What is your dream piece of stoner paraphernalia?


Well-Known Member
For you, what is the "holy grail" of weed-related items? Could be grinders, pipes, bongs, vape pens, rolling trays, etc.

Michigan death metal band the Black Dahlia Murder put out a branded grinder in their merch store a few years ago. It sold out in a heartbeat and now fetches prices upwards of 70 bucks in the TBDM fan group on Facebook. I could die happy after getting my mitts on this piece... well not immediately after, but maybe after smoking a nice fat J full of bud ground up with it.
tbdm grinder.jpg
Caitlin Rose Sweet Pussy pipe – Cult Party NYC
I would like to smoke a bowl out of the left femur of my mortal enemy, Adam Sandler, so I can finally proclaim "Now you have a single, solitary funny bone in your body." Technically it won't be in his body, but he'll be dead so the joke still works.

He does truly suck. He has a dramatic role in his new flick, Uncut Gems. Best thing I've seen him in. Still not great. The movie is worth watching...

The red pipestone pipe I made in 1981 and only used on special occasions like my birthday

it lived in a sheepskin-lined leather case which I also made

it was stolen out of my '65 Toyota landcruiser wagon in the parking lot of a 7-11 in Ballard, Washington while I was inside playing asteroids

I'd like to have that back
I had one of these when i was 16 or so. I had dreams about it over the decades since. One day I googled it and found that they are still made and still work great. I bought a bunch of em to give out to my buds. None of em even smoke joints I told them to hang it on their christmas trees or their nipples.1593564311088.png