As much as I like her, Demmings might serve best where she is grilling people in the house. I hate to say it, but I figure Joe should pander to these morons a bit and choose someone white for strategic reasons alone. He will want to cleave off as much of Trump's base as possible, once many start at the top of a ballot they choose the same side right to the bottom It will bring back echoes of Obama for too many of these morons and might reignite them. Joe doesn't need an African American VP, he has the black vote for the most part and besides, Joe owes them, but most importantly though, they have the democratic party and Joe by the balls. My opinion is merely strategic, one to maximise votes for Joe and congress, there are many good female candidates and some are black, but this is a time of survival, not of symbolism and Ideals, pragmatism must rule the day, what wins the most. Use their prejudice against them, as the republicans do.