***Fan & Scrubber for Secret Jardin***


Active Member
Im getting ready to purchase a secret jardin dr150
(4'11" x 4'11" x 6'9") but not sure what size/cfm fan to use or what size scrubber to use for exhaust. any advice/opinions would be a great help!


Well-Known Member
perhaps my math is off, but to find the volume of your grow room, it should be LxWxH.
So lets just rould up to make math easier.
5'x5'x7' = 175 cubic feet

so if you get a fan in the 200-250cfm range you should be fine.


Active Member
thanks...i got the square ft down, and since i need a constant refresh every 5 minutes, tha math comparably should be backwards...a 500cfm fan would refresh 100'sq. every 5 minutes (5 x 100)...so then i know i need roughly a 875 cfm (5 x 175) im gettin a feel for what kinds (can fan, vortex, budget, whatever) and what size opening (4", 6", 8") thats where im stuck...

sorry..should have been a little more specific, looking for efficiency and as quiet as possible.

Hoping people would post some experiences...and as far as a scrubber goes, thats where i definately need advice...what size in combination with fan...i know that if i am pulling room air through scrubber too fast, it won't scrub well, so i dont want to overkill my room

Not to mention, that the square footage of my lights from intake, through sealed reflector, and out exhaust port isnt more than 6-8'....and im pretty sure i dont want a 10 cfm fan to cool 2 600w lights... i think that information was definately left out of my original post....gotta blaze AFTER i type (i always forget = ) SORRY!!!

I will be using a growzilla reflector with 2 x 600w lamps (sealed, from outside air-through light- back outside) and could use fan advice here too....

brain fart!!


Well-Known Member
If you are cooling the light with outside air and your light is sealed you may not need a scrubber for that system.

If you are pulling the air inside your tent out to exhaust then i will be needed. I'm looking into this setup currently, but am still shopping around.

High Tech Garden Supply

I am going to be using it in a 54"x38"x84" Sun Hut

depending on the heat your pulling out you can always try this (link below) for your lights and the scrubber system above for your rooms exhaust.




Well-Known Member

I have the dr150W and love it!I made the scrubber from the DIY section in here rated for the 265 CFM active air fan.I use a passive intake with 2 6" ducting on both ends at the bottom of the tent.With this set up the tent itself is slightly sucked in on all sides.The cooler outer room air is sucked through the 2 6" duckting in to tent.The tent air gets pulled through the scrubber,then passes through the cooltube and up in to the ceiling.The fan rests on top of my tent pulling everything though it and out.My first run without the scrubber and cooltube resulted in stinky house,even though its up in the ceiling,and hot tent.The scrubber/cooltube fixed it all, thanx to all the RIU'ers who has posted on this subject.This is kinda crappy pic of it but I can make ya a better one if you need to see it.peace



Active Member

I have the dr150W and love it!I made the scrubber from the DIY section in here rated for the 265 CFM active air fan.I use a passive intake with 2 6" ducting on both ends at the bottom of the tent.With this set up the tent itself is slightly sucked in on all sides.The cooler outer room air is sucked through the 2 6" duckting in to tent.The tent air gets pulled through the scrubber,then passes through the cooltube and up in to the ceiling.The fan rests on top of my tent pulling everything though it and out.My first run without the scrubber and cooltube resulted in stinky house,even though its up in the ceiling,and hot tent.The scrubber/cooltube fixed it all, thanx to all the RIU'ers who has posted on this subject.This is kinda crappy pic of it but I can make ya a better one if you need to see it.peace
:shock:THANK YOU!!! This is what I've been looking for. And this totally makes sense...so passive intake with 6" duct @ bottom, and the exhaust itself is enough to keep continous airflowing in if I'm following correctly...and you're saying 1 line for everything ( room air- through scrubber- into reflector intake vent- through sealed reflector- out through exhaust fan out of tent) this will make clean air for my neighbors to enjoy = ) cool lights, cool room , and eliminate the need for a seperate fan! You're awesome...thank you brother.

One quick question though...you said 256 cfm, in a dr150...but how many watts is that cooling? I will have 1200w (600 x 2) inside a growzilla hood...just wondering what kind of temps you were getting and how many watts you were cooling so i can make my fan size appropriate. Also so you think that 1200w would be overkill in the dr150?

Thanks again for your advice though...and any other pics you could post would kick ass...as i mentioned this is my first setup in a tent so id love to see/compare to yours since we have the same tent.:peace:


Active Member
High Tech Garden Supply

depending on the heat your pulling out you can always try this (link below) for your lights and the scrubber system above for your rooms exhaust.

Inductor 6 In. In-Line Duct Booster Fan - DB206 at The Home Depot

thanks for the links...looks like the filter package i was looking for. but quick question about the inline fan as compared to like a vortex or can fan... this would just mount to the exhaust end of my reflector (aimed away from light)pulling cool air from outside through light to cool it right?

or should this be aimed at light mounted at intake spot pulling air in and then pushing through? want to make sure I install correctly. :weed:

thanks again bro...and evryone!!

+reps for all!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the links...looks like the filter package i was looking for. but quick question about the inline fan as compared to like a vortex or can fan... this would just mount to the exhaust end of my reflector (aimed away from light)pulling cool air from outside through light to cool it right?

or should this be aimed at light mounted at intake spot pulling air in and then pushing through? want to make sure I install correctly. :weed:

thanks again bro...and evryone!!

+reps for all!

I'm not 100% sure but either should work..



Well-Known Member
RIU is AWESOME....and you are quite welcome!

Yep,1 line bro.Im runnin a 600w hps for now.The last warm spell I noticed the highest temp got to 85f,before the cooltube easy 95f.Im thinkin I could run 2 600W inline with the 265 and still maintain the pressure while keeping the temps normal but id prolly just get the next fan size up to be sure.Im still in learning mode and only ran 4 plants this time due to a high humidity problem I have.The next grow I will do 6 and see.I might need to go a fan size up to help with this issue now the rainy season is here.
I used to have 1 4" duct opening for the passive intake.The tent was really sucked in then.Then I made the scrubber which slightly help but still had to much neg pressure so I changed to 2 6" ducts that just lead around to the back of the tent which is along a window and gets cool air.If I light a bic lighter near the intake ducts,it sucks the flame in and kills it, so that fan is sucking good you might say.
With a bigger fan id say def go for the 2 600's.The more the better seems to be the answer and especially if your gunna do more than 6 plants.I really have no idea of the coverage and lumen output im getting with my cooltube but it seems to be doing fine.I will take a few pix tonight after work for ya.Im thinking my babies might get a few taken as well ;) Thanks for the kind words.


Well-Known Member
Im getting ready to purchase a secret jardin dr150
(4'11" x 4'11" x 6'9") but not sure what size/cfm fan to use or what size scrubber to use for exhaust. any advice/opinions would be a great help!

Hey do you live in Los Angeles county? I just bought my dr120 with a $60 saving's, i picked it up straight from the factory, I'll give you the address if you want. You can check the thread i started today, I have some pics of the tent.


Well-Known Member
here ya go,pretty simple yet effective.You see there is still a ton of room.that fan I have in the tent hangs from 3 straps and gently sways back and forth just from the action as if it oscilates,kinda cool.I have a co2 tank thats goin in the next round and a small dehumidifier so I need to save room for it.I think the humidity is going to be a tough battle if we get weekly rains for the rest of the winter.I leave both fans on constantly and never get under 65% and during the day when the tent is in dark mode it stays pretty stable.hope things go well with yours!



Active Member
You R The Man !! There's some serious room in there!!!
Thank you for the pics...you are the first person to take the time to show me a full on open door dr150 pic with a setup...thank you bro- much respect! I was planning on 5 x 5 gallon buckets- and was worried it would be too small! But its on now!!
Quick Q...do you keep your scrubber/fan on at night for scent or just the box fan...i have some serious concern with scents (nieghbors W/kids!) Iwas thinkin I could just get a fan speed controller and turn it down after lights go off, so I could still scrub- ya know?
Nice setup though...simple but efficient. Mines gonna look pretty close to that but with the growzilla hood in stead of the cooltube (i just cant afford 2 cooltubes) and ill probably need a couple fans with that kind of heat. Ill have to keep lookin to see how your co2 setup turns out- im thinkin ill just take it slow to start and save some bread. Was originally gonna setup a sealed room w/co2/regulator/ac/ all that jazz...but maybe ill let my first few harvests pay for that!

Last question, what is that "deluxe climate controller"? Does it just read your levels? or control it?

As far as humidity goes it seems like there should be like some sort of salt, or baking soda, or charcoal fiber or something that could go in the room to absorb moisture ya know? Im gonna check that out...theres gotta be some thing out there.

Thanks again for the pics & advice bro!! mad +reps...
keep the peace alive herbal ninja!


Well-Known Member
Im just another guy trying to do the right thing the right way but thanks just the same,I appreciate that.
I actually have the DR150W (wide) which I think is just a tad wider.I got it just for the dehumidifier & big fan to fit in it without it crowding the plants to much.5X5 will be perfect and is what im hopeing to be putting my new babies in once they get big enough.These 3 gallon ones just dont cut it.
I keep both fans running 24/7.Reason is for humidity.the second one or both are off the humidity climbs.And with this past rain my house runs at 80-90% so in the tent with fans running im at 65-70%.Kinda freaky why its so high.I think they built my place on swamp land or something.Before the tent I ran a grow that I fought and lost to mildew which is why I got the tent.Thought smaller enviroment would be easyier to contol which it is a little.Id like to be in the 50-60% and wonder if I get a better can fan and suck more air through if it would drop but I doubt it due the the enviroment outside the tent so I have the dehumidifier instead.Well see once I get 6 females in full veg in there.
That DIY scrubber is the bomb although a bitch (for me) and kinda pricey (carbon wise) to make (from retail shops).Be cheaper internet wise.I think your idea would work.As long as some air is being pulled through it,why not.It was like night and day,no odor at all.
I got the cooltube cuz of summer and the heat.Now its getting colder again im thinging about throwing my sun system II hood back in or getting my 1000w and combining it with the cooltube to raise the heat a little and provide better lumens while killing some of the humidity.
Im not sure how effective running a co2 tank with my fans on 24/7 is but I think what little extra I can give them should benifit.Im thinking about just bumping up the ppm on the co2 controller to compensate,what you think?
That deluxe climate contoller is a trip.I think it was only meant for co2 users that have better control with humidity.I havent learned to be able to dial it in just right yet.It has temp and humitidy controls that let set limits but they dont seem to work for me.Right now all im using it for is for power to that fan inside.Once I get the co2 flowing I will play with it again before I get rid of it.I think there are better digital ones best suited for what I need.
Ill be watching your grow and thread and if you find some cheaper miracle humidity control ill be on it like white cat hair on a navy blazer.
Your welcome and thanks for your advise as well brother!

newb4life ;)


Active Member
So i just got back from my local hydroshop, i was pre-ordering my reflector and tent, and was picking dudes brain about alternative co2 methods and he showed me these fizzy tablets (link below). He puts one in the basket they come with in the morning about an hour after the lights come on, with about 150 ml of distilled water. sets the basket on top of his reflector, since the co2 is heavier than air it will fall onto the plants. says it brings his ppm from about 350 to about 1100 on average. he said he wouldn't sell me any co2 shit until i tried them first. He swears by them and said he'd refund my money if they didn't satisfy my ladies. Im sold at this point, instead of investing in all that co2 jazz, i figure fuck it...at least ill get my money back! The link i attached says like $55for 15 tabs...but the shop i went to had a hundred for $125....check your local shop...they might have something like this, like aquarium tabs maybe. good luck!

SuperNatural Excellofizz - 15 Carbon Dioxide Emitting Tablets


Well-Known Member
good on you mate.I will check it out.Ive read how to use co2 before but cant recall anything about waiting an hour after the lights come on.Interesting and mad props.

"Excellofizz emits proper CO2 levels for indoor plants by reacting and giving off pure CO2 gas and also absorbing oxygen from the air. Follow these helpful tips: Allow the plants at least one hour after the light source becomes available. This is to ensure that the plants stomata are open. When CO2 levels are raised too high before the stomata open it can restrict them from opening. CO2 gas is heavier than air so the container should be placed in a position where it will be circulated around the leaves and at least 3 feet away from any plants to allow proper dissipation."