So this is news to me.......


Well-Known Member
So it looks like my younger brother is getting divorced. He's fully licensed and grows for himself(less than 10 including moms n clones) The grow is in a tent in a room which has a deadbolt and the kids don't have access to or know about. He says his wife told him her lawyer informed her that the grow was deemed illegal simply because they have kids and it doesn't specifically say you can grow if you have kids on the paper work. To me it sounds like a flimsy/lazy or uneducated attempt at proving guilt through ommission somehow. I don't recall ever hearing or reading anything that backs these claims. Does anyone else know how much truth there is to this claim?
im guessing it depends what state, and/or country.

or he needs to get himself a good lawyer also.
I personally have not heard of kids stopping you from growing. This sounds incorrect imo.
Best thing he can do though is ask his lawyer as her lawyer will use anything he can to put the boots to your brother.
If he doesn't have lawyer tell him to get one FAST. He could say or do something that will only make shit harder for him.
He must realize his wife is now his enemy. She will be directed to do whatever is best for the kids. Her lawyer has no interest in his well being. Only his ability to pay.
Sadly his world has changed dramatically.
It’s because of all the shit they added into the Cannabis Act. People should really read every word of what the liberals gave them in that trojan horse. It’s not rec weed though it’s medical. Tell him to stand on his Rights and never trust a sleazebucket (lawyer).
I recently went through a nasty divorce with custody battle. Here is my suggestions for coming out on top. Get rid of all plants and weed and stop smoking and clean everything up. Either stash the equipment somewhere or grow some vegetables with it. Get a lawyer ASAP. Keep a log of everything, and I mean everything that makes you look good and her look bad. Strengthen your relationship with your children and seek counseling for them.

I know everyone is saying he will be fine but to be honest he may not be when it comes to kids. All it takes is DHS or child services to be called and do an investigation. I had DHS actually visit my home and want to see my space where I was growing. I had tomato and pepper plants going because I anticipated that would happen and the wife that said I was illegally growing had no idea I had vegetable plants. I cooperated with DHS and every authority and she didn't. I stopped doing everything, drinking, smoking weed, pills, shrooms all of it and cleaned my system. I got called to take piss tests and nail bed tests. it was a long lengthy process but about $80,000 later I am divorced and fought and won sole physical and legal custody of my daughter.

So I wouldn't be really listening to everyone on that says you will be fine. unless you are fine with possibly getting supervised visitation.

ETA: also don't argue, yell, scream, cuss or send any messages that can make you look like a bad person and her a victim. stay off social media. Close joint accounts but don't leave her high and dry to what she's entitled to. Take computers and devices or anything with pictures or information and stash them at a relative or friends house, and also anything else of value. Don't move out of house, don't give up your kids.
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I recently went through a nasty divorce with custody battle. Here is my suggestions for coming out on top. Get rid of all plants and weed and stop smoking and clean everything up. Either stash the equipment somewhere or grow some vegetables with it. Get a lawyer ASAP. Keep a log of everything, and I mean everything that makes you look good and her look bad. Strengthen your relationship with your children and seek counseling for them.

I know everyone is saying he will be fine but to be honest he may not be when it comes to kids. All it takes is DHS or child services to be called and do an investigation. I had DHS actually visit my home and want to see my space where I was growing. I had tomato and pepper plants going because I anticipated that would happen and the wife that said I was illegally growing had no idea I had vegetable plants. I cooperated with DHS and every authority and she didn't. I stopped doing everything, drinking, smoking weed, pills, shrooms all of it and cleaned my system. I got called to take piss tests and nail bed tests. it was a long lengthy process but about $80,000 later I am divorced and fought and won sole physical and legal custody of my daughter.

So I wouldn't be really listening to everyone on that says you will be fine. unless you are fine with possibly getting supervised visitation.

ETA: also don't argue, yell, scream, cuss or send any messages that can make you look like a bad person and her a victim. stay off social media. Close joint accounts but don't leave her high and dry to what she's entitled to. Take computers and devices or anything with pictures or information and stash them at a relative or friends house, and also anything else of value. Don't move out of house, don't give up your kids.
First off, I hear what your saying and agree with most of what your saying but this is Canada and weed is legal here. To stop producing his medication makes him look bad...IMO. like he doesnt really need it.
First off, I hear what your saying and agree with most of what your saying but this is Canada and weed is legal here. To stop producing his medication makes him look bad...IMO. like he doesnt really need it.
You both have good points, while growing in your home is not illegal whilst you have an up to date medical prescription, the lawyer won't be able to do jack shit regarding the fact you grow with children in the household. However he will try to go after little things surrounding its production, storage, and disposal most likely. It could be simple things like improper disposal of excess cannabis or improper storage and this will aid the wife battle because the court could consider it child endangerment if things aren't being done perfectly.
Lawyers are nasty people and only deserve each other, If your brother wants a good start head over onto reddit there is a half decent free legal section where he can share his story anonymously and get some feedback from some lawyers on where to start proceeding.

You both have good points, while growing in your home is not illegal whilst you have an up to date medical prescription, the lawyer won't be able to do jack shit regarding the fact you grow with children in the household. However he will try to go after little things surrounding its production, storage, and disposal most likely. It could be simple things like improper disposal of excess cannabis or improper storage and this will aid the wife battle because the court could consider it child endangerment if things aren't being done perfectly.
Lawyers are nasty people and only deserve each other, If your brother wants a good start head over onto reddit there is a half decent free legal section where he can share his story anonymously and get some feedback from some lawyers on where to start proceeding.

A lawyer can also go after someone for not being fit enough to parent do to medical issues and or being under the influence of medicines.

This isn't going to be a court for if one has a medical need for cannabis.
So it looks like my younger brother is getting divorced. He's fully licensed and grows for himself(less than 10 including moms n clones) The grow is in a tent in a room which has a deadbolt and the kids don't have access to or know about. He says his wife told him her lawyer informed her that the grow was deemed illegal simply because they have kids and it doesn't specifically say you can grow if you have kids on the paper work. To me it sounds like a flimsy/lazy or uneducated attempt at proving guilt through ommission somehow. I don't recall ever hearing or reading anything that backs these claims. Does anyone else know how much truth there is to this claim?
That sucks for him but then again more for the kids though...Kids need parents...
They can't use the kids to stop him growing though, especially if he has mmar..
He needs to learn about MGTOW asap....
if he has his valid health canada approval and the door locked i can't see it being an issue, but they might nit pick small things like is the electrical/wiring/ventilation etc up to code, does the equipment have valid safety certifications for sale and use in canada, maybe does the insurance policy cover or allow it, storage of dried medicine, is he doing open blasting or making solvent based extracts etc ... divorce lawyers are total pieces of shit and they'll find any reasons to attack even if it's totally frivolous just to increase their own billable hours and cause you more stress and waste your money too

divorce is always terrible especially with children involved and even more so if it's not amicable or friendly between you.. the guy above is right, never send any messages that can be used as evidence of anger issues or instability, even phone calls could be being recorded etc, but keep logs of all interactions and communicate by a method that leaves a paper trail
My ex downloaded every post from here, tried desperately to use my growing as an excuse for everything, solicited my sons' have to stand your ground because this is the time the nastiest little things are going to come back to haunt you.
you are so right Whatfg... what was once your partner....turns a total about face, though in my case I saw how selfish my x had become...
I guess I got fortunate that she did not try and use cannabis against me,but deep down she knew that I could rebuttal.... any stance on drugs that she could possibly take, and do it with authority...
For me with 36 years in at that point ...never really saw it coming...usually by that many years under the feel that its not going to ever happen to you....but she was thinking differently i'd say now...

As far as your bro goes...he needs to take that bull by the horns,since two can play that game.
Even if she was never a toker,he needs to paint her in that box...and stick to it wholly and not for even one second admit she did not smoke pot.
It will be his word against hers with a slight twist since (if) he had his MMAR or MMPR etc he was completely legal in what he was doing,however if she does not have legal paperwork to back her up she will be looked at as a person who does cannabis (illegally prior to the current legislation ) and is willing to lie about it.
So when it comes to her testimony he will already have a small leg up.

Plus if he words his side correctly he will not need to involve lawyers,but will easily win over the judge,since judges already know, what most people are all about and they also know she will have zero conscience about lying to the court.
In my case I did not retain any lawyer and still managed to get all of the asset's we had together, changed into my name, the only thing she got was her pension and she knew fully I could go after it as well .... if I choose to.

Mostly because I choose to give up a 6 figure a year job to stay home with all three of my girls back in 1990's,,,, when they were born and bring them up as fully adjusted humans ..... making healthy in the body and mind adults of today...
fortunately they had also, grown up and moved out of the house and all graduated from university by the time she lost her mind.
Deep down I believe that it was the passing of her mother, that started this ball rolling,since she spent 6 months in the hospital with her and I would not doubt, she did everything she could to drive that final wedge into the crack, so her daughter would rethink her whole life..
Her mother did her utmost all thru our marriage to create doubt and turmoil but when I was around she had to shut her mouth, since I would always make her look foolish with my logic.
Tell your Brother,I'm thinking of him and hope things work out to the point that she is not purposely trying to fuck him over and they can at least remain friendly enough to not mess up the kids....THIS IS #1 in importance
sorry for the long post
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No kidding! No matter how in love you are and how great things are you just can't really trust them with everything. My dick and being in love make me stupid as shit.

But I took some precuations during my 11 year marriage. I had her phone set up in a way she couldn't fuck me with any evidence on her phone.