Active Member
Thanks everyone! How long from the point where I took those pics with her blooming until the blooms fill up with TCH? Thanks!!!
A month or two (7-9 weeks)
put that timer on 20/4 and begin start reading the guides here....plants are auto
And what does PEG mean?
Do I need a timer if all my plants are auto? Does it still help?
Some people run 20 hours on, 4 hours off. This is how the sun is in Alaska and places like that where some of the biggest veggies in the world are grown.Thanks kasiopeija! So I'm reading one now, How to Grow Marijuana, and it says 18/6 for veg, 12/12 for flower. This is consistent with what I remember reading. Is 20/4 20 hours light, 4 dark? And when should that be used? Mine are all autoflower, btw. thanks!