What are you smoking today?

Packaging does not do that product any favors. Needles? Why? Ever heard of a dropper? Don't get me wrong I'm sure the stuff is incredible but it really needs to be repackaged. >:(
I have never seen anywhere selling distillate in dripper style bottles ...not even the baller jars ...??
Honestly I don't know much about the dabs... But I do know I don't appreciate seeing hypodermic needles littered on the streets by junkies who can't manage to dispose of them properly. It is a liquid, maybe a really thick liquid but still its a liquid. I really would like to see cannabis be descheduled from the current scheduled 1 our government classifies it as. Packaging it in a hypodermic style dispenser is not helping get it there, streets are already littered with the evidence of the commercialization of cannabis now we have packaging that looks and reminds us of heroin a drug that has caused way to much death in our country... :wall:
Honestly I don't know much about the dabs... But I do know I don't appreciate seeing hypodermic needles littered on the streets by junkies who can't manage to dispose of them properly. It is a liquid, maybe a really thick liquid but still its a liquid. I really would like to see cannabis be descheduled from the current scheduled 1 our government classifies it as. Packaging it in a hypodermic style dispenser is not helping get it there, streets are already littered with the evidence of the commercialization of cannabis now we have packaging that looks and reminds us of heroin a drug that has caused way to much death in our country... :wall:
I personally never get the oooowheeee's when I see a syringe..I have never slammed a drug in my life (47)....all of the junkies that I see are smoking pills and whatnot off of FOIL.. but you know what they say about opinions....
I personally never get the oooowheeee's when I see a syringe..I have never slammed a drug in my life (47)....all of the junkies that I see are smoking pills and whatnot off of FOIL.. but you know what they say about opinions....
You have kids? Ever walk barefoot or in open toed shoes in a park? Needles are a medical tool and are fine when used properly and disposed of correctly. When left on the street they are a bio hazard. Concentrates are fine I guess but the companies slinging them should try to use some imagination when it comes to packaging.
You have kids? Ever walk barefoot or in open toed shoes in a park? Needles are a medical tool and are fine when used properly and disposed of correctly. When left on the street they are a bio hazard. Concentrates are fine I guess but the companies slinging them should try to use some imagination when it comes to packaging.
Yes I have no way of controlling the packages that the distillate comes in