that I’m not working is to play golf again. You have to call in your payment and wear a mask until you get to the first tee. There’s little foam things in the cup so you don’t have to touch anything. I hear a lot of chatter along the lines of infowars conspiracies while warming up but luckily have not been paired with any of those types. It’s so contactless and distanced that I don’t have to worry at all.

Colorado has been holding up ok despite the retards. We go to Denver occasionally to see my wife’s parents. In the mornings and weekdays everyone is masked up everywhere. In the evenings and weekends it gets filled with maskless assholes dining together on open air patios. Seems like the cities are victims of crybaby out of town assholes who just need their meal out.

Just incredible
Anytime I’m out, which is rare, I’m always wearing an n95 with a bandana over it. Sunglasses and a hat too.

Most everyone at the grocery store is masked up, not so much in other stores though. Usually pretty easy to keep 10 feet even from the cashier.

I mix my own bleach solution once I get home and disinfect anything I touched from the truck to the house and anything I bought. We have washable reusable rags we bought once we ran out of Clorox wipes

One thing I’ve been getting to do a lot more of now that I’m not working is to play golf again. You have to call in your payment and wear a mask until you get to the first tee. There’s little foam things in the cup so you don’t have to touch anything. I hear a lot of chatter along the lines of infowars conspiracies while warming up but luckily have not been paired with any of those types. It’s so contactless and distanced that I don’t have to worry at all.

Colorado has been holding up ok despite the retards. We go to Denver occasionally to see my wife’s parents. In the mornings and weekdays everyone is masked up everywhere. In the evenings and weekends it gets filled with maskless assholes dining together on open air patios. Seems like the cities are victims of crybaby out of town assholes who just need their meal out.

Just incredible

the native here in FOCO will tell you how great this place was 20 years ago until we came; they also tell you they will 'do what's right for themselves' which is walking Old Town maskless, letting dogs off leash then running up to you (maskless and breathing heavy) 'is your dog friendly?'
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I have to say it’s comforting to hear other people being very careful. Friends have been calling us with invitations to backyard get togethers and we keep saying no. My wife and I ask each other, are we the only crazy ones?

I’m not playing golf yet but I’m slowly working on getting my wife to allow me to. :D
Here in NS we haven't had a case in a month except for a couple that were imported, tested and isolated. About 10 to 20% of people are wearing masks and many have forgotten about social distancing. I think wearing a mask indoors should be mandatory, more masks mean more freedom of action for people, the economy and the healthcare system. When you can drive numbers down to a certain level it is possible to contact trace and isolate effectively, you also have a lot more testing capacity freed up to do sentinel and high risk group monitoring.
We have our fair share of morons up here to.

check out the video. Hugs over masks. How insane.
They should identify them by video and issue a thousand dollar fine to each one, or whatever the max penalty, they wanted to make a statement, so should the government. A week in jail for each one would be better and send a clear message. Masks mean more freedom for everybody, increasingly evidence is pointing to airborne spread as the major route of transmission, social distancing, hand hygiene and masks will dramatically decrease the R0 of this disease. Bars and dine in restaurants are non starters, drunks cannot social distance, you need to be mindful for that, the wandering cell phone zombies are bad enough.
Anytime I’m out, which is rare, I’m always wearing an n95 with a bandana over it. Sunglasses and a hat too.

Most everyone at the grocery store is masked up, not so much in other stores though. Usually pretty easy to keep 10 feet even from the cashier.

I mix my own bleach solution once I get home and disinfect anything I touched from the truck to the house and anything I bought. We have washable reusable rags we bought once we ran out of Clorox wipes

One thing I’ve been getting to do a lot more of now that I’m not working is to play golf again. You have to call in your payment and wear a mask until you get to the first tee. There’s little foam things in the cup so you don’t have to touch anything. I hear a lot of chatter along the lines of infowars conspiracies while warming up but luckily have not been paired with any of those types. It’s so contactless and distanced that I don’t have to worry at all.

Colorado has been holding up ok despite the retards. We go to Denver occasionally to see my wife’s parents. In the mornings and weekdays everyone is masked up everywhere. In the evenings and weekends it gets filled with maskless assholes dining together on open air patios. Seems like the cities are victims of crybaby out of town assholes who just need their meal out.

Just incredible
Ya know what Twain said about golf?:D
Seems I was the victim of ignorance!
"Golf is a good walk spoiled." Popularly attributed to Mark Twain, but it was first used in 1948".
Anytime I’m out, which is rare, I’m always wearing an n95 with a bandana over it. Sunglasses and a hat too.

Most everyone at the grocery store is masked up, not so much in other stores though. Usually pretty easy to keep 10 feet even from the cashier.

I mix my own bleach solution once I get home and disinfect anything I touched from the truck to the house and anything I bought. We have washable reusable rags we bought once we ran out of Clorox wipes

One thing I’ve been getting to do a lot more of now that I’m not working is to play golf again. You have to call in your payment and wear a mask until you get to the first tee. There’s little foam things in the cup so you don’t have to touch anything. I hear a lot of chatter along the lines of infowars conspiracies while warming up but luckily have not been paired with any of those types. It’s so contactless and distanced that I don’t have to worry at all.

Colorado has been holding up ok despite the retards. We go to Denver occasionally to see my wife’s parents. In the mornings and weekdays everyone is masked up everywhere. In the evenings and weekends it gets filled with maskless assholes dining together on open air patios. Seems like the cities are victims of crybaby out of town assholes who just need their meal out.

Just incredible
First time I ever played the game was in Estes Park 35 years ago and I laughed so hard I almost passed out at the higher elevations ....... mountains suck lol.
Looks like the southern states are falling for the hoax.
They are dropping like flies from it, making a few racist morons think twice about Donald and perhaps some will just stay home in Nov. Donald's redstate rampage is racking up the numbers and those governors who sucked his ass have shit on their faces and in their heads. The price of their citizens lives (congressmen & senators too) was a fucking mean tweet, the price of mass murder and stupidity. Never has human life been sold so cheaply, hundreds of thousands of people, for fear of a mean tweet, the GOP couldn't give two fucks for the country or its citizens. At least Hitler and Stalin had to kill & terrorize their minions to do that, Trump just needs a few minutes with his thumbs and they obey an obvious lunatic & traitor.
Reality strikes back... Now he wants to use the kids to wipe his ass with, schools reopening with the epidemic rising to unprecedented levels.

Have any of these Trumpers noticed how other countries have dealt with this pandemic? Have they seen any graphs?

That's how destructive a force racism is and why it is a national security threat of the first order. ALL of Trump's base are motivated by racism and nothing else, not treason or even their own health and safety can change many minds. The more racist, the more committed to Trump, those who are soft racist are falling away, but if Donald just shut up, they would quickly forgive and forget. Many like what Donald is doing for the country and say so, it shows in his poll numbers, 40% still support him and I can't see it going below 35% no matter what.
U.S. Hits 3,000,000 Confirmed COVID-19 Cases As Trump Applauds Response | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

The United States hit a grim milestone as officials confirmed the nation has had over three million coronavirus cases since the pandemic began as cases continue to surge in states across the country. Trump, meanwhile, still says his government's response has been a good one.
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