Getting big FAST. G13xchemdog

C Cat

Well-Known Member
Good afternoon everyone it’s been a long long time since I have made a thread never mind a post. Glad to be back!! So I have 6 G13xchemdogs, a friend of mines genetics I am testing. I have dug 30 gallon holes just about for each plant. 3 are a super soil mix and 3 are coco coir. (Really wish i just did all coco) they are getting huge and I just can’t seem to want to cut a lot of the undergrowth or what to really cut. Any advice would be awesome! Also for the waterings I’m using canna coco a+b and canna rhiz and a little cal mag ph at 5.9, soil is fox farm grow big with some calmag. Watered at 6.3


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You have a forest back there!
Not an expert! But I would say probably 10-12 in from the ground up you could cut off any fan leaves or any growth that you don't think will make it to the sun. But I mean honestly those look amazing! You're gonna be walking through trees!
I also would say up to about a foot, depending on the height the plants will be of course but yours look like they will be big.

I take off anything that could possibly touch the dirt if it were to droop down, and I remove little suckers near the base of the plant aswell if it's going to be a large one. Sometimes if a suckers gotten to a certain size though I will just leave it because I don't like cutting off anything too big.
You have a forest back there!
Not an expert! But I would say probably 10-12 in from the ground up you could cut off any fan leaves or any growth that you don't think will make it to the sun. But I mean honestly those look amazing! You're gonna be walking through trees!
Thank you! The thing is all the bottem branches look very healthy I think I’m going to cut 32 clones right now and some branches off.
I also would say up to about a foot, depending on the height the plants will be of course but yours look like they will be big.

I take off anything that could possibly touch the dirt if it were to droop down, and I remove little suckers near the base of the plant aswell if it's going to be a large one. Sometimes if a suckers gotten to a certain size though I will just leave it because I don't like cutting off anything too big.
I’m gonna do some poking around now. It’s such a heat wave out
Thank you! The thing is all the bottem branches look very healthy I think I’m going to cut 32 clones right now and some branches off.
There you go!!! That's a perfect idea for the bottom growth! Maybe grab some of the inside growth that's gonna get crowded out! But yeah anything that's healthy and sees the light of day I'd leave it!
I'm not an outside grower so take my advice with a grain of salt lol!
I'm jealous of those babies though!! I wanna grow outside one day!
Trimmed a bit cut some clones, going to wait till tomorrow to cut some more, on another note I found white fuzzy going to spray the plants down tonight.


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Another hot and humid day got some 6x6 trelise netting covered half going to need some more also going to give them 3 gallons each today, Stay cool!


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Almost forgot i have a panama pupil which is the smaller one, and a blueberry


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So we are supposed to get big thunderstorms for about a week straight not sure if I should cover them (worried about the weight of all the water). Other than that they are really taking off


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Do you cover when it rains? I’m getting ready to plant a few in the natural soil. The soil has been in a vegetable garden that veggies have grown in the last 38 years. So it’s some good soil. Also going to empty my 3 compost containers in the wholes I dug. Also bought some organic things to amend the soil. I usually grow by watering with nutes, so this will be a little different. Also going to have a few of the outdoor ladies in 50 gallon pots, and will feed manually, to see what works better for me, outside. Natural soul is a whole hell of a lot cheaper, that’s for sure. Nutes are expensive. Especially the ones I use.
Do you cover when it rains? I’m getting ready to plant a few in the natural soil. The soil has been in a vegetable garden that veggies have grown in the last 38 years. So it’s some good soil. Also going to empty my 3 compost containers in the wholes I dug. Also bought some organic things to amend the soil. I usually grow by watering with nutes, so this will be a little different. Also going to have a few of the outdoor ladies in 50 gallon pots, and will feed manually, to see what works better for me, outside. Natural soul is a whole hell of a lot cheaper, that’s for sure. Nutes are expensive. Especially the ones I use.
I was worried because I had watered them with the sprinkler one day because I was lazy and came back about 5 min later to all of them bent way down. But I kept an eye on them and they didn’t budge! It helps to have a little support I tied a lot of big branches up and also the trelace helps a lot! I like being able to feed them myself but it’s always nice when Mother Nature does it for you
Good afternoon everyone it’s been a long long time since I have made a thread never mind a post. Glad to be back!! So I have 6 G13xchemdogs, a friend of mines genetics I am testing. I have dug 30 gallon holes just about for each plant. 3 are a super soil mix and 3 are coco coir. (Really wish i just did all coco) they are getting huge and I just can’t seem to want to cut a lot of the undergrowth or what to really cut. Any advice would be awesome! Also for the waterings I’m using canna coco a+b and canna rhiz and a little cal mag ph at 5.9, soil is fox farm grow big with some calmag. Watered at 6.3

Beautiful girls man
So there has been heavy rain just about everyday on and off I had gotten outside too do some tying and trimming and noticed mold on top of all coco plants not so much the soil.. I looked it up and seen this “The mold you see, although it may look alarming, is harmless and an indication that the material is rich in plantnutrients. The white fuzzy “mold” is actually from a mycelium fungus which is a naturally occurring beneficial soil fungus that grows in rich organic matter. But don’t know if I should trust that. Need some help if it is bad how do I get rid of it the right way? Thanks!


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I have had that on lots of grows, I don't know if its good or not but it has never killed or adversely affected any of the plants, I usually just brush it away off the soil surface and pretend i didnt see it
I have had that on lots of grows, I don't know if its good or not but it has never killed or adversely affected any of the plants, I usually just brush it away off the soil surface and pretend i didnt see it
I just brushed some of it off and trimmed a ton so it would get better airflow it’s way over crowded right now
The row closest to cage is in soil, the other three are the coco and a picture of one of the girls healing battle wound.


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