
Rhododendron, M in law has a bunch of them.
When I worked for John B Ward Tree in PA, I used to spray an anti transpirant on Rhodies and other specimen plants in very late fall that protected plants from (mostly) wind in winter and late lasted about three months...the product degrades on its own. For a few plants there's a product called Wilt-Pruf. Check it out. Works on needled evergreens too. I think for gems like your in-law`s Rhodie its worth the effort.
Venus is dropping out of the evening sky like a startled prairie dog bolting for its hole.

It is at inferior conjunction (between sun and earth) June 02.

Im gonna try to see what is the last day I can see it at dusk.

A few days later it will rocket into the morning sky.



Because it has a thick atmosphere, the thin crescent spans more than 180 degrees of arc.




Venus is dropping out of the evening sky like a startled prairie dog bolting for its hole.

It is at inferior conjunction (between sun and earth) June 02.

Im gonna try to see what is the last day I can see it at dusk.

A few days later it will rocket into the morning sky.

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Because it has a thick atmosphere, the thin crescent spans more than 180 degrees of arc.

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Tonight’s report: acquired Venus in the ten-bys 7 degrees above my horizon, and with my lousy unaided eyes about 2 degrees above “bony knee mountain”.
Mercury is at an especially fine eastern elongation, and I see it in the late dusk.

The moon is a fat crescent less than two degrees N and E of Praesepe (M44 or the Beehive, a very fine open cluster in the middle of Cancer). It’s hotter than a teenager’s night thoughts, but the sky is clear and lovely.
Venus is dropping out of the evening sky like a startled prairie dog bolting for its hole.

It is at inferior conjunction (between sun and earth) June 02.

Im gonna try to see what is the last day I can see it at dusk.

A few days later it will rocket into the morning sky.

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Because it has a thick atmosphere, the thin crescent spans more than 180 degrees of arc.

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Yep Venus is just a crazy bitch with a lot of gas.

The pictures that the Russians took bring a lot of light to that planet.

It's amazing when you look at they're patterns they are so geometric.
My girlfriend does everything except quilt the queen and king sized ones. She sent this one to a woman with a long arm quilter and she did a beautiful job. My gf just started free hand quilting and has done two baby quilts this year but the big ones are so heavy and tough to manage with the machine in the photo. The long arm machines are big $$ and you need some space, from what I understand.
In Mamma's house the quilting rack always stayed in the living room. If she had company, it could be lifted up so you could walk under it. They still did it all by hand back then. You had to roll the quilt up so you could reach the part you were working on.

Before the lockdown, I had a group of quilters meet here at my work every week. They do mostly small stuff to give away to old folks homes. (they get free rent, so can't sell anything they make here, as per our agreement)