Long taproots

So I germinated 5/5 seeds last night and the previous night, and today they have sprouted and are showing massively large tap roots. Being that this is my first grow, I was possibly over-worrying about if the tap root would get tangled when I transported them to rock wool. When I tried to put them in, I had to hollow out the rock wool a bit, (through to the other side, I have the smallest cubes) then carefully placed them in, trying not to tangle or F with the roots. My worry is that the it wont grow straight up, cause It was hard for me to just sit the babies in there, seed up and all.

Thoughts anyone? Am I just over thinking lol



Well-Known Member
First grow. Rockwool. Germinating in paper towels. You couldn’t have planned to make it much more difficult.


Well-Known Member
If they grow they will grow toward the light.

Make it simple ditch the paper towel next time.


Well-Known Member
Next time try not to let them get so long. They tend to curl and that's when you get stuck waiting for it to figure out gravity and light. It can really set a plant back in a small group of a plants and affect yield.
If they grow they will grow toward the light.

Make it simple ditch the paper towel next time.
Next time try not to let them get so long. They tend to curl and that's when you get stuck waiting for it to figure out gravity and light. It can really set a plant back in a small group of a plants and affect yield.
Thanks both of you guys. I was trying a technique used by Lex Blazer, next time I will just not use the paper towel or only put them in there for a short period of time. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Thanks both of you guys. I was trying a technique used by Lex Blazer, next time I will just not use the paper towel or only put them in there for a short period of time. Cheers.
I’ve done the paper towel before but as soon as I saw a tap root coming out I dropped it

I’m a believer in once you drop you can’t stop doing it that way.

Drop, water, bongsmilie , wait.....couldn’t be easier.


Well-Known Member
wait.....couldn’t be easier.
wait being the key word. I get taproots on day 3(not sure why you implied that isn't good...) and then I plant it literally JUST below the surface and I have my cotyledon leaves on day 4. Any time I've ever seen a seed planted it takes 7 days minimum. Am I doing something wrong?