DK, yeah, because of the heat in my tent, the humidity is almost non exsistent, because the heat from my lamp eats up everything moist in a matter of hours. Its all because i cant exhaust outside - i have to recirculate the air back into the same room my tent is in, and that sucks big time. Theres this thing on that sprays the tent down every couple hours to keep shit humid, n i was thinkin about pickin that up, but it dont make sense to do that when i can just spray a fine mist all over the walls n cieling every couple hours, but i wasnt gonna do that until i knew that it would be safe to do...Either way, if i dont do it, then im fucked humidity wise, and i know its not a good thing, but i might not have a choice but to let them be and see if they adapt to dry hot air too, lol. There are a couple strains that thrive in that kind of conditions, but i doubt i have any of them.
N Raid, Yeah man, its a hydrohut knock off, you can get them in all kinds of sizes. Just make sure you get either a Secret Jardin or a Darkroom model tent, because they dont have that "offgassing" defect, causing plants to fuckin die on ya, lol. Thats what i think is goin on right now with my tent, which is why i have everything opened up hardcore. But i am gonna be peeling the vinyl tent material off of the frame, and making my own tent from panda film and velcro, which in all actuallity will work out better, because i can build everything to my own specs, like my own ventholes, and can make little holes for wiring n shit like that, and decide whats what, and still keep negative pressure in the tent when its closed.
If anybody has any ideas on how i can raise up the humidity, im all ears man. Will just misting the tent down without actually spraying the plants themselves work??? i mean, i know itll raise the humidity, but from your experiences, do you think that itll fuck my plants up any worse than they already are??(not that theyre bad, i just think that its bad in my mind for how shits goin right now, with 3 plants yellowing, and 3 plants doin ok, and one in dro thats not moving or growing at all. Im gonna fuckin have a bonfire n throw that god damn tent vinyl in there. Im definitely keeping the frame up, but i actually might just line my closet walls in some panda film, along with the front right in front of my closet doors, n give the plants just a tad more breathing room, without having to move my lighting or ducting or anything. just slide the cover off, and leave a barebones frame all hooked up, and have the room around it sealed up all proper n neat.
I NEED SUGGESTIONS!!! Seriously, things arent getting worse at the moment, so im not gonna make a move. but the second i see a fuckin leaf even get so much as a pale kinda greenish color, im goin fuckin RAMBO on that fuckin vinyl of death. its day of reckoning is coming, n coming fast.