Newb here, hello!


Outdoor grower. 15 years since my last grow. Had 3 seeds 15 years old. Germinated on 4/20/20. Placed in peat pots on 4/25. 1 died from fungus gnats, transferred 2 to 5 gallon buckets for 5 weeks then transplanted into the ground on 6/2.76FE685C-A700-4501-BF7B-D6A4AF593A87.jpeg
Not certain . They are wide leaf Indica. But they had to be from good weed if I stashed them with my flytying gear. I’m just ecstatic I have 2 girls. Just checked on them. Very windy here today. The little plant once again has white pistils after the mite scare. The big one has a goldenrod spider taking up residence. I’m debating on doing a root flush with the Spinosad, or just continuing using neem oil, Spinosad and garlic chili spray every 2-3 days.
Thanks BB! Well the wind was whipping yesterday and last night and picking up again. Spent some time windbreaking my grow with burlap. Good thing they look good this morning. Watered them with fish emulsion(weekly feed) and sprayed them down with neem again since wind carries the mites. Inspected every leaf and looks ok. Also sprayed entire burlap wind and sunscreen with neem just in case some may have been netted by the burlap. Just started getting white pistils growing on the small one again. Its been a week since transplanting in the ground and the little girl has new white pistils.
keeping vigilant against mites. Will spread the yard today with bug getta to clear out the lawn and landscape beds. Retreat with Organic pest spray in the garden.
Last week it was in the 100’s now its in the 60’s. Crazy weather for growing weed....
Hey Gorio, Welcome Back! I'm new here and new to growing also. Wish I could pull off an outdoor grow but weather here is just too unpredictable and laws aren't too friendly either. :(
Hello NerfHarvester, I havent grown anything in over 15 yrs. But, found some old seeds and germinated them. They popped. Outdoors is a challenge, yes. But I am pretty well versed in entomology at this point, and soils in my yard.
You having issues with your new seedling. Try mixing 30ml/hydrogen peroxide to 1 gallon water. If its fungus gnats that will eliminate them in the pot. Won’t hurt the plant. Will wipe out bacteria. Good and bad. But the plant will revive. It gets an added O2 benefit from the peroxide. But place a yellow post it near the plant. You can buy sticky flags if you can find them. Indicators for bug issues indoors and out. When I grew indoors, cedar kept most pests out.
Anyone tried rapeseed oil emulsion in water for spider-mite and gnats? It is supposed to be for organic growing; sold in Europe as a pump spray. Worked well for me for spider-mites. The oily base smears and suffocates them I believe.
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Anyone tried rapeseed oil emulsion in water for spider-mite and gnats? It is supposed to be for organic growing; sold in Europe as a pump spray. Worked well for me for spider-mites. The oily base smears and suffocates them I believe.
I’ve used several mixes from NEEM Oil to garlic and chili with some soap, a peroxide sugar spray with soap worked as well but the sugar drew ants. They disappeared after a rinsing water only foliar feed.
What I’ve learned is to visit them a few times each day. (I’m retired so thats easy) look closely at the leaves underside and topside. Check any new growth for hideouts. If I find some, I’ll foliar feed after the sun goes down with either NEEM oil or Spinosad. At one point I did a root drench with Spinosad about a month ago. That too showed good results to date.
This morning I found a new pest on my big girl. An Earwig. I flicked his ass off and then researched that. I didn’t know Earwigs eat weed! But, a healthy dusting of DE on the ground surface should help take care of them. I also read wet newspaper attracts them. Put that out at night then collect and discard in the morning.
If you’ve got fungus gnats, take 30 ml of H2O2 and a gallon of water and drench the roots. That'll kill the baby gnats and any flies underground. Plus the added O2 will give your plants a boost.
I haven’t grown since 2004, so I’ve had to play catch up with all this again. And honestly, I never had any real bug issues until now. I’ve grown indoors and out. Outdoor yields are far better IMHO, but, gotta stay pest vigilant. My first grow was back in ‘76. I’ve done tons of reading on this site and Jorge Escalante.
Another thing I’ve done is to insert an air stone in the ground about 8” from the main stems and about 6-8” down and ran an aquarium air pump. I’ll run that a few hours in the morning. Some say it’ll kill the plants but mine are still fine. And I think it did help them as my garden is new this season. Plus, I cultivate the top few inches of soil when it starts to look packed from watering.
I’m looking forward to my first new indoor grow after I harvest this grow. I built a big box with duct insulation, that is a reflective bubble wrap. Used silver PVC tape to close it up. I’ll try growing some auto flower then.
Hey Gorio, Welcome Back! I'm new here and new to growing also. Wish I could pull off an outdoor grow but weather here is just too unpredictable and laws aren't too friendly either. :(
Thanks NH! Indoor grow? In a tent or closet? I used to grow indoors and out back in 2004/5/6. But no growing since until this year. I had a closet setup back then. Silver mylar on all flat surfaces and under the pots. 400W metal halide, fan, timer. A lot has changed since then though. I’ll try some auto flower this fall. I made a reflective box from HVAC Insulation and mylar silver tape. Just picked up a PC fan and I’ll cut that in soon. Get it ready since I should harvest in September or early October unless some asshole tries to hop my fence and take my hard work. In 2003 I got ripped for 12 fully mature ready to harvest plants. What they dropped left me with over a half pound. But I know they cleaned me out of at least 4 lbs. I was pissed, but, who could I complain to? Nevertheless. I’ve got surprises in store just in case this year.... one of which is 90 lbs and has a bite pressure of approximately 2000psi.... And 100lb test mono fishing line trip wires that will make it impossible to navigate in the dark. In fact, should someone try, if they follow the path they’ll trip into my pool first. Then of course theres the motion activated sprinklers....
@Gorio123; Sounds adventurous -- just like the hilarious Saving Grace - a 2000 British comedy film, directed by Nigel Cole, starring Brenda Blethyn and Craig Ferguson. The screenplay was written by Ferguson and Mark Crowdy. Set in Cornwall, the film tells the story of a middle aged widow whose irresponsible husband left her in an enormous debt, forcing her to grow cannabis in her greenhouse along with her gardener Matthew to avoid losing her house.

Looking for good seed yield and Medical Auto-flowering Strains with CBD/THC balance that alleviates moderate to strong pain - 20200630_2250 -

Motivation here is Medical Autoflowering Strains, high CBD and lower THC. First grow from seed: 1 of 3 CBD Jam Auto seeds survived, with 2 of 4 Amnesia Auto CBD; all three flowering. Making Fem Seed with CS & STS for a first batch. CBD Jam is very compact and bushy; 50cm high with high yield. Amnesia Auto CBD is leggier and 100cm high, half the yield of the CBD Jam.

Pic 1: STS concentrate 1000ml mix with a light gold shine, compared to 3 ppm distilled water it was made with next to it. Much quicker and easier to make than CS. Ingredients about same costs. STS ingredients are used in monochrome photography as developer and fixer liquids I think; Silver Nitrate and anhydrous sodium thiosulfate. Made this recipe:
The STS mix is only applied 3 times over 3 weeks; CS needs to be sprayed about three to four weeks once every day.

Pic 2 & 3: Three FEM plants from seed, 1 CBD Jam Auto-flowering & 2 Amnesia Auto-flowering.
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Update 9/19/20
After a few fires, some extreme heat, a bout of spider mites, and re-learning gardening... I bought a meter, soil test kit, read until my eyes bled about fertilizers and the growing stages yada, yada, yada... lost the big plant due to improper sex preference and luckily got it in time, because I was now left with 1....
A girl. Tomorrow she will have been introduced to germination 5 months ago. 8 weeks of flowering ends next week minus germ time.
And here sh is today. Shes on 6.0 water only and perhaps another week or two, the flowers are really thickening. Even after a week of no sunlight from the smoke and ash. After birth defects, and her troubled life, I’m not disappointed at all for my seeds of unknown origin and age...
We will see after harvest....