making a solar powered battery set up to run a small grow room ???


Active Member
how would i go about making or buying a solar powered battery set up to run a small grow room that uses around 300 watts capable of running for 18 hours a day
this is just a bored though but is something id like to set up if not overly expensive and complicated
the cost of the products are not exactly a problem but im not going to spend $10.000 plus if thats what it would cost to set up
per year i will spend about $4000 on electricity for my entire house so the more things i can take off grid is better for me in the long run
the way im looking at this is for 300 watts the entire yr would cost $1000 ish or more for me to run so if i spend $2000 on a battery set up that will last more then 4 yrs i make a profit
my figures are a average not exact use plus cost.
i pay 35cents per kilowatt. if you feel like doing the correct maths on it please do because i dont do maths
Good luck their expensive in general
the 6 panels i had installed years ago cost cost around $3000 plus the converter but that goes to the grid not battery. im guessing the batteries are the real expense
we have considered converting the entire house to be off grid but apparently thats only good though summer what made it sound less worthy
If you can feed back into the grid (without anyone noticing).
You need 6KWh/day so
6 x 330w panels =$700
3 x 600w GTIs = $300
Total $1000 (plus wires and fittings which you can DIY for almost nothing).

If you need batteries different system,
6 x 330w panels =$700
3kva hybrid inverter $250
300AH of deep cycle batteries at around $125 for 100ah (100ah provides 1kwh storage)=$375
Total $1325 (plus wires and fittings)

I pay 13c Kwh and my system (no batteries) will take 3 years to repay itself.
But I'm in the tropics and can count on generating 1 Kwh/330w panel/day all year round.
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If you can feed back into the grid (without anyone noticing).
You need 6KWh/day so
6 x 330w panels =$700
3 x 600w GTIs = $300
Total $1000 (plus wires and fittings which you can DIY for almost nothing).

If you need batteries different system,
6 x 330w panels =$700
3kva hybrid inverter $250
300AH of deep cycle batteries at around $125 for 100ah (100ah provides 1kwh storage)=$375
Total $1325 (plus wires and fittings)

I pay 13c Kwh and my system (no batteries) will take 3 years to repay itself.
But I'm in the tropics and can count on generating 1 Kwh/330w panel/day all year round.
my current panels are old. they dont generate 1 Kwh per panel all year round peek summer ill get close to that
i could fit about 20 panel on my roof so replacing my current ones with new and adding a few extra would be much of an issue.

guess ill ring some companies and see what on offer but feeding back in to the grid is a load of crap because they dont pay much so id rather store the power for my own use
A DIY 6.5kwh off-grid system with moderate charging speed would run $4500+ easy, I would highly recommend not going off-grid or you'll need a massive pack that will handle a rainy/overcast week ($10k+).

LG chem/resu cells @ 48vdc+ (14s+) or bust, modern EV batteries are the shit.

Don't forget to calculate efficiency loss through inverter, you need a massive oversized inverter to keep listed efficiency near its target.

I feel your pain, residential here is 35.1c/kwh.
A DIY 6.5kwh off-grid system with moderate charging speed would run $4500+ easy, I would highly recommend not going off-grid or you'll need a massive pack that will handle a rainy/overcast week ($10k+).

LG chem/resu cells @ 48vdc+ (14s+) or bust, modern EV batteries are the shit.

Don't forget to calculate efficiency loss through inverter, you need a massive oversized inverter to keep listed efficiency near its target.

I feel your pain, residential here is 35.1c/kwh.
its a joke what they charge and they have us by the balls. so pretty much we have to spend too much on a off grid system or pay high rates per kwh. considering electricity will keep going up in cost i still think ill be worth spending the money for a system although things are not sounding that positive . i might give a few places a ring and see what lies the sale reps have to say
Last time I did something like this spending money for the pricey Rolls Surrette deep cycle cells and all the heavy gauge cable to connect them together really added up fast. And in 5 - 7 years you get to buy a new battery bank. Any savings over using grid tie are eliminated by this need to replace the battery bank.
Since solar panels only make peak power output for maybe 4 hours a day, you really need to oversize the array a lot if you want to have 6.5 kw times say 12 hours off battery.

So say one needs 78 kWh to run the grow for a day. (6.5 x 12) One might need an array thats more like 18kW to charge the batteries each day.
You're way out of date with the costs, today it's a fraction of that.
5KVA hybrid inverter $700, 6x 330w panels $725, 6x 100ah batteries $900 = $2325
Those prices straight up sound like old/used tech, 2kw of solar panels for $725? Seriously? No, that doesn't happen without buying used and still you need wires,mppt controller,thermal monitoring, switches & breakers etc etc, it adds up.

600AH of battery? At what voltage? It doesn't tell wH so the price is useless here, must be lead acid and those are just horrible to use in a system designed for modern reliability, 600AH of lead acid does not store 600AH.
But hey, maybe you could kick me in the nuts with a link to a 2kw series/parallel array for 700$, got damn would I feel stupid if I could buy all that in mono/ibc at that price.
its a joke what they charge and they have us by the balls. so pretty much we have to spend too much on a off grid system or pay high rates per kwh. considering electricity will keep going up in cost i still think ill be worth spending the money for a system although things are not sounding that positive . i might give a few places a ring and see what lies the sale reps have to say
35c/kwh your not from hawaii by chance? Yeah the price gets ridiculous but if you use quality modern products that you don't drive on the edge, you can go 10+ years absolutely maintenance free besides cleaning the panels every so often.

Quality components last a pretty long time if you don't stress them, a cheaper style system would smack you with maintenance in as little as 3 years.
this is allot more complicated then i expected

i never considered that in 5 - 7 years you get to buy a new battery bank and any savings over using grid tie are eliminated by this need to replace the battery bank. oh well i see it being pointless if thats the case. this is why id much rather ask around online then talk to a sales rep that will probably not disclose that information willingly
Since solar panels only make peak power output for maybe 4 hours a day, you really need to oversize the array a lot if you want to have 6.5 kw times say 12 hours off battery.

So say one needs 78 kWh to run the grow for a day. (6.5 x 12) One might need an array thats more like 18kW to charge the batteries each day.
sounds about right just gotta remember if your in a storm and their hasn't been sun in a few days good luck. shit isn't cheap already said that its gonna be a minimum of like 8-10 grand to get it done nicely. I just don't see it worth imo it's so much u have to put in then keep changing battery's out every few years. also didn't we go over this in another thread too :lol: .