My Lightweight LED Frame


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I wanted to post some pics of my new LED frame. This is the first of two, meant for a 5x5 footprint. I'm going to be running 16 x Quantum QB132's, and 20 x UV, using 2 x HLG-480H-C1750A's. Shout out to @andymex for helping me figure out the lights and configuration.

This is really light, especially without the driver mounted on the frame. I'll be mounting my drivers on the wall. I'm using 16AWG because of the added distance. The main bar is 4', so you can see how wide the spread is. It comes out to 54". However, because the ends are only held in by one nut and bolt, they can pivot out, giving a really wide spread!

Tested all the boards before mounting them. I thought about drilling holes in the center bar, and running wires through it to each board, but I thought it might compromise the stiffness of the bar. It was either use a light aluminum bar with external wiring, or a heavier steel bar, and run the wires internally.

Still have to mount the UVs on the bottom of the center bar, but that shouldn't be too difficult.


Added some white paint. Couldn't decide on a color, so I played it safe LOL


Mounted the QB132 boards



I like how its done might have to do something like this wanting to do a veg area would be nice for it.
do u think if I would do a version like this but with 6 boards and maybe a little bit more spread out on the sides it would work and not sag the fixture?
doing two 4x4's pretty soon. It would be for veg only im thinking at 28ish watts a square foot would be fine I would think atleast.
I don't think it'd sag. The 1/16th aluminum square is pretty rigid.
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For hanging I would think having bars go out farther would make it easier to level out but I suppose those boards are super light weight. Can't wait to see it in action bro. Nice work!
I have always used 1/8" thick angle for lights since it's more rigid but I am working with heavier heat sinks on COB's
I have always used 1/8" thick angle for lights since it's more rigid but I am working with heavier heat sinks on COB's
I wasn't sure how the 1/16" was going to handle the weight, but it's holding up really well.