
lol can you determine if someone is good looking without seeing their nose and mouth? Could be hiding some funky looking snaggle teeth behind the mask. I wonder if we'll see a baby boom once lockdown is over.

Ontario extended the emergency orders for another month.

Beauty is only a light switch away

Holy Shit!!! Turn off the fucking lights!!!!!


Doggie style, can't see a face then.

Well, one thing is clear. People aren't hanging out in bed doing the hokey pokey during the stay at home period. Studies are showing people are having less sex, and using more birth control. They are not expecting a covid boom. Reasons range from added stress at home, to substance abuse, to just not wanting more kids they will have to home skul. ;)

I guess distance is required for a good sex life? Maybe I can a degree in law and specialize in divorce?
Thank you for the links, I was too lazy to do the research.

Perhaps. The law does consider vehicles in this context as deadly weapons. It also seems that a large percentage of the officers listed in your link died from causes that were not related to exchanges with armed criminals, but from heart attacks, traffic accidents, the rona, etc..

I do not mean to move the goal posts here, but I feel most of my point still stands. I believe that the public outrage is at police murdering unarmed citizens, not crazed armed criminals. I don't think anyone has a problem with that. And again, police signed up for this potential danger, they are armed, and took an oath to serve and protect citizens. These murdered citizens that are the subject of the protests had no obligation to protect anyone, and were unarmed...

I used my police scanner app more in the last week than I used to use a Bearcat into the '90s to keep an ear on the local cops.

33,000 + were tuned into Mineapolis the other night.

Non stop chaos, utterly incredible. Load one in for the real info. Dispatchers overwhelmed.

When I was 13, my mom took a month long course at the Physical Modalities Institute there. It was 1967 and a time of racial unrest. Our hotel was robbed at gunpoint and they guy shot a bullet like 3 feet over the night girl's head into the wall while robbing the desk for $100. My mom insisted they move us from the first to the third floor the next morning. Lol.

It just seems like nothing ever changes. Minneapolis was such a cool town back then. Same unrest now, 53 years later. They couldn't fix anything in over 50 years?

Will it ever change?
Beauty is only a light switch away

Holy Shit!!! Turn off the fucking lights!!!!!

View attachment 4584298


:o So about the bag...

I had an aunt on my mom‘s side who had deep acne scars all over her face. She was short, kinda heavy and worked an outdoor labour job most of her life, so her skin was leathery, dark and super wrinkled. She passed away in her early 60’s and didn’t look a day over 90. My dad has a morbid sense of humor and had a cruel joke about her that I couldn’t help but laugh every time I heard it. He called her braille face and said if you touched her face it spelled out ugly.
I used my police scanner app more in the last week than I used to use a Bearcat into the '90s to keep an ear on the local cops.

33,000 + were tuned into Mineapolis the other night.

View attachment 4584644
Non stop chaos, utterly incredible. Load one in for the real info. Dispatchers overwhelmed.

When I was 13, my mom took a month long course at the Physical Modalities Institute there. It was 1967 and a time of racial unrest. Our hotel was robbed at gunpoint and they guy shot a bullet like 3 feet over the night girl's head into the wall while robbing the desk for $100. My mom insisted they move us from the first to the third floor the next morning. Lol.

It just seems like nothing ever changes. Minneapolis was such a cool town back then. Same unrest now, 53 years later. They couldn't fix anything in over 50 years?

Will it ever change?
I think they've regressed. I lived there and worked at the UMinn from '80-84. One thing I noticed early on was the huge number of interracial couples, way more than I had ever seen even in Calif my home state. I was pleasantly surprised as they seemed comfortable and I never detected negativity from other people about it This wasn't just the Univ setting, out and about in the twin cities. The predominant couples were black/white and a fairly even mix white men/black women and black men/white women. I was so curious that I asked about it commenting that it was refreshing to see this; thinking these people were pretty enlightened. But, racism is always around; the least liked race were the Amerinds
I think they've regressed. I lived there and worked at the UMinn from '80-84. One thing I noticed early on was the huge number of interracial couples, way more than I had ever seen even in Calif my home state. I was pleasantly surprised as they seemed comfortable and I never detected negativity from other people about it This wasn't just the Univ setting, out and about in the twin cities. The predominant couples were black/white and a fairly even mix white men/black women and black men/white women. I was so curious that I asked about it commenting that it was refreshing to see this; thinking these people were pretty enlightened. But, racism is always around; the least liked race were the Amerinds

A coupla great products of those MN interracial couples -

I'm beginning to doubt it. I'm starting to think I should change sides and be pro Covid.
Speaking of which: George Floyd's official autopsy was released, yep Chauvin killed him but Mr Floyd may have his revenge, he also was infected with Covid. There is something rather Biblical about speaking from the grave, hope they isolate those cops so no other innocents are harmed
I think they've regressed. I lived there and worked at the UMinn from '80-84. One thing I noticed early on was the huge number of interracial couples, way more than I had ever seen even in Calif my home state. I was pleasantly surprised as they seemed comfortable and I never detected negativity from other people about it This wasn't just the Univ setting, out and about in the twin cities. The predominant couples were black/white and a fairly even mix white men/black women and black men/white women. I was so curious that I asked about it commenting that it was refreshing to see this; thinking these people were pretty enlightened. But, racism is always around; the least liked race were the Amerinds
I have to laugh, I have a very vivid recollection of my dad saying something to the effect of, 'there might be racial problems here but it sure doesn't affect couples dating' while we were walking down the street.

Now I'm just a kid who turned 13 with early hormonal interest and no girlfriend yet, maybe 3 years from finding out where I came from in an older buddy's mom's medical book he showed me one day. My dad didn't say anything disparaging about them so I figured it was OK to try to fuck anybody.

Whole new world started that day :wink:.