Re veging

hey Ive been asleep, you need to harvest all buds which did reveg, and, most likely, the whole plant.
because these buds will rot and mold away f you dont
I have some exp with revegging (once I harvested & revegged & re-flowered a whole tent, plus I consistently take clones late in flower).
your plants are too far advanced in flower for monstercropping...

at this point the plant has already "forgotten" the buds for ~2 weeks or more, they wont grow or finish ever...

there is nothing you can do for them.,.

well, you could clear the buds out very catefully, let all the leaves stay, then grow the plant again.

sorry to have to say that
hey Ive been asleep, you need to harvest all buds which did reveg, and, most likely, the whole plant.
because these buds will rot and mold away f you dont
I have some exp with revegging (once I harvested & revegged & re-flowered a whole tent, plus I consistently take clones late in flower).
your plants are too far advanced in flower for monstercropping...

at this point the plant has already "forgotten" the buds for ~2 weeks or more, they wont grow or finish ever...

there is nothing you can do for them.,.

well, you could clear the buds out very catefully, let all the leaves stay, then grow the plant again.

sorry to have to say that
Not always true. I've had it happen with indoors but outdoors alllll of my current outdoor plants are revegged on purpose indoors and then once established new growth they all went outside. all the buds did was dry to a brown crisp. I can gently rub them between my fingers and it turns to dust.
Even with all the rain we have got there is no signs of mold or rot. Just tons and tons of growth. Maybe it depends on where you live? Who knows.
How would I know if the whole plant ravaged
because the buds stopped growing,

plant is/was stunted abbit (for some time, when it transitioned from generative to vegetative growth, which is induced by a change in intra-plant hormone levels)

and you got fancy, erratic or unusual leaves coming out the buds (like I marked)

Ok so what should I expect or what should I do ...are the buds gona finish should I chop her down what happens when a plant is revegged
Here is one of mine when it first started revegging. It gets a ton of new growth coming out of the buds( funky 1 and 3 leaf blades at first then will get normal growth after that) 20200617_094906.jpg... this is the reason I did it on purpose to get all that growth and then in the end I will have a better yeild.

I personally wouldnt chop. Either black out the light for 12/12 or let her reveg. She isnt close to being ready to harvest right now and you would get less then ideal smoke. If you let it reveg it will make a ton of branches and then this fall you can harvest properly mature buds.
Here is one of mine when it first started revegging. It gets a ton of new growth coming out of the buds( funky 1 and 3 leaf blades at first then will get normal growth after that) View attachment 4599613... this is the reason I did it on purpose to get all that growth and then in the end I will have a better yeild.

I personally wouldnt chop. Either black out the light for 12/12 or let her reveg. She isnt close to being ready to harvest right now and you would get less then ideal smoke. If you let it reveg it will make a ton of branches and then this fall you can harvest properly mature buds.
Ok cool man thanks but wont it keep growing taller an taller because we have another 2 or 3 months until fall and days get shorter usually like September here in az
Some of the pics show plants that could still be reveged - but the flowering process would start anew (full 2-3 months), and if your days are still getting longer, than it'll veg for some time until it does so. That's the Monstercropping technique - which is a good technique.

But the plants you've shown at the very first post are actually too far advanced for this. But they don't look like having revegged, so it's not easy to tell you what to do. ...

Usually if one wants to Monstercrop one only initiaites flower, then reverses back (following the reversal there is intense growth.... so that 's why one does so...) but if the plant already has 5-7 weeks old buds (which it would discard) then that would result in a heavy loss of plant mass + mold.
Here is one of mine when it first started revegging. It gets a ton of new growth coming out of the buds( funky 1 and 3 leaf blades at first then will get normal growth after that) View attachment 4599613... this is the reason I did it on purpose to get all that growth and then in the end I will have a better yeild.

I personally wouldnt chop. Either black out the light for 12/12 or let her reveg. She isnt close to being ready to harvest right now and you would get less then ideal smoke. If you let it reveg it will make a ton of branches and then this fall you can harvest properly mature buds.
nice nice, what's the reason you do monstercrop? Have you observed the plant being "more stable" in terms of herming or transitioning to flower? as far I can tell lots of good comes out of it but I know growers that would discard any accidentaly flowered plant because they state that a revegged plant doesn't bud out that well.... (IMO not true but then plants/strains behave not always similar....)
nice nice, what's the reason you do monstercrop? Have you observed the plant being "more stable" in terms of herming or transitioning to flower? as far I can tell lots of good comes out of it but I know growers that would discard any accidentaly flowered plant because they state that a revegged plant doesn't bud out that well.... (IMO not true but then plants/strains behave not always similar....)
Only this plant is truly monster cropped from a flowering clone but it's all an experiment for me this yr to combine many different training methods to see if the outcome will produce more at the end. As you can see....I would have had to top a hundred times to get that amount of tops.
I think that if people were to veg out a reveg longer they would not have the issues they I combined monster cropping with lst then later I will fim and I should be able to knock it out of the park. 20200617_094547.jpg
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Only this plant is truly monster cropped from a flowering clone but it's all an experiment for me this yr to combine many different training methods to see if the outcome will produce more at the end. As you can see....I would have had to top a hundred times to get that amount of tops.
I think that if people were to veg out a reveg longer they would not have the issues they I combined monster cropping with lst then fim and I should be able to knock it out of the park. View attachment 4599726
No it is revegging on accident I dont want it to in want to finish her off she is already in week 7of flower so I just bought a tarp and I am going to cover. It soit gets 12 and 12 is there anything else I can do to help it convert back to.flower and finish the buds off
No it is revegging on accident I dont want it to in want to finish her off she is already in week 7of flower so I just bought a tarp and I am going to cover. It soit gets 12 and 12 is there anything else I can do to help it convert back to.flower and finish the buds off
Dont give it nutes high in nitrogen ... and just make sure its completely dark. And give it some time. Make sure to post back as your doing it to help keep us updated and to also teach people going through the same issues as you. Good luck.
Dont give it nutes high in nitrogen ... and just make sure its completely dark. And give it some time. Make sure to post back as your doing it to help keep us updated and to also teach people going through the same issues as you. Good luck.
Ok thank you so much and will do... how long does it usually take to.convert it back to flower and will the buds be salable right they wont dry up and die
Ok thank you so much and will do... how long does it usually take to.convert it back to flower and will the buds be salable right they wont dry up and die
They are not that far into reveg so no they shouldnt dry up and die. Give it about 2 weeks and they should go back to flowering