Am I Being Taking Advantage Of?

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Well-Known Member
I am at a loss and I am throwing this out here to hopefully get some opinions from unbiased individuals.

A couple of weeks ago I surrendered my birds to a rescue group. I did this for personal reasons and it was in the best interest of my pets. Long story short, I could of sold my birds and their cages and probably of made around 5,000.00. I instead donated everything to them knowing it was for a good cause. Well, I have since then become very good friends with the 2 guys that own the rescue. We hang out, eat dinner together, go mudding together, pretty much we spend all of our time together. I have bonded with this family to the point that I would do anything for them. Last night while we were eating dinner together they told me that they were having major hardships with their finances and that they would need to sell some of their birds to get out of the trouble they are in. It was heartbreaking, and I could see the pain in their eyes. I am not a rich person, I do however pay my bills and put my kids through college, so I guess I am what they call middle class. Okay, here it goes...they asked me to lend them $1,000.00. they said this would get them out of their trouble and then all the birds would stay with them and not have to be sold. I haven't given them my answer yet but I know I have to do it. My question is, are they taking advantage of me or do they just trust me enough to ask me for such a favor? I don't want to hurt anyone and this is going to be hard for me to do....I have jewlry that I can sell and I am going to go and see how much I can get for it today. I just don't want to be hurt again, yes, people have a tendency to take advantage of me.
So, in your honest opinion does this sound like these guys are just using me to get money or do they sound like people that just need a help? Remember, these guys have dedicated their lives to these birds. They obviously have a love in them for these birds that goes very deep...I am so torn up:(


Well-Known Member
I don't think they are taking advantage of you but it doesn't sound like you have the money to lend.

If you do find the money and decide to loan it to them, you MUST fill out a loan contract and have it notarized. There are plenty of free examples online like this one:


Well-Known Member
I don't think they are taking advantage of you but it doesn't sound like you have the money to lend.

If you do find the money and decide to loan it to them, you MUST fill out a loan contract and have it notarized. There are plenty of free examples online like this one:
Thanks for your opinion. You are right, I don't have the money...I could get the money though, it would mean selling some of my stuff. To be honest, I am just glad you don't think they are taking advantage of me. :peace:


Well-Known Member
If you do decide to lend them the money make sure you draw up a contract for re-payment. Have them sign it with a payment plan.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
A couple of weeks ago I surrendered my birds to a rescue group......

Well, I have since then become very good friends with the 2 guys that own the rescue.

Sunny no matter how well you think you know them... by your own words you've only known them a couple of weeks and that is not enough time to know someone well enough to ask for a loan. I'm shocked they would ask you after knowing you only a few weeks.

In today's economy I think it'd be best if you hang on to your money.... you never know when you are going to need it yourself. Tell them to sell a few birds.... as long as they go to good homes there is nothing wrong with that if it gets them out of their financial pickle.

I would feel different if these were life long friends you know and love and trust... but someone you've known a couple of weeks asking you for $1000.00 loan? Sounds sketchy to me and instantly sends up the "red flag" warning.

Keep your money girl and tell em to sell a few birds


Well-Known Member
why would u make ur self worse off (especially in these hard times) to help someone else.

not even if any family asked to lend 1k and i didnt have it would i give it them. they should just go to the bank or someone that does loans if its only 1000.


Well-Known Member
If you do decide to lend them the money make sure you draw up a contract for re-payment. Have them sign it with a payment plan.
I have read this twice now, and I never even thought of doing that.
I will do that, it will give me peace of mind....
I just wish I was a millionaire and I could help everyone that needs it...
I hate seeing people suffer and feel bad.


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of our current financial crisis. If we continue to borrow money we will work our way out of debt. Giving them the money will be a very ( read 30 days ) short lived solution. If you do this you will be an enabler, similar to giving money to an addict, just one more fix and then I'll get straight. How do you go mudding if they can't pay their bills. ?? VV


Well-Known Member

Sunny no matter how well you think you know them... by your own words you've only known them a couple of weeks and that is not enough time to know someone well enough to ask for a loan. I'm shocked they would ask you after knowing you only a few weeks.

In today's economy I think it'd be best if you hang on to your money.... you never know when you are going to need it yourself. Tell them to sell a few birds.... as long as they go to good homes there is nothing wrong with that if it gets them out of their financial pickle.

I would feel different if these were life long friends you know and love and trust... but someone you've known a couple of weeks asking you for $1000.00 loan? Sounds sketchy to me and instantly sends up the "red flag" warning.

Keep your money girl and tell em to sell a few birds
It made me feel weird when they asked. I didn't know what to say or do. I am a little worried that my birds may suffer if I don't make something happen for them. I hear you though, and, I it did send a red flag up to me as well...I really need to talk to them more today...I wish they never would of put me in this situation.

why would u make ur self worse off (especially in these hard times) to help someone else.

not even if any family asked to lend 1k and i didnt have it would i give it them. they should just go to the bank or someone that does loans if its only 1000.
I wondered about the bank....then I thought maybe they don't have credit...I don't know they really didn't elaborate as to why they couldn't get the money they just told me they needed today.


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of our current financial crisis. If we continue to borrow money we will work our way out of debt. Giving them the money will be a very ( read 30 days ) short lived solution. If you do this you will be an enabler, similar to giving money to an addict, just one more fix and then I'll get straight. How do you go mudding if they can't pay their bills. ?? VV
I never looked at it that way, you are right...It is enabling.
The mudding is done in my jeep, so it is on me not them.


Well-Known Member
I have read this twice now, and I never even thought of doing that.
I will do that, it will give me peace of mind....
I just wish I was a millionaire and I could help everyone that needs it...
I hate seeing people suffer and feel bad.

You should give this more thought. I didn't even notice that you've only known them a couple weeks. I would Think about this long and hard. People work scams like this all the time. Get in really good, make the person comfortable, and then blamo they hit you up. Tell them it makes your uncomfortable to lend a huge amount of money to someone you barely know, and see how they react. Tell them you want them to sign a contract prior to lending them the money and see if they change. Not saying they're not legit. But they go after people like you all the time. People with big hearts, and unconditional love of the furry things.


Well-Known Member
This will be a good test to the friendship. If you tell them that you don't have the money and the friendship falters, then you know it wasn't a friendship.
I have learned not lend money to friends unless it is life or death situation because I will probably not get the money back.


Well-Known Member
You should give this more thought. I didn't even notice that you've only known them a couple weeks. I would Think about this long and hard. People work scams like this all the time. Get in really good, make the person comfortable, and then blamo they hit you up. Tell them it makes your uncomfortable to lend a huge amount of money to someone you barely know, and see how they react. Tell them you want them to sign a contract prior to lending them the money and see if they change. Not saying they're not legit. But they go after people like you all the time. People with big hearts, and unconditional love of the furry things.
Wow that is what I have been feeling inside but didn't know how to articulate it into words...

This will be a good test to the friendship. If you tell them that you don't have the money and the friendship falters, then you know it wasn't a friendship.
I have learned not lend money to friends unless it is life or death situation because I will probably not get the money back.
I thought about that, and, it came back to my birds that are living there. I am worried that if this does sever my relationship with them that I will never see my birds again.


Well-Known Member
well if they need the money by today then how are they expecting u to get hold of that money?

if it was me i would just bring it up.... whats the worst that can happen? im sure somebody will lend them 1000,... its not that much. they might not get it today but i would assume that people are still lending.... heck, even if they put it on a credit card if they have that kind of limit.

im sure somebody will lend if they are desperate for it. all i know is that i wouldnt be getting myself into any trouble or problems for any one.


Well-Known Member
well if they need the money by today then how are they expecting u to get hold of that money?

if it was me i would just bring it up.... whats the worst that can happen? im sure somebody will lend them 1000,... its not that much. they might not get it today but i would assume that people are still lending.... heck, even if they put it on a credit card if they have that kind of limit.

im sure somebody will lend if they are desperate for it. all i know is that i wouldnt be getting myself into any trouble or problems for any one.
I was going to sell my jewelry so that it wouldn't take out of my bill money.
They are federally registered so right now I am looking to see if there are any grants that may be available for them.
I am hearing you on the part of getting myself in trouble over someone else's problems....
This is why I put this out here, I needed to hear it from others.


New Member
Did they say what they needed the money for? I would want to know that much, is it a grand for a weekend vacation or is their rent due. I would also be wary, if you loan them the thousand this week, are they going to be asking for more in a few weeks? Tough situation, I feel for you.


Well-Known Member
Did they say what they needed the money for? I would want to know that much, is it a grand for a weekend vacation or is their rent due. I would also be wary, if you loan them the thousand this week, are they going to be asking for more in a few weeks? Tough situation, I feel for you.
Yeah they told me what happened....and it involved my bird Ozzie.
They said they got a call from a woman that had a female Cockatoo that she couldn't care for, so they went there and she wanted 1,000.00 for the bird. They told her that this is a non profit rescue org. Her response was 'okay, then I am just letting the thing go outside' They told me that they knew my bird (Ozzie) problem was that he needs a mate and they knew this bird would be perfect for Ozzie. So they spent their rent money on this bird, to save it from a likely death if set free and for my Ozzie...


New Member
What kind of psycho would do that? Give me a thousand for this bird that I don't want or I'm going to let it go. They should send her a bill for the feeding and care of her bird. A thousand dollars sounds about right. That's crazy.

Phily Kelly

Active Member
This sounds dodgy to me!
Why do they need the money today?
Why do you have to sell your jewellery for them(have they nothing they can sell????)
I would not trust this pair. They know you love your birds and are taking advantage of that fact by letting you know your birds will suffer if you don't hand over$1000!!!!!
Come on. Its a scam.
I can smell it all the way from Ireland.
FFS don't sell anything. And if you do decide for some strange reason to len the money make sure you sign a contract with them. :(


Well-Known Member
Yeah they told me what happened....and it involved my bird Ozzie.
They said they got a call from a woman that had a female Cockatoo that she couldn't care for, so they went there and she wanted 1,000.00 for the bird. They told her that this is a non profit rescue org. Her response was 'okay, then I am just letting the thing go outside' They told me that they knew my bird (Ozzie) problem was that he needs a mate and they knew this bird would be perfect for Ozzie. So they spent their rent money on this bird, to save it from a likely death if set free and for my Ozzie...

Im sorry, but I love the furry things but they need to bite this one. This is such a simple decision in all aspects of life. You don't go outside of your means, and expect someone to bail you out. It just doesn't work like that.
They just had to save a bird so badly that they would put themselves in financial hardship? I call work.
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