PH problems in my soil. Need help asap.

Also why would a PH tester made for soil testing not give me an accurate ph of the soil? That is what it is designed to do.
Well i live in down town san francisco ca. Our tap water is fine and its all i used on my last grow and never had a problem. And yes i flushed them all but i didny know anything about a chleating agent. Everything i read just said use 2 times the size of the pot worth of water to flush. I actually used one guys remedy off youtube. After i flushed i used about a half gal of fish tank water to top it off. It didnt fix that plant completley but its the only one that started turning green within 2 days.

The TDS of your water is only 33ppm just like it is back in Bama. You have good water. Rolltide!

but i didny know anything about a chleating agent. Everything i read just said use 2 times the size of the pot worth of water to flush.

Bruh. The 'nuke it' flush is all about the chelating agent. Dafuq you listening to some clowns on YouTube for?
Naa aaa this guy aint no clown check him out amazing stuff hes got going
Most of the time i dont deal with you tube because all it is are a bunch of idiots showing panoramic shot of their lights, then watch them smoke like 5 blunts in slo motion to some dumb gangster dope doing beat, while they show plants they dont even have, nor know how to grow.
The only thing ive done that anyone said might help is us fish tank water. And it did. And by the way i only gave them nutrients 1 time and that was after they started looking sick and turning yellow and folding. so how could the have nute lock out. Then i tried a dose of calmag the a foliar epsoms salt spray but no response
Thats what i concluded too. But some others here say that you dont have to check ph. Ph meters dont work. Im using the wrong water ect.... thats why the title of this thread is Ihave a soil ph problem. What do i use to raise it or lower it the fastest and safest. But everyone seems to think its nothing to do with ph. I dunno why no one has offered to try to answer the question. Everyone wanted pics, and a description of my water and what nutes im using. So i gave all that, and evryone here still hasnt said how to raise or lower ph. I dunno why
pH is the most important thing in growing bro. Without proper pH you can do everthing like a pro and you will fail anyway. So do not lose your money for cheap junk and buy high quality pH and EC meter.
Take a look at the pics and give me a better reasoning for whats going on it would be most helpfull

still no info on nutes etc . I think your messing with it too much and that the worse thing you can do.
and I havent figured out exactly what your problem is ive had that before.
when a leaf goes bad like that you are not going to make it green again, give up on that
when your plant has a problem start over with a clean slate
flush the pot thoroughly renute add in some epsom salt add back microbes leave it alone
makes sure you add back microbes they are your workhorse.
leave it alone after that
sometimes good enough is just that...good enough plant looks good other than the issues im seeing
Thats what i concluded too. But some others here say that you dont have to check ph. Ph meters dont work. Im using the wrong water ect.... thats why the title of this thread is Ihave a soil ph problem. What do i use to raise it or lower it the fastest and safest. But everyone seems to think its nothing to do with ph. I dunno why no one has offered to try to answer the question. Everyone wanted pics, and a description of my water and what nutes im using. So i gave all that, and evryone here still hasnt said how to raise or lower ph. I dunno why
For rise use dolomite lime. I do not think you need to lower it...
fuck checking ph.... water in at 6.2 ...6.0 and your good microbes take it from there.
The only time you check run off is when you think the soil is too hot just so you can say yup soils hot need to flush
fuck checking ph.... water in at 6.2 ...6.0 and your good microbes take it from there.
The only time you check run off is when you think the soil is too hot just so you can say yup soils hot need to flush
I do not think this is true... Watering with 6,0-6,2 kicks you into Mg and P def in early flower instantly. Better to keep the soil pH around 6,4-6,7.
I do not think this is true... Watering with 6,0-6,2 kicks you into Mg and P def in early flower instantly. Better to keep the soil pH around 6,4-6,7.

The microbes do this at the root surface. Get it close by watering in at 6.2 and the microbes will take it from there.
Your chaseing numbers that dont mean anything that you cant do anything about.

The soil you buy at the store has probably been checked before they bagged it im sure, they wont stay in business selling shitty soil that has a fucked up ph to it. then the microbes take care of it then you check run off get a weird number for whatever reason then start to try to change it then that fucks with the plant.

Best thing to do here is flush.. renute ...renuteing correctly correct ratios ..a good veg nute and some mag cuz that always helps ..add back microbes cuz they do the work.. leave it alone.
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I dont know why you dont know the info on nutes, temp, pictures sympToms. Ive given all of that 3 times. NO NUTES!! I HAVE USED NO NUTES, NOT ANY EVER. then everything went yellow. How else do you need me to say it. I put seed in dirt. It grew. I put in bigger pot it grew better. Opend tent one day PLANTS WERE YELLOW WITH NO NUTES EVER.. tem is 75 deg humidity 48-55% thought it might have been over watered so i let the dry untill they asked for water. Gave them water they got worse STILL NO DAMN NUTES TEMP STILL75 DEG raisex lights about 10-12inches it didnt help HERE IT IS AGAIN STILL NO NUTES. i waited till they were dry gave them (for the first time ever) calmag. Nothing happenned. 3 days later gave them epsoms salt foliar spray. Didnt help. STILL NO DAMN NUTES. waited 3 days gave then a half dose of NUTES FINALLY 24-8-16. no response!. It cant get any more plain. And before you say i haven given you any info on what Nutes i gave. I GAVE NO FREAKIN NUTES. Not untill couple days ago. If you would read from where you said the first 3 times about nutes, i told you NONE. PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU REPEAT YOUR RESPONSE.