If The Egyptians Built The Pyramids, Why Doesn't It Show This In The Hieroglyphics?

its because they didn't....the great prymaid of giza was the first one built..perfect..all the ones after are the ones we replacated..flawed..also the word pyrmid is the only word in our language that doesn't have a root word..

And where did you get this information? The word pyramid is a greek word....look it up. Egyptians didnt call the structures pyramids....the greeks did. Egyptians called them Kuntis.

Most of the names you commonly associate with Egypt...Pyramids...Sphinx....Hieroglyhics etc......all Greek words.

And actually the structures that you are calling "flawed" were the 1st ones built. Pyramid building started as Mastabas. Burial tombs built in steps. Thats what they call a Step Pyramid. Imhotep....look him up....was the designer of the 1st Step Pyramid. As they continued to build them...eventually the construction techniques got better and they ended up with "perfect" Pyramids in Giza that are standing today. Hell....even those "flawed" Step Pyramids are still standing in some places.
Aliens flew accross the galaxy for millions of years because they wanted to build triangular shaped burial chambers for some dessert people....

No, wait... You're right. It was the ancient Atlantians! They swam up from their super secret underwater ocean base! And they built it BEFORE the egyptians ever even existed!

No wait! Amen Ra farted them out of his great powerful ass!

Why can't the simplest explaination ever be the right one?
Aliens flew accross the galaxy for millions of years because they wanted to build triangular shaped burial chambers for some dessert people....

No, wait... You're right. It was the ancient Atlantians! They swam up from their super secret underwater ocean base! And they built it BEFORE the egyptians ever even existed!

No wait! Amen Ra farted them out of his great powerful ass!

Why can't the simplest explaination ever be the right one?

so i guess they don't transcribe blueprints on the interior of skyscrapers. make since. why would they need to put blueprints on the walls of the pyramids?

but there are still a lot of mysteries. what is the simple explanation?:confused:
i dont know where you got your info.....prymaid has no root word look it up...also even with our flawed carbon dating they have proven the giza prymids were the first not the others....also what of the vally of the kings thats the real buril grounds....i guess when your mind is closed you cant open up....
actually the pyramids were built by volunteers who needed to earn a living during the time of year where agriculture wasn't possible (during the time when the Nile was down).

Here's the puzzle. Pyramids, or Kuntis, were being built on different continents during the same time period before intercontinental travel was thought to have existed. Archaeologists have found "cocaine" in the preserved remains of Egyptian mummies. Coca wasn't available in Africa, but it is in South America where other pyramids were being built.

Other "mysteries" include the pyramids of Giza being a mathematical replica of the stars in the belt of Orion. Also, they are built on the only ground able to support their weight. If built in another location, the ground would not have supported their immense weight and would led to structural unsoundness. Did this happen through trial and error? or did they have some way of knowing?

I do not claim that extraterrestrials had anything to do with the building, design, or any aspect of pyramid building. I don't believe that they are a beacon to aliens or any of that rubbish. I believe that they are an amazing feat, one we would have a terrible time of matching today.
we cant match it today....the spaces between the bricks of the giza prymaids cant even fit a razor blade....our bricks today at smallest gap is 1/4inch.....also there is a room in the great one that can harness natural electral courents......if you were to wrap a wet newspapper around your hand an wave wave it around in the room an touched someone with it theres enough of a charge there to know a man unconcinious....
i dont think aliens have to do with this, those pyramids are just true wonders designed and built by humans
what if thousands of years later someone find our computers and think they were built by aliens because they were too advanced?
i dont know where you got your info.....prymaid has no root word look it up...also even with our flawed carbon dating they have proven the giza prymids were the first not the others....also what of the vally of the kings thats the real buril grounds....i guess when your mind is closed you cant open up....

Cmon now...the things youre talking about can easily be researched...

The Step Pyramid
The earliest form of pyramid, the step, dates back to the 3rd Dynasty, and consists of several steps. A descending passage from the north leads to the buriel chamber. Underground galleries surround the pyramid on all but the south sides. The first, and probablythe only step pyramid ever completed, is that of King Netjerykhet Djoser at Saqqara. The Step pyramid is not near as pleasing to the eye as the True pyramid, which could explain the quick abandonment of this type of pyramid.

The Pyramids of Giza

Among the major tourist sites, there is only one considered to be “The major” and on top of any list - The Pyramids of Giza.
There are three main Pyramids here, which were built in the 4th Dynasty (circa 4650 B.C). The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt were built as tombs for Kings (and Queens), and it was the exclusive privilege to have a Pyramid tomb. However, this tradition only applied in the Old and Middle Kingdoms. Today there are more than 93 Pyramids in Egypt; the most famous ones are those at Giza.

Do you see the order in which they were built? Not hard to see that a 3rd Dynasty would come before the 4th Dynasty. So the Step Pyramids were built before the 3 major ones at Giza.

Now show me where I can see someone other than you say that this is wrong.

In a recent PAX Cable Television Network Special that featured Christopher Dunn, the narrator stated that the origin of the word "pyramid" was unknown. Academic Egyptologists agree this statement is incorrect. The word pyramid is derived from the Greek words PYRAMIS and PYRAMIDOS. The meaning of the word Pryamis is obscure and may relate to the shape of a pyramid. The word Pyramidos has been translated as "Fire In The Middle".
actually the pyramids were built by volunteers who needed to earn a living during the time of year where agriculture wasn't possible (during the time when the Nile was down).

Here's the puzzle. Pyramids, or Kuntis, were being built on different continents during the same time period before intercontinental travel was thought to have existed. Archaeologists have found "cocaine" in the preserved remains of Egyptian mummies. Coca wasn't available in Africa, but it is in South America where other pyramids were being built.

Other "mysteries" include the pyramids of Giza being a mathematical replica of the stars in the belt of Orion. Also, they are built on the only ground able to support their weight. If built in another location, the ground would not have supported their immense weight and would led to structural unsoundness. Did this happen through trial and error? or did they have some way of knowing?

I do not claim that extraterrestrials had anything to do with the building, design, or any aspect of pyramid building. I don't believe that they are a beacon to aliens or any of that rubbish. I believe that they are an amazing feat, one we would have a terrible time of matching today.

Interesing points...Its also documented that the Natives Americans told Columbus upon his "discovery" of America that they had been trading with Black skinned men with spears tipped with gold. "They Came Before Columbus" is one book to reference.

Also what about the heads of stone in South America that have faces of Black Men? Obviously...someone was getting around the world at a time when others werent. And yeah...Cocaine has been found in Egypt...though its a South American crop.
There's a good chance that the black muslims (moors, sorry if i spelt that wrong) did discover America long before the Spanish. It has also been noted that the Vikings had raided America too, hundreds of years before the Spanish.

I know the Egyptians built the pyramids. I have even read a semi biography of a pyramid builder and thief.

Egyptians believed in gods, they also didn't have any money. They worked on a barter system. They also believed that wordly goods could be used in heaven. So, if you were a pharoe, you'd have had lots of stuff. The more stuff you had the bigger burial chamber you needed. The pharoes even used to take their servants with them.

The servants would be sealed up and they would starve to death so as to meet their master in the afterlife. Not just human servants, but animals too.

The Egyptians revered death, as to them they truly believed in an afterlife. Even the pharoes palaces were made of mud bricks as they were never built to last forever. Yet the pyramids, the gateway to the afterlife, was something they took years to build. A pharoe would oversee the building of his own chamber, and many hundreds of servants would have died building it.
but has there been any pharoes found in these actaull chambers...and again what of the vally of the kings...why would they need 2 buriel mounds
as a true arien i am shocked at the crap that skecth is feedin the post....i am of a different race fuck that an fuck you.....being proud of what you are isn't a bad thing...if anything itsa a great thing...some of what you said makes sense...just not that....the alatis thery is a pssiblty but i think more of ester island....

i too am of arien heritage and my grandfather on my mother side was a free mason. having my own theory means i think for myself and draw conclusions. if this is not a site that i can share my ideas with and not get slanderd, then i will find another site to fall upon. i will get over it. you however will always be an arrogant ass! with a small vocabulary even,

....i am of a different race fuck that an fuck you.........

wow.... dont bother responding to this. i will not be visiting again.
Where did they get the light source to make all the engravings on the walls? There has never been any soot deposits found on the ceilings from torches.
Aliens flew accross the galaxy for millions of years because they wanted to build triangular shaped burial chambers for some dessert people....

No, wait... You're right. It was the ancient Atlantians! They swam up from their super secret underwater ocean base! And they built it BEFORE the egyptians ever even existed!

No wait! Amen Ra farted them out of his great powerful ass!

Why can't the simplest explaination ever be the right one?

So what is the simple explanation?
also the time these pyramids tombs temples were built all over the world by cultures that couldnt communicate let alone travel accross oceans. i have a theory, a bit far fetched but it has to do with aliens and god and war and well..... like i siad it is far fetched but i will share briefly... beings of mars destroyed the planet (greek mythology, aries, ariens, arien brother hood hitler) then cam eto earth to "occupy from east to west" (manafest destiny) started a breeding project with us 3D beautiful beings (ariens being 4D and jealous of us) there are other beings here on earth indgenous, but they went underground. think of that film of the alien autopsy, there physical make up suggest they werent exposed to light from the sun. anyway GOD was a being who tried to battle these ariens and still tries by teaching the truth (this has nothing to due with the bible the written document, evidence can be found only in the tora, which was written way after god was around as a man. most people who have taken lsd "feel" the truth, those of us who "create" feel godly. and thats cause we are. people like beorge gush for example are of a different species, who is related to a handful of people in control of the earth. think about it like this, can you burn a baby or kill some one and be "ok" inside as a person? no. but gush can and does everyday. he is not one of us. also, the brain receptors we humans have for cannabinoids and umm cocain and oppiates, how did we evolve with them if these plants were indigenous to certain parts of the world back in the day? roseman and i share the beliefe in atlantis and i think that they were the last civilation of being from earth. they fell to the ariens. much like hitler tried to take over the world and rid all "beings" except for the arien brotherhood. the illuminati were pagonists that started america, to exscape capture by GB, in order to control earth. i believe this THEORY more everyday when i see them destroying our beautiful planet and feeding us beautiful creatures of earth chemicals and artificial such. and instead of trying to fix it they invest money in the "space program", there is evidence that there was once water, not just water but bodies of water on mars. just my developing theory. peace

At least I'm not the only one, however that "alien autopsy" video was proven to be a hoax.
welp in retort to skecth.....when you share your opinion with people you must expext the fact that it may piss people off....in turn these people will say things to piss you off thats life....as for having a small vocab its not that...its just that i cant spell for shit...soooo..this is what you get.....thats the problem with gettin kicked out of school an startin your on life at 16....but thats cool...