Best Quick Dry method for test smoke

Listen to Cues. Not only dries it but tightens the buds and improves the flavor. Had a kid prove that to me last week. Never would have believed it.
You know if you use hids u can always sit something on top of it that wont burn n place the bit of bud on top of that the heat from the hood will quick dry ur sample i find it turns out less messed up than the microwave ime
My preferred method, when I was a smoker, was to use scissors to cut up my bud into very small pieces before spreading them out to air dry. I would cut tiny nips starting from the outer side of the bud.

If you need it even more quickly, place in the toaster oven at low temperature 100 degrees F or the lowest setting.
  1. Wrap bud loosely in foil
  2. Open hood of car or truck
  3. Place wrapped bud on engine, use duct tape to attach if necessary
  4. Drive on Interstate at 83 mph for 7.6 minutes (Don't try on city streets, kids sometimes still play out there).
  5. Find old soda or beer can, slightly crush in the middle, and poke holes in can at the crevice created by the dent. Use a fork, works wonderfully. Not the plastic ones though, and certainly not a spork from KFC.
  6. Place bud in crevice with holes that you fabricated into can. Place lips on opening of can (where you last drank the beer or pop), place flame onto bud, and inhale deeply.
  7. Hold for 1.25 minutes.
  8. Exhale.
  9. Repeat as often as desired.

You tried wayyyyy too hard to be funny here m8
I don't think it's as simple as that. Different cistern sizes and flow rates affect the flush amount.
Also, If you let the tape become loose and you don't remember to clean your bowl properly, the bud ends up tasting like shit.

It takes a long cure to get that flavour out.

I had an idea about packing ounces between two of my girls santary towels and feeding her a diet of Jack Daniels and fudge brownies. I have found that the brownies help cover the taste and appearance if the towels 'slip backward'. The blood adds extra flavour if your are a Carnivore. Also it can easily be separated off to make a nice stock for a stew. It doesn't go with lamb unless you add mint sauce and a tiny bit of Balsamic vinegar. The amount of vinegar is genarally related to the number of previous partners. I tend to go with one teaspoon per five partners. For full authenticity, I also add one spoon of fish sauce per spoon (or tuna in the case of virgins).

However, now she is starting to complain about not being allowed to eat normal food and is completely hammered 24/7 and is being even more of a pain in the arse than usually. And she has drank all my Jack Daniels.

As far as I can tell so far, my main mistake with this experiment was forgetting to incude a gag of some description. I was thinking about a sound-proofed room but as always, it's about budget. was funny when the 1st guy said it but this was just toooo much guy, forreals
Microwave in tupperware bowl on piece of tissue with damp cloth stretched over bowl and corner of lid cracked open to allow steam to escape. Medium (half) setting. experiment with time. Mine takes 4 minutes.

Make a contraption out of a cigarette packet to make a tiny 'drying room' that attaches to the fan outlet of your laptop. Mine takes half an hour to dry a bud.

Piece of paper on back of telly. Takes about 4 hours.
The mini laptop dry room sounds ace. Any pics of it in action. How does this fit and also work?