Butter To Pot Ratio?

Just do a search with the site's search feature. Several people here (including me I think) have posted their procedures and recipes.
I was just reading a post about gummies could you message me your recipe if you dont mind? For the butter and coconut oil. Thanks
I was just reading a post about gummies could you message me your recipe if you dont mind? For the butter and coconut oil. Thanks

My procedures have changed drastically over the years to the point I now use a Magical Butter machine. Very simple:

- Break apart 2 ounces of product (I use ~75% bud, 25% sugar leaf)
- Decarb product at 245F for 25 minutes in the oven
- Add 4 cups of coconut oil
- Add the prepared product
- Turn the machine on

I've also done it in a double boiler configuration, both with a crock pot, and on the stove. However, because the Magical Butter machine chops up the product periodically during its cycle, when I did it before the machine, I would grind the product up in a coffee grinder before I decarboxylated.

When we do an oil run, we do several runs as mentioned above all at the same time. Usually a half pound worth of product at a time.
My procedures have changed drastically over the years to the point I now use a Magical Butter machine. Very simple:

- Break apart 2 ounces of product (I use ~75% bud, 25% sugar leaf)
- Decarb product at 245F for 25 minutes in the oven
- Add 4 cups of coconut oil
- Add the prepared product
- Turn the machine on

I've also done it in a double boiler configuration, both with a crock pot, and on the stove. However, because the Magical Butter machine chops up the product periodically during its cycle, when I did it before the machine, I would grind the product up in a coffee grinder before I decarboxylated.

When we do an oil run, we do several runs as mentioned above all at the same time. Usually a half pound worth of product at a time.
How would i use the crockpot and stove technique? How long do i leave it on ECT
How would i use the crockpot and stove technique?

Please, search! The information is on this site. I haven't used that method in years, so I don't recall off the top of my head, and since this is your project, the least you can do is do a preliminary look for yourself, instead of asking others to re-post stuff they've already taken the time to write out and post.
Please, search! The information is on this site. I haven't used that method in years, so I don't recall off the top of my head, and since this is your project, the least you can do is do a preliminary look for yourself, instead of asking others to re-post stuff they've already taken the time to write out and post.
Thats was good dickhead :clap:
Thats was good dickhead :clap:

You're a new member. I gave you good advice and assistance, then told you to search for yourself because the rest of the information you want is available with a tiny modicum of effort.

You then call me names?

Nice way to build up a reputation. Last thing I ever do for you.
Thats was good dickhead :clap:
If you don't know how to search here then try Google. There are not only thousands of recipes easily found through Google, but also sites that have calclulators for the ingredients based on THC percentages of the flower or concentrate you are using. I would give you a link but you seem like you could use the searching practice.
You're a new member. I gave you good advice and assistance, then told you to search for yourself because the rest of the information you want is available with a tiny modicum of effort.

You then call me names?

Nice way to build up a reputation. Last thing I ever do for you.
This is an information forum you took the time to reply multiple times just to be a dick head when i forum member asks an simple question. You made butter in a crockpot as stated in the question above but some how cant remember the cook time?? Response look it up? Sounds like a dick head remark. Or maybe its because your canadian ehh??? :clap::finger:
This is an information forum you took the time to reply multiple times just to be a dick head when i forum member asks an simple question. You made butter in a crockpot as stated in the question above but some how cant remember the cook time?? Response look it up? Sounds like a dick head remark. Or maybe its because your canadian ehh??? :clap::finger:
This forum also has a search bar. People are here to help those who at least put a little effort into learning. Those who need to be spoon fed need a mentor, not a forum.
You made butter in a crockpot as stated in the question above but some how cant remember the cook time??

It was five years ago. It is information I haven't used or needed in five years.

You came here for instant gratification with the particular focus of putting in no effort whatsoever of your own. Not even a single search.

I told you exactly where you needed to look, all you had to do was click one button, type a couple of words. That's it.

With your laziness and attitude, I expect you to produce a mediocre product.

Good bye, and good luck with your efforts.
Im an active member btw
This forum also has a search bar. People are here to help those who at least put a little effort into learning. Those who need to be spoon fed need a mentor, not a forum.
. Im an active member btw maybe neither of you can read plain english or can answer a simple question. That being said the debate is over with on to the next post without dick head responses regarding forum members inquiring about info
Do you find that the MBM leaves behind a lot of chlorophyll because of the agitation? I've heard that, but have never used one myself.

No more so than any other way I've done it.

We love the machine. "Set it and forget it" pretty much says it all. Cleanup is a breeze as well.

To boot, it does tinctures well, and safely too.
I had save my stems for about a year all ~17%thc and i have saved about two ounces plus I added 5 1to 2 gram bags of different strains to go with and I making it now with 4 unsalted butter sticks and 3 cups of water on low as possible in my slow cooker/steamer/drier multi use potimage.jpg been at it for about 25 minutes I’m gonna go 4 hours
I did Decarb before I started to combine all into one pot

ps: To give you a idea The stems was in a 14oz or 500ml mason jar And the bottom 25% looked like kief and shake from all falling down from top
Also all of it is nothing but baby stems plucked while grinding

so all good weed can’t wait