Postpone the election? Trump President for life?

sadly, Trumpy's* gaslighting agenda no longer is can't talk your way into facts and truth.
The public reaction to the Floyd George murder was a trigger event for long simmering grievances over issues of policing. The police are many peoples contact with the government, white or black, and in many ways it is a reflection of that government. In this case the government was decades old and the rules of the game included a healthy dose of black suppression, while removing social services and support, Ronald Reagan was the architect and others piled on a winning formula, with whites. This is yet one more example of legislative gridlock and a nation frozen in time and the world moves on, none of this stuff was dealt with over the last 20 years. Obama only had 2 meaningful years to effect change and he did what he could against a relentless republican head wind that stifled all change and progress. Both the spirit and the will of the people were broken for decades, first by money and corruption, then by racism and it's proxy the "culture war".

Trump exposed it all for what it really is and was, he separated the sheep from the goats and made the battle lines stark and clear. He has left those who support him stark naked in the bright sunlight of day, their motives are deplorable and easy to see.

If you support Trump, there are really only three choices:
  1. Stupid
  2. Racist
  3. Evil
Take your pick, the menu choices have been limited by Donald, multiple choices are allowed including all of the above.
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If he loses, (big if), he will leave peacefully in the end. Complaining but peacefully.
What president are you talking about, because it cant be donald trump. 1. There is no indication he is even close to popular enough to win. Hes in the range of Carter and GHWB, both one-termers. 2. He isnt peaceful about anything, and something tells me losing (public humiliation) is at the top of that list.
Trumpers' attempts to rankle people always end up as a display of pathos
Unintended, Donald is socially retarded and while he might be able to read a room of angry people, he is blind to this social situation. Anything he says on race will be a joke and if he strays from the teleprompter he will be hilarious. I hear Steven Miller is crafting his speech on Racism so even if he sticks to the script...
He'll need be able to keep his base alive in order to be president for life. I don't see that happening.

Confirmation that only a sucker and a fool would attend.

The Trump campaign on Thursday formally announced that the president's first rally in three months will take place June 19 in Tulsa. The page for guests to sign up for free tickets to the event includes a disclaimer related to the virus.

"By clicking register below, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present," the statement reads.

"By attending the Rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.; BOK Center; ASM Global; or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury."

a screenshot of a cell phone: Trump rally disclaimer
Sign a waiver for a hoax that will go away like a miracle?
The place crawling with covid and 10,000 screaming and freaking drunken maniacs with not a mask in site. How is Donald gonna protect himself? How about all the secret service agents and all the support staff that will be there, all flying home together again too, there will be hundreds of support people in attendance besides Donald and they are not gonna like it at all. The WH will be full of covid and most of the staff and secret service infected and out of action in a few weeks. Tulsa will face a medical emergency soon, the rate of infection is exponential there now, they will face a disaster in Trump's wake.
Does Donald "pass" the test?

'The Hare Psychopathy Checklist': The test that will tell you if someone is a sociopath

In August, Dr. Kevin Dutton of Oxford University ranked US president-elect Donald Trump as "above Adolf Hitler" on a standard scale used to measure potential psychopathy in adults, according to the science news site (Hillary Clinton scored pretty highly, too).
That sounds like a cheap shot.

But Trump does display some of the symptoms clinicians look for when trying to diagnose psychopaths and sociopaths. (Many psychiatrists and criminologists use the terms interchangeably, but experts disagree on whether the two are meaningfully different.) In fact, most people display some symptoms of psychopathy — superficiality, glibness, promiscuous sexual behaviour, etc. — and that does not make you a psychopath.

In a political leader, a few psychopathic traits may not be a bad thing: Many of the traits we seek in leaders, such as fearlessness, dominant Behaviour, and immunity to stress, are found in psychopaths. Indeed, psychopaths are found in greater proportions among CEOs. Between 3% and 21% of CEOs are probably psychopaths, according to a study by Bond University psychologist Nathan Brooks. The background rate of psychopathy in the normal population is about 1%.

The standard screening test for potential psychopaths is the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. In the test, a clinician interviews a potential sociopath and scores them on 20 criteria, such as "promiscuous sexual Behavior" or "impulsivity." On each criterion, the subject is ranked on a 3-point scale: (0 = item does not apply, 1 = item applies somewhat, 2 = item definitely applies). The scores are summed to create a rank of zero to 40. Anyone who scores 30 and above is probably a psycho.

The test is supposed to be done by a professional psychologist but if you really want to take it yourself — or make a layperson's guess at Trump's psychological makeup — keep scrolling: