Postpone the election? Trump President for life?


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else worried that the election will be postponed due to the second wave of the virus and that Trump will end up as President for life?

He jokes about it in this video, but you know he would absolutely love to be president for life.

On the outside of the realm of possibilities yeah defiantly. I don't know if the election can be stopped, and also heard if there is not a election, he is no longer POTUS in Jan 2021, and there would be a election then or something like that. I think it is most likely he is just using everything that occurs in real life as smoke to keep people in their bubbles as long as possible in the hopes he can get enough help from foreign militaries to get him re-elected.

I am actually more worried about him knowing that these riots would spark if one of his white power nuts murdered a man on tape causing the virus to hammer the minority/libs at a epic level this summer and the fear of it in November (while yanking on the voter suppression campaigns hard to make it impossible to be safe while voting in urban communities), depressing the vote even further.

We will see if they start pushing the virus hard online.

I liked Michael Moore back in the day, his school shooting movie was I think something worth everyone watching,and Roger and Me. But he is really got out of his depth when he started to take himself seriously. I think it is possible he was radicalized online by Russians/Saudi cat fishing him as fans, and became a Bernie Bro version of a Useful Idiot.

But who knows.
Not going to happen. If he loses, (big if), he will leave peacefully in the end. Complaining but peacefully.
Not going to happen. If he loses, (big if), he will leave peacefully in the end. Complaining but peacefully.

I think this is why Comey came out after the FBI got a tip about Weiner having emails on his laptop. Trump was going to try to play martyr if he lost trying to get a riot and Clinton impeached (you know the Republican House would have loved that). Comey admitted he thought it was in the bag for Clinton, but everyone completely underestimated the online trolling power of what the Russians were doing until it was too late.

I think you are right, outside of the 'big if'. In 2016 we didn't know what we do now about how Trump has been breaking the laws of our country and working with foreign dictators.
The election will not be postponed. After Biden is sworn in, the same Secret Service that protects him now will escort him out of the White House grounds, where he will be arrested.
Is anyone else worried that the election will be postponed due to the second wave of the virus and that Trump will end up as President for life?

He jokes about it in this video, but you know he would absolutely love to be president for life.

the office of the president expires 1/21/21 regardless whether or not election has occurred.
The election will not be postponed. After Biden is sworn in, the same Secret Service that protects him now will escort him out of the White House grounds, where he will be arrested.

How schuylaar sees the end (and it's coming soon):

unless..he does it on his terms and resigns leaving the WH a winner! Trumps* pic will be a thumbs up while boarding a Trump* plane..the flight itinerary will have been filed with air traffic control and (hopefully) when he lands in Palm Beach they'll be waiting for him there. Pence will pardon him. When you think it through this is literally his best option. No loss, on his terms, a pardon..the 7-points he's down? is exposing his TRUE base which I estimate at 25% those sloppy unidentified soldiers in blue t-shirts are his army?:lol:

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How schuylaar sees the end (and it's coming soon):

unless..he does it on his terms and resigns leaving the WH a winner! Trumps* pic will be a thumbs up while boarding a Trump* plane..the flight itinerary will have been filed with air traffic control and (hopefully) when he lands in Palm Beach they'll be waiting for him there. Pence will pardon him. When you think it through this is literally his best option. No loss, on his terms, a pardon..the 7-points he's down? is exposing his TRUE base which I estimate at 25% those sloppy unidentified soldiers in blue t-shirts are his army?:lol:

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I've considered it, but I seriously doubt his ego will allow it. He'll call on his minions to rise up and revolt. I don't want to rely on the State of New York to bring him to any justice, with a pardon of Federal charges. No, there is a solid "base" of at least 35% racists in this country that will not abate in my lifetime. His best chance is fleeing to Russia aboard Air Force I for asylum, just as @DIY-HP-LED predicted years ago. The plane and all it's technology will be payment to Daddy Vladdy. He might even take Ivankkka.
I've considered it, but I seriously doubt his ego will allow it. He'll call on his minions to rise up and revolt. I don't want to rely on the State of New York to bring him to any justice, with a pardon of Federal charges. No, there is a solid "base" of at least 35% racists in this country that will not abate in my lifetime. His best chance is fleeing to Russia aboard Air Force I for asylum, just as @DIY-HP-LED predicted years ago. The plane and all it's technology will be payment to Daddy Vladdy. He might even take Ivankkka.
If he can run to Moscow he will, his legal future will be discussed by legal experts on the TV shows he watches and anybody with common sense knows it is not good, justice will be very swift too, Cohen is doing time already and that is the first of many, but it will put him behind bars in a hurry, slam dunk. It will probably be a surprise, an emergency visit to Germany and then off to Moscow, Vlad would probably be surprised and none too happy when he showed up at his doorstep, he dare not refuse him landing rights (Donald has nukes), he might as well blow him out of the sky right there. If he did land in Moscow, Vad would send him back to a warm welcome and say he was nuts and a liar, who could argue with him?
I've considered it, but I seriously doubt his ego will allow it. He'll call on his minions to rise up and revolt. I don't want to rely on the State of New York to bring him to any justice, with a pardon of Federal charges. No, there is a solid "base" of at least 35% racists in this country that will not abate in my lifetime. His best chance is fleeing to Russia aboard Air Force I for asylum, just as @DIY-HP-LED predicted years ago. The plane and all it's technology will be payment to Daddy Vladdy. He might even take Ivankkka.
I can see Donald running all over the world on AF1 after the election, it would be like a giant international version of the famous OJ white bronco chase. News organizations would be tracking Donald all over the planet as he looked for refuge, maybe a visit to his buddy Kim in North Korea! Donald could do propaganda broadcasts like Tokyo Rose for him and maybe Kim will build him a big black Trump tower with gold letters of course. :D
I can see Donald running all over the world on AF1 after the election, it would be like a giant international version of the famous OJ white bronco chase. News organizations would be tracking Donald all over the planet as he looked for refuge, maybe a visit to his buddy Kim in North Korea! Donald could do propaganda broadcasts like Tokyo Rose for him and maybe Kim will build him a big black Trump tower with gold letters of course. :D
Maybe Somalia, or another "shithole" country. It would be nice to see him living in squalor, with no hamberders in sight, hoping he can live another day. Oh, and no cell phone service.
I've considered it, but I seriously doubt his ego will allow it. He'll call on his minions to rise up and revolt. I don't want to rely on the State of New York to bring him to any justice, with a pardon of Federal charges. No, there is a solid "base" of at least 35% racists in this country that will not abate in my lifetime. His best chance is fleeing to Russia aboard Air Force I for asylum, just as @DIY-HP-LED predicted years ago. The plane and all it's technology will be payment to Daddy Vladdy. He might even take Ivankkka.

i've thought about that..everything will be frozen here which would freak him out causng him to lose whatever fortune he has left. he has to save face once he truly realizes it's's all about self-preservation, looking good and coming out a winner if he goes to russia everything in the US is forfeited and that's the majority of his holdings. Trumpy* leases out his name everywhere else which is why people that are pissed are carving his name off the building. i still go with 25% are the TRUE hardcore- those that would go to battle for him but that battle is in their minds just like those cartoons he puts together with him as 'good guy'.

i've thought about that..everything will be frozen here which would freak him out causng him to lose whatever fortune he has left. he has to save face once he truly realizes it's's all about self-preservation, looking good and coming out a winner if he goes to russia everything in the US is forfeited and that's the majority of his holdings. Trumpy* leases out his name everywhere else which is why people that are pissed are carving his name off the building. i still go with 25% are the TRUE hardcore- those that would go to battle for him but that battle is in their minds just like those cartoons he puts together with him as 'good guy'.

Donald is going to prison if he loses and all his assets will be confiscated by the federal government as he faces money laundering and tax charges, while he is in federal prison. He will be facing other criminal charges too, as well a million lawsuits, he will hold the US record for all time. The only money left will be in involitle family trusts and Donald will be shoveling every dime he has into them too. Donald will be in a supermax though, so the money won't do him any good at all, Don jr, Ivanka and Eric will all go to prison for life unless Donald pardons them. Donald won't pardon anybody, not even Bill Barr or Roger Stone, anybody Donald pardons has no 5th Amendment rights, including his kids, Donald won't leave that door open. He might empty the prisons with a blanket pardon, but he will not pardon those who can testify against him, he knows that much.

Donald will be before a judge by the end of January on the same charges Cohen is doing time for, a week later he will be muzzled by the judge, a week after that he will be in jail for breaking the gag order.
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i've thought about that..everything will be frozen here which would freak him out causng him to lose whatever fortune he has left. he has to save face once he truly realizes it's's all about self-preservation, looking good and coming out a winner if he goes to russia everything in the US is forfeited and that's the majority of his holdings. Trumpy* leases out his name everywhere else which is why people that are pissed are carving his name off the building. i still go with 25% are the TRUE hardcore- those that would go to battle for him but that battle is in their minds just like those cartoons he puts together with him as 'good guy'.

If the federal prosecutors in NY give Joe Donald's head by the end of the January, he won't be in a hurry to replace the district attorney there, will he?
If he can run to Moscow he will, his legal future will be discussed by legal experts on the TV shows he watches and anybody with common sense knows it is not good, justice will be very swift too, Cohen is doing time already and that is the first of many, but it will put him behind bars in a hurry, slam dunk. It will probably be a surprise, an emergency visit to Germany and then off to Moscow, Vlad would probably be surprised and none too happy when he showed up at his doorstep, he dare not refuse him landing rights (Donald has nukes), he might as well blow him out of the sky right there. If he did land in Moscow, Vad would send him back to a warm welcome and say he was nuts and a liar, who could argue with him?

i agree this would be the default but not worth losing his empire over..Trump Tower..Mar-a-Lago..he fights if he can be shielded through running out the clock, counter suits etc. he's had the opportunity numerous times but never quite pulled the trigger on Russia, except for the pageant..he's been very careful what he does over there..there's some reason..once Trumpy leaves the WH, Putin no longer has use for him..he'll find himself poisoned or too close to a window high up if he thinks he's going to live there.

choice is going to be important when making his decision on exit strategy..he wants to choose everything himself ALWAYS- resignation gives him hands down, the MOST choice.
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Wouldnt mind Trump getting a 2nd term. Who else is out there? No one. Career politicians that dont do shit.

End career politicians, term limits on congress.

i've thought about that..everything will be frozen here which would freak him out causng him to lose whatever fortune he has left. he has to save face once he truly realizes it's's all about self-preservation, looking good and coming out a winner if he goes to russia everything in the US is forfeited and that's the majority of his holdings. Trumpy* leases out his name everywhere else which is why people that are pissed are carving his name off the building. i still go with 25% are the TRUE hardcore- those that would go to battle for him but that battle is in their minds just like those cartoons he puts together with him as 'good guy'.

Imagine the panic that will break out in the Trump camp if he and the GOP lose it all in November, those not charged with crimes will be ruined by legal fees testifying before endless congressional and special commissions, washington lawyers will be more expensive than ever before, they will have a ton of trade. For decades after it will be known as the "happy time" among lawyers, as they clean out Trump's minions and other republicans for every dime they have.
Wouldnt mind Trump getting a 2nd term. Who else is out there? No one. Career politicians that dont do shit.

End career politicians, term limits on congress.

Looks like Donald is reverting to his old habits, he doesn't have many tricks in his bag, no wonder he can only fool morons like you.
Triggered Trump Demands Apology for Poll Saying He's Losing