PH problems in my soil. Need help asap.

I stated that in thw very first line . I made it clear in the begining that i used NO NUTES EVER! But everyone is missing that. I waited till all the very simple minor adjustments had been tried over course of 3 weeks before i tried any nutes or calmag or anything. Its in the first line of posts. Very clear thats why i figures it had to be ph...... i wasnt just guessing about ph. It was deduction just like i posted long ago
Your soil had nutes in the bag, right? You can still lock out if you never fed nutes. That can happen when you guess what the pH of your feed water is. No one knows if your problem is lock out or just under feeding until you get a pH meter.
Herbs n suds says a ph meter wont work. And that it doesnt matter because"soil is a buffer for ph" i guess his soil has never went to high or to low, some magic soil i guess.
To get the right pH. Very doubtful its 6-6.5 out of the tap, plus it does contain some bicarbonate that will build in the soil which can lead to lock out. Using acid removes some of the bicarbonate and it gets the pH to the desired level.
I stated that in thw very first line . I made it clear in the begining that i used NO NUTES EVER! But everyone is missing that. I waited till all the very simple minor adjustments had been tried over course of 3 weeks before i tried any nutes or calmag or anything. Its in the first line of posts. Very clear thats why i figures it had to be ph...... i wasnt just guessing about ph. It was deduction just like i posted long ago
You said you tried "extra nutes "
Well i know it is the ph. Im not guessing, im going based on deduction. Ive tried every other solution, flushing, calmag, epsoms salt. Raised the lights. Tried no nutrients for 2 weeks tried extra nutrients. They are not able to draw up any nutrients and that suggests ph. The stems are red. Leaves are yellow, folded like a taco rough edges. Heres some pics. You make a guess if youd like
Yea extra means SOME as opposed to the NONE i had been using. And yes my tap water comes out of the tap at 6.0-6.5
so much bad nfo in here and too many different opinions, the guy is going to fuck his plant up listening to some of you.
I dont know why you dont know the info on nutes, temp, pictures sympToms. Ive given all of that 3 times. NO NUTES!! I HAVE USED NO NUTES, NOT ANY EVER. then everything went yellow. How else do you need me to say it. I put seed in dirt. It grew. I put in bigger pot it grew better. Opend tent one day PLANTS WERE YELLOW WITH NO NUTES EVER.. tem is 75 deg humidity 48-55% thought it might have been over watered so i let the dry untill they asked for water. Gave them water they got worse STILL NO DAMN NUTES TEMP STILL75 DEG raisex lights about 10-12inches it didnt help HERE IT IS AGAIN STILL NO NUTES. i waited till they were dry gave them (for the first time ever) calmag. Nothing happenned. 3 days later gave them epsoms salt foliar spray. Didnt help. STILL NO DAMN NUTES. waited 3 days gave then a half dose of NUTES FINALLY 24-8-16. no response!. It cant get any more plain. And before you say i haven given you any info on what Nutes i gave. I GAVE NO FREAKIN NUTES. Not untill couple days ago. If you would read from where you said the first 3 times about nutes, i told you NONE. PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU REPEAT YOUR RESPONSE.
I read you gave them a little, then a lot, but I think you need to just get a PPM meter and start feeding them regularly with a proper amount of nutes. soil should have ph buffers in it so that shouldn't be the issue. ph needs to swing as soil dries to take in different nutes. but giving them one feeding of unknown ppms then saying it did nothing is not the right way. forget checking anything in your run-off, that tells you nothing. your plant is showing deficiencies, meaning that bitch is hungry, especially after you stressed her running all that water thru her. forget the word'flushing' that's for turds.
I know thwy are hungry but i just dont know the best course of action to take and get them started on a better road as soon as possible
8.7-9.6ph would kill every fish i got in minutes. I dont have to raise or lower water going into the tank. So how does that work
8.7-9.6ph would kill every fish i got in minutes. I dont have to raise or lower water going into the tank. So how does that work

It works the same way as ordinary bro science. You are trying to use fish as a bro science experiment. Pretty twisted dude. Think of the fish.

I just gave you official water stats for SF. Not surprisingly, you chose to ignore reality. If you think Stanford is wrong about their water report, I suggest you write them a strongly worded letter and be sure to tell them about your fish.
You shouldn’t have to check your soil ph if you have good soil
Herbs n suds says a ph meter wont work. And that it doesnt matter because"soil is a buffer for ph" i guess his soil has never went to high or to low, some magic soil i guess.
The microbes in the soil take care of the buffering. As long as you don’t over or under water the soil should be ok. Mycorrhizae are very magical!