Quitting Smoking...


Active Member
Only cigerettes and cigars of course... hehe... still gonna smoke the green though :blsmoke:... But yeah, after four years of pretty much chain smoking (and I'm only 19 mind you) I figured it's prolly time to quit while I'm still young and still KIND OF have the will power... I have a large stock of soda which is what help me quit last time, so everytime I get a headache or get edgey I just pop one open and suck it down..

Like I said though... still smokin me some green though ^_^...green is natural and doesn't have a shitload of chemicals crammed in it.

Any tips for quitting smoking?... I hear popping sunflower seeds works kinda good.

yeah i'm tryna quit smoking ciggys too, its just you get this mild headache and tiredness... i dont like it haha, chewing gum also helps i believe.
get you a rolling machine and fill you pack of empty cigs with joints...and just smoke pot instead. i find it at least 20x easier to quit pot than cigs
Quit the cigs. If you must light up, weed is the answer. Cigs are tough though. I still want one every once in a while.
find something that makes you hate not being able to breathe.

for me it was surfing, you need all the lung capacity you can when you're held down underwater for 30 seconds to a minute
I smoked two packs a day from 11 years old to 14 years old. Not as long as most smokers, but relatively heavy. I was a good bit addicted when I decided to quit.

What helped me a lot was having a straw or something cut down to the size of a cigarette to keep in my mouth and suck air through. For some reason that helped a lot. Those "one-hitter" cigarette look alike pipes would be great for that.

Additionally, I started an exercise program. That helped move my mind to something new. Definitely do that... even just a nice brisk walk everyday for a half-hour (if you can). It doesn't have to be hardcore, in fact, it shouldn't be. It should be a good activity that is relaxing at the same time. Maybe a nice long bike ride or something like that would work just as well.

Just know it is going to be tough at first. Expect it. Nicotine is a helluva addictive drug. Eventually the cravings will go from daily to every other day, then a couple times a week. When I was 20 I was probably getting the cravings twice a year. Now, near 30, it is more like once every couple of years... just for a few minutes. And it isn't strong or anything like that. You can do it, no problem! Just do what you have to do.
yeah, i love smoking mentol - lights, and i feel like my lungs are suffereing severe from it. I didnt smoke the whole day today and feel like tired...
but i know i'll get over my addiction !