Lighting and ducting helpppp!!!!


Well-Known Member
i've got my room ducted and i've been funneling the wind through a vortex fan. i wnted to add a 4" duct fan but i dont know how or what it would hook up to electrically. i have the same problem with these florecent lights i want to set up but i don't want to connect it to a light fixture. HELP

old yeller

Active Member
You could convert the light fixture to a recepticle box & plug into that depending on how much other stuff is on that line. Or just run a new dedicated 20anp line from your fuse-box & put the electricity where you need it.


Well-Known Member
You could convert the light fixture to a recepticle box & plug into that depending on how much other stuff is on that line. Or just run a new dedicated 20anp line from your fuse-box & put the electricity where you need it.
ok you just confused the shit out me, i'm not electric savy. what parts do i need to make this work?


Well-Known Member
4" not down with buyin shit online. the feds track that shit
Fans are legal.

Anyways, go to a bookstore or a Home Depot or a library and buy a basic electrical wiring book. Electricity for Dummies or whatever. Very valuable info that you can learn in an afternoon and it will last you a lifetime.


Well-Known Member
4" not down with buyin shit online. the feds track that shit
No they don't. They have better things to worry about than somebody buying a fan online.

"GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH reading!!!!! No More Please No More!!!"

Then you must not be serious about growing quality cannabis. The only way to learn is by doing and by reading.

Your original post was not very clear. If you provide pictures of your setup, we will be able to help you more effectively. By seeing your setup, we can pinpoint weaknesses and accurately provide suggestions which will help you get the most out of your setup.



Well-Known Member
No they don't. They have better things to worry about than somebody buying a fan online.

"GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH reading!!!!! No More Please No More!!!"

Then you must not be serious about growing quality cannabis. The only way to learn is by doing and by reading.

Your original post was not very clear. If you provide pictures of your setup, we will be able to help you more effectively. By seeing your setup, we can pinpoint weaknesses and accurately provide suggestions which will help you get the most out of your setup.

yea but that's indirect related readings, and it's not like it's an easy concept to grasp(electrical work)



Well-Known Member
What are your temps like with that setup?

As far as adding additional ventilation, I think your setup would become more efficient if you were to get ahold of some panda plastic and a tarp zipper. You've got a lot of air movement in there, but it is not as efficient as it could be. Ideally, you want a negative static pressure within your grow area. That allows good, clean air in, and keeps smelly air from escaping. Intakes at the bottom and exhaust at the top works in conjunction with the laws of thermaldynamics; hot air rises, cold air sinks. It is a lot easier to manage temps and airflow when you take advantage of this. As far as hooking up more lights/fans, I think you will find if you take my advice about the panda plastic and tarp zipper idea, you most likely won't have to add another fan. Additionally, if you use a heavy-duty extension cord with a quality surge protector, that should take care of your additional lights. Generally higher quality surge protectors have more useable outlets than lower quality ones.

There are a few threads on here dealing with home-made cooltube fixtures. This would also make a noticable difference in temps in your grow area, and result in higher yeilds due to the higher light penetration. Hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
What are your temps like with that setup?

As far as adding additional ventilation, I think your setup would become more efficient if you were to get ahold of some panda plastic and a tarp zipper. You've got a lot of air movement in there, but it is not as efficient as it could be. Ideally, you want a negative static pressure within your grow area. That allows good, clean air in, and keeps smelly air from escaping. Intakes at the bottom and exhaust at the top works in conjunction with the laws of thermaldynamics; hot air rises, cold air sinks. It is a lot easier to manage temps and airflow when you take advantage of this. As far as hooking up more lights/fans, I think you will find if you take my advice about the panda plastic and tarp zipper idea, you most likely won't have to add another fan. Additionally, if you use a heavy-duty extension cord with a quality surge protector, that should take care of your additional lights. Generally higher quality surge protectors have more useable outlets than lower quality ones.

There are a few threads on here dealing with home-made cooltube fixtures. This would also make a noticable difference in temps in your grow area, and result in higher yeilds due to the higher light penetration. Hope this helps.

80-85 for some reason 70-80% humidity recently where can i find the plastic and the zipper?


Well-Known Member
if you are using an AC unit to cool it will add to your humidity. Cold air + hot environment = condensation. condensation + evaporation = humidity.