about tree fiddy enough for the loch ness monstaHow much money did you find when those seats came out?
You say tree fiddy?!about tree fiddy enough for the loch ness monsta
We had the steak one printed and framed at the bar I worked at lol
The human body is a communist system. Works great...Hungary was ruled by communists from 1945 - 1948
Only the left halfThe human body is a communist system. Works great...
Both halves. Individuals that don’t do their jobs are terminated by the system or turn into cancer and you try to take them out. The body is not into democracy. Everyone has a specific job to do...don’t do the job, get terminatedOnly the left half
This is where the political metaphor falls flat. Organs and cells are not individuals. They don’t vote. They don’t unionize and send representatives to a notional supreme council. They don’t argue over the means of production. They have no political awareness at all.Both halves. Individuals that don’t do their jobs are terminated by the system or turn into cancer and you try to take them out. The body is not into democracy. Everyone has a specific job to do...don’t do the job, get terminated