Lockdowns work.


Well-Known Member
Working from home is great but real factories still have to produce real products, like chicken tenders or Hondas.
They have to provide a safe working environment as well. That is the law, for what it's worth.

Under Trump, companies are free from this legal requirement. Essential workers face the risks while Trump protects their nonessential managers, who while working from home, are shielded from lawsuits brought by the workers they negligently put in harms way.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Figured I'd have a look at yer neighborhood since Donald's visit, Okie has a pop of 4 million. Looks like most counties have cases and some have a lot.
Health officials report 580 new coronavirus cases in Oklahoma
I worked the ER this morning. A whopping 3 Possible Covid patients. One old hag came in without a mask on and told me she was Covid positive . I told her she has to wear a maks all the time but she seemed mentally deranged and living in an alternative reality . None had temps. So looking real good for now. Couldn’t be happier .

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
what the helllllll? serious question please answer.
You go inside and the cube and stay safe from exposure . It’s jus like a grow tent with a filter but it’s clear so that your trainer can still keep an eye on your form and keep you motivated. It’s really natural and if your an indoor grower like me it helps you to relate to your plants more. Because you become a Like a plant In full flower but with big muscles instead to big buds.

I understand how you may be shocked at first but please try to liquify your mind and go with the flow of the times.

Stay safe and Stay healthy!


Well-Known Member
Still have yet to and we the question when in human history have we quarantined healthy people
The whole point is we don't know who is healthy.

From wiki wiki:

A quarantine is a restriction on the movement of people and goods which is intended to prevent the spread of disease or pests. It is often used in connection to disease and illness, preventing the movement of those who may have been exposed to a communicable disease, but do not have a confirmed medical diagnosis. It is distinct from medical isolation, in which those confirmed to be infected with a communicable disease are isolated from the healthy population. Quarantine considerations are often one aspect of border control.
The concept of quarantine has been known since biblical times, and is known to have been practised through history in various places. Notable quarantines in modern history include that of the village of Eyam in 1665 during the bubonic plague outbreak in England; East Samoa during the 1918 flu pandemic; the 1972 Yugoslav smallpox outbreak, and extensive quarantines applied throughout the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Of course you remember from your Latin that the word quarantine comes from quarantena, meaning "forty days", used in 14th–15th-century Venetian and designating the period that all ships were required to be isolated before passengers and crew could go ashore during the Black Death plague epidemic


Well-Known Member
Meat Packing, chicken plants, some veggie and frozen food plants are in an endless winter with no Sun. The companies obviously consider workers expendable as does trump.
The cold dry air in the plants is heavy, which makes the C-19 partials lighter in relation, so they hang in the air longer. Plus you have to shout to be heard due to the machinery. Also face shields fog up in the cold air, so most have them turned up.

Meat packers are screwed.


Well-Known Member
I’m doubting there will be a vaccine anytime soon or any meaningful treatments so IMO the only way to stop this is to eliminate the transmission by using what we have, including masks, social distancing and serious contact tracing but that’s impossible when you have thousands mingling within inches. Sadly I’m losing any of the hope I had a month ago in containing this thing. Have they actually proven that the cold temps will have any effect or is that just more hypothesis?
The cold makes it easier to transmit disease caused by droplets from your breath. Air is heavier, thus the droplets are lighter. Summer doesn't kill the flu for example, it just makes it harder to transmit.


Well-Known Member
Workers could be spaced further apart if the lines ran slower at meat plants but that would be less profitable. Death by Capitalism.
It's not just a matter of profit. To slow down the lines would mean less meat packed. There is no time (nor inclination) to build new facilities now.


Well-Known Member
Less meat packed means more workers survive their employment. More whole chicken and less but bigger meat cuts. PPE for workers would be a big help.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
They have to provide a safe working environment as well.
Except it's impossible for any government which uses force to fund itself, rather than mutual agreement, to be part of or to ensure a "safe working environment" in the macro sense.

You may have confused imposed order with peace. Governments CAN provide imposed order, but if they are funded thru threats of violence, (they are) , it would be impossible for them to ensure peace.

You see, it's like the difference between you breaking into your neighbor's house and their dog bites you or the neighbor's dog coming into your house and biting you. Circumstances matter. Government makes no discernment when it uses violence and apparently you don't see any problem with that.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Less meat packed means more workers survive their employment. More whole chicken and less but bigger meat cuts. PPE for workers would be a big help.

Soylent green is the answer.

It's a win win and endorsed by 99.9 % of all chickens !

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
The cold dry air in the plants is heavy, which makes the C-19 partials lighter in relation, so they hang in the air longer. Plus you have to shout to be heard due to the machinery. Also face shields fog up in the cold air, so most have them turned up.

Meat packers are screwed.
I agree they are screwed but it’s the first I’ve heard cold dry air is heavy and the particles hang in the air longer. Do you have citation for this?