420, what does it mean?


Well-Known Member
I don't know where it came from... But, I do know it's what time the Louisiana Department of Revenue say they close for the day on their automated phone message. Perhaps they'll except boxes of twinkies and pizzas for tax payments. :)


Active Member
im not too sure...ive just always thought of it as something that connects all stoners, regardless of where it was derived, 420 is just one of those things...its here...its awesome...ENJOY IT...but in ottawa (canada's capital) you are allowed to on april 20th to smoke as much ganga as you want as long as you are not dealing and ON PARLIMENT (canadas white house) property, its awesome and you thought you've seen a "sea of green" lol dunno if that had nething to with the creation of 420 though.

as much as you think your story is right someone will always say different,

so according to me, we, us stoners created it, its a mutual bond


Active Member
I've always known it to be 4:20pm - international light up time!! But the variations on this legend are interesting. Who knows what the facts really are. I love the theory that we all co-created it and as stoners it is a mutual "bond" we share.

Nice one GuLaMaStEr


Well-Known Member
When ordering seeds or items from the attitude seed bank, RIU member can use a voucher number, guess what the voucher number is????
Edit: i think i last got 10% or 15% off total goods


Well-Known Member
the dea used it as a radio frequency i saw somehwere. some body got caught also using an electric company truck to smuggle marijauna.


Well-Known Member
I heard it originated in a California School.. here

In 1971 a group of San Rafael High School students used to gather around 4:20pm to smoke pot, so "420" became the slang for signifying the time to light up. It later evolved into a term for potheads or just for the drug itself.

Idk if i believe it, but, Yeah... 420.


Well-Known Member
hmmm i was just guessing that it was a law that was passed in cali something like 'hemp smokers vote yes on prop. 420' how wrong i was :)


Well-Known Member

some kids un cali YEARS ago in a college or somethin would get high around the time and somehow it just grew from there and got huge.


Well-Known Member
i wasnt shouting and i wasnt even talkin to you. Ive just heard alot of people say it was a police code and thats just not true. Idk how the hell that little rumor started?? :confused:

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
fitzyno1 ( nothin to smoke tonight??)

on blazed 24 sevens comment he had an explannation point then "..."

so he wasent trying to get on nothin g


Well-Known Member
i wasnt shouting and i wasnt even talkin to you. Ive just heard alot of people say it was a police code and thats just not true. Idk how the hell that little rumor started?? :confused:
out here on the interwebs, all caps is generally considered shouting.


Well-Known Member
out here on the interwebs, all caps is generally considered shouting.
ya, but in my interbrain.... it means too much vodka and pills. have it as you awiull. :joint: and burn it as you will. PEACE!!! ooops didnt mean to shout that one, god damn pills! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
This has always been my understanding of where the term came from... I've been smoking since about 1978.


i live near san rafael. people around here used to say "let's go get louis'ed".

i'm going with this one:

"Although there are many explanations for the origin of the term, one stems from a story about a group of teenagers at San Rafael High School in San Rafael, California in 1971. The teens would meet after school at 4:20 p.m. to smoke marijuana at the Louis Pasteur statue.[1] The term became part of their group's salute, "420 Louis!",[2] and became popularized in the late 1980s by fans of the Grateful Dead.[3]"


Well-Known Member
to me it means a time for peace to all kind, a piece in my mouth and a peice of kine to unwind

lol wtf? i'm flored sorry:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
to me it means a time for peace to all kind, a piece in my mouth and a peice of kine to unwind

lol wtf? i'm flored sorry:eyesmoke:
everyone should be for peace. thats what pisses me off in this world. people thinkin there better than others!!! smoke the bud and pass the love!!