Snapped main stem


Active Member
So on Thursday due to high winds my main stem snapped right at the base of the plant. I’ve tapped it up using electrical tape and staked it for support. The plant is very droopy at the moment I’m guessing due to lack of nutrients going up the plant. It’s an auto flower and have been flowering for about 2/3 weeks. Is there anything I can do to help the repair progress (if it survives)
Use some zip ties to hold the break together, dont apply anything there, not even water. See what happens. Sorry to hear about your plant, hopefully it recovers. The stress could cause bananas so keep a close eye out.
I use the soft plant ties when I break a branch.
I have 8 inch zip ties laying around for my trellis rigs so thats what I grabbed. lol They work though, doesn't have to be soft. I just yank them nice and tight and can just cut them off a few weeks later (if I remember) but leaving them never seemed to stunt that branch, oddly those branches typically performed as good as the others. The key is do they wilt within the first 24 hours. If they don't then they will live. I have even left branches that were broken alone and they performed the same. This image is a break that happened during some high stress super crop training (late veg) and wasn't even put back together and it survived just fine, the image was taken at harvest. Never have seen any stress bananas from training either and I have done some really high stress training with multiple strains.

stem break.jpg
She’s flowering alright so yours should be fine too


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Did yours drop loads? How long until she started to show signs of recovering?
Drop loads as in?
She waited like a week till she got back on. But I feel like one of those broken branches are flowering slower and more leafier than the others. But she survived. I was worried to death. I tried lst around 4th week of flower. Didn’t snap while I was doing it but it was broken later. I think it was too much stress for hardened stems. Try to like keep them together as much as you can. I couldn’t really put them back.
Drop loads as in?
She waited like a week till she got back on. But I feel like one of those broken branches are flowering slower and more leafier than the others. But she survived. I was worried to death. I tried lst around 4th week of flower. Didn’t snap while I was doing it but it was broken later. I think it was too much stress for hardened stems. Try to like keep them together as much as you can. I couldn’t really put them back.

like in stead of the leaves being stretched out trying to get the sun they are all just next to the plant. Like your arms being by your side
I think different plants react different. My guess your plant will be okay. Maybe less yield but she’ll bounce back. I have a stealth grow in my room and my plants get fucked all the time. But they still produce buds. I’m just trying to grow thc until I can grow buds lol so my opinion could be wrong
I have 8 inch zip ties laying around for my trellis rigs so thats what I grabbed. lol They work though, doesn't have to be soft. I just yank them nice and tight and can just cut them off a few weeks later (if I remember) but leaving them never seemed to stunt that branch, oddly those branches typically performed as good as the others. The key is do they wilt within the first 24 hours. If they don't then they will live. I have even left branches that were broken alone and they performed the same. This image is a break that happened during some high stress super crop training (late veg) and wasn't even put back together and it survived just fine, the image was taken at harvest. Never have seen any stress bananas from training either and I have done some really high stress training with multiple strains.

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It's crazy how strong they are though. This clone only Green Crack split when it started gaining weight, but it didn't seem to mind. I grew this one last year. This was day 40.

So on Thursday due to high winds my main stem snapped right at the base of the plant. I’ve tapped it up using electrical tape and staked it for support. The plant is very droopy at the moment I’m guessing due to lack of nutrients going up the plant. It’s an auto flower and have been flowering for about 2/3 weeks. Is there anything I can do to help the repair progress (if it survives)
I wanted to try manifolding this grow around and I broke BOTH main stems (like almost tore them right off) as you can see in that june4 pic.

I gently propped them up to 'close' the hole and put tape around both branches. It stunted the plants growth for a while there is no question about that, but both tears healed (into these woody looking knuckles now) and you wounldn't even know short of looking at those knuckles that anything was ever wrong with it cuz it's the top plant in the june24 image.

But fuck me for doing that lol, these plants can be resilient mother fuckers.


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So you understand why I make my trellis rigs so strong. lol That pic looks like something I woulda done as a kid with a black cat fire cracker. You know, the good old school ones.
Black Cat firecrackers got nothing on the stuff I made when I was younger. There'd be nothing left, lol.

Here's one story.

We had a beehive in our hot tub equipment pack house, so I told my dad I could take care of it. I attached a small homemade device next to the hive. Well let's just say I underestimated the power.

Good news was the bees were vaporized. Problem solved.

Bad new was half the housing was blown off.

Let's just say my dad wasn't happy, but he also wasn't too surprised that I blew shit up, lol.
i use split bamboo with old rubber bycyicle inertubes cut into strips and placed under the bamboo splints.
great advice, dont water or aply anything to the area, just prey to the great ganja god in the sky to heal it.
Shame, as ive herd that autos will take energy from growth/flower to repair its self, time the plant doesnt have on its side. good luck go go
Thought I would give an update. It’s been a week and the plant is still droopy. The new growth is still green and doesn’t seem to be dying or discolouring but the older fan leaves yellowed and died. I’m hoping the plant is using old growth as energy and re-absorbing it. What do people think or Isit just dying?


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Black Cat firecrackers got nothing on the stuff I made when I was younger. There'd be nothing left, lol.

Here's one story.

We had a beehive in our hot tub equipment pack house, so I told my dad I could take care of it. I attached a small homemade device next to the hive. Well let's just say I underestimated the power.

Good news was the bees were vaporized. Problem solved.

Bad new was half the housing was blown off.

Let's just say my dad wasn't happy, but he also wasn't too surprised that I blew shit up, lol.

whats your opinion on the picturesIn my last post?
I'd have give up with that one sorry to say.

No point in pulling it but I wouldn't hold much hope.

It still alive, just but looks very doubtful
It doesn't look good. Does it need water?
I watered her not long after she snapped. I have a gauge in the soil to test the moisture and it’s at a good level. I would have thought a lot more of the plant would be dying if no water/nutrients were getting to the plant. I need some good weather I’m growing outside and the weather has been terrible. I’ll stick with it but if no change I’ll have to germinate another seed
I'd have give up with that one sorry to say.

No point in pulling it but I wouldn't hold much hope.

It still alive, just but looks very doubtful
I won’t pull it as no point. I’m thinking the same as I thought it would have perked up after a few days if the healing was progressing. So annoying. Outside growing can be frustrating at times