Well-Known Member
The Last Legion
Rick and Morty, 2nd time around, I think it's brilliant and a long time coming
we need to grow some of what they are smoking....I just finished my second round, too. Fucking amazing show, just the best writing out there...
Ozark...Plenty of action, and 3 seasons of it...I just started season 2
I'm on season 1 episode 9 of this, just started watching. (If I ever get to fish the "Lake of the Ozarks", I'll keep an eye out for more than bass)Just finished binge watching the series. Holy shit, thanks for the reco, bro. If someone would have told me it was a poor man's Breaking Bad directed by and starring Jason Bateman, I would have watched it sooner. So much fun! I love the Of Mice and Men homage, really great acting in the third season. Had me laughing and crying. Awesome cliff hanger on the season 3 finale, looking forward to where this goes...
I'm on season 1 episode 9 of this, just started watching.
Awesome....Yeah I watched another episode tonight, about half way + through season 2. A buddy of mine I get oil from recommended it...He said "Just watch it, you'll love it'', and he was right! I'm trying to make it last though, lol.Keep watching. It's like Breaking Bad in that the series gets better the further in you go. Season 3 just rocks...