First Time Grower Emergency

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
Here is some info to take a look at as well as a great link to help diagnose your issues.



Well-Known Member
It almost looks like they were just injured. Handled too roughly or got scorched somehow. Full plant pictures to get the full perspective.
Also check out the website posted by Doug above


It almost looks like they were just injured. Handled too roughly or got scorched somehow. Full plant pictures to get the full perspective.
Also check out the website posted by Doug above
I was growing them outdoors and we randomly hit the 100’s after having high 70’s so I thought it was heat stress but idk


Well-Known Member
What was the timeline of them going outside. Very possible it could be the high temps or strong sun. Especially if they had just recently been put outside. Has it stopped with reduced temps?
Could also be phosphorus. And if it is, we would need to know about your grow situation like @Renfro said