Biden, Democrats seek to shut down calls to defund police


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I don't support Biden now fuck off asshole
Oh, we all know you jack off to Trump, so no need reminding people you're not a Biden supporter.

Have you received your tax rebate check from Mexico for the unfinished wall that falls over in wind, has huge gaping water flood gates, and can be cut through with common hand tools?

What'd you spend your socialist pandemic cheque on?

How about that "Wartime President" who got numerous illegal draft deferments who once stated that he'd like to give himself the Medal of Honor?

How you can't see the bullshit whilst your face is being rubbed in it is absolutely dumbfounding. Expected, but still dumbfounding.
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Well-Known Member
I don't support Biden now fuck off asshole
Around this point I would pull out a bunch of pictures of creepy ass Trump eye banging his daughter when she was a kid followed by bunch of creepy quotes of him talking about her like a piece of meat. Then when you post whatever your rebuttal to it to try to attack Biden, I would point out that the millions of pictures Biden has taken a handful of creepy ones are likely to be found. You would likely ignore that to push more Dear Leader propaganda. Which would get rebutted with some Stormy quotes about Don wanting her because she reminded him of his daughter.

Well since I'm black and so are most of my friends and WE don't have a problem with him take your virtue signaling somewhere else.
Virtue signling?

Are you going to explain what it is you like about Trump or are you just here to troll the forum for Dear Leader to look like he has black friends?

And no offense, but with the attack that the Russians did to help Trump get elected extensively targeting minority communities means that the new sock puppet account claiming to be a black person for Trump is followed with some hesitation to just buy that.

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Well-Known Member
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Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?

— President Trump
on Twitter


For your birthday, she knits you an unwanted scarf. To be used as a balaclava?

She belongs to a decentralized group with no leadership structure that claims to be discussing a “book,” but no one ever reads the book and all they seem to do is drink wine.

Is always talking on the phone with an “aunt” you have never actually met in person. Aunt TIFA????

Always walking into rooms and claiming not to know why he walked into the room. Likely.

He “trips” over and breaks your child’s Lego police station when walking through the living room in the dark.

Total and bewildering lack of nostalgia for good old days.

Gathers with loose-knit, disorderly group of figures you have never met to play “mah-jongg,” governed by mysterious “rule cards” issued annually from a nebulous central authority.

Suddenly, for no reason, will appear or pretend to be asleep.

Insists on producing container of nuts whenever there is company. Why? Code of some kind?

Carries peppermints (chemical irritant?) in purse at all times.

Is taking Centrum Silver. But for what reason? Surely to build up strength for the coming confrontation.

Keeps forwarding you what appear on the surface to be emails of jokes someone has typed out from a Reader’s Digest; claims to think you would “enjoy”; must be some sort of recruitment or propaganda or hidden message.

Hired a clown for your child’s birthday — part of the Juggalo command structure?

Big tin of Christmas popcorn mysteriously replenishes itself. WHO IS HELPING?!

You gave her a Precious Moments figurine of a law enforcement officer, but she hasn’t displayed it.

Remembers things from the past in incredible, exhausting detail, but recent ones only sporadically? Cover of some kind.

She claims not to know how to use her phone, yet always appears upside-down on FaceTime, which should be impossible without hacking capabilities.

If he is to be believed, he spends hours playing bridge.

He is walking non-threateningly at a public protest.


Well-Known Member
Fuck off libturd
Did you even ask their political affiliation? Is everything 'not-Trump' automatically mean 'lib' to you?

You've been brainwashed if you are what you say. Or need a paycheck, either way standing up for Dear Leader must suck when he is so incompetent.

And dick pics is just gross man, be best.


Well-Known Member
Lol yes I heard about that. Wonder how long it will take them to realize they just did an NFL move and now lost well over half their fanbase. I've personally never had a problem with the flag but I think being around and in the military my whole life we don't get as butthurt as the libturd city negro. Just saying
Don't be so pathetic