Windowsill Grow 2020


Well-Known Member
Last year i started a thread for my windowsill grow, just one small plant cropping about 5 gram (im a low consumption user lol). This year im doing another one, similar strain- Blue mammoth autoflowering.

Im using a bigger pot this year and have started it a month earlier.

This seedling is about 3 days old now.

Im also growing lavender this year to help with smells.

Im not sure what plant feed will be best, last year i just used normal plant food but i think it gave my plant nutrient burn so any advice on this anyone and which nutrient to use?

Cheers :leaf:


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Cool idea! Should be fun.

For autos I use whatever I am using for my other plants, just scaled back and incrementally increased until I hit critical mass.

Botanicare has been amazing for me. Not super cheap, but for that size plant a bottle should last you a while.

All depends how far you wanna go! You could spent $300 on nutes for that one plant, or under $30 for the whole grow. Haha
Cool idea! Should be fun.

For autos I use whatever I am using for my other plants, just scaled back and incrementally increased until I hit critical mass.

Botanicare has been amazing for me. Not super cheap, but for that size plant a bottle should last you a while.

All depends how far you wanna go! You could spent $300 on nutes for that one plant, or under $30 for the whole grow. Haha

Cheers, im hoping its as good as last year. Its actually been a very slow start this year- its not much bigger than pics above but it does have those little side spikey leaves now though.

I started a month early this year though so temperatures still quite low.

Ive put another in as a back up in same sized pot and soil- this ones called Alien Gorilla- Feminized. Not sure how it will go but was a freebe seed so nothing to loose, Currently awaiting germination. Ive also got another 3 seeds but 2 are super skunk so maybe a bit too smelly, and dont wanna push my luck with 5 plants altogether, although very tempting.
This is it now 2 weeks from last pic.....leaves are curling a bit- could this be over or underwatering?


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overwatered, at that size they really dont need much water and since your in soil you should probably only be watering a minuscule amount once a week at this point at most.. soil retains moisture alot longer than soilless mediums like coco for example, so when you see people talkign about watering daily or multiple times a day, that information doesnt apply to you. as far as nutes you can pick up an 8oz bottle of dyna-gro foliage-pro on amazon for 12$ which will be enough for that plant start to finish since its an autoflower its not gonna "live" very long.
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overwatered, at that size they really dont need much water and since your in soil you should probably only be watering a minuscule amount once a week at this point at most.. soil retains moisture alot longer than soilless mediums like coco for example, so when you see people talkign about watering daily or multiple times a day, that information doesnt apply to you. as far as nutes you can pick up an 8oz bottle of dyna-gro foliage-pro on amazon for 12$ which will be enough for that plant start to finish since its an autoflower its not gonna "live" very long.

Ok thanks for that info- ill hold back on watering.

Also its not very warm here yet- (15 C) so less water as the month gets warmer and it should perk up.

Although its an auto, at the moment do u think it would benefit from a 12/12 cycle whilst its small enough to put a cup over it for darkness? Or would this be better for the feminizrd seed im also growing? Or maybe not do either as i dont want to mess things up
the feminized seed is not an auto, it is a photoperiod (atleast according to the description you gave) so it will need 12/12 light cycle WHEN you want it to swtich to flower, dont start that cycle when its a seedling though. autos do not benefit from 12/12 at any point despite some people having the impression that it kickstarts their flowering cycle which it vary well may help to do but you also have to remember that the whole point of autoflowers is that they have a pre-determined lifespan, the seed "knows" how long its going to veg for and it knows when to turn itself to flower, 12/12 is not required, however some of my better results with the few autos ive fucked around with in the past has been to give it atleast a 20/4 cycle, so 20 hours light 4 hours dark, this is because root growth happens mostly during lights out, so while you can do 24 hours of light over an auto its best to give a short dark cycle still otherwise your roots arent gonna be as strong and if it happens to be a good genetic and u get some fatty buds on it then it will most likely topple itself without that root strength.
Sadly this has been a total flop! It stopped growing and didnt get much bigger than the pics above. Then it died on me.

Ive put it down to starting a month too early or a rubbish seed as it was just a cheapo one.

Ive now purchased same seed as last year and a couple of others just waiting for them to germinate with the paper towell method- just hope to god they all behave.

Im not sure if its best to start seeds off in small pots then transplant them or put them straight into big pots does anyone know?
autos put straight into their final container as they dont respond well to any stress including transplanting, photoperiod plants you can do either way really but alot of people prefer to start in small containers and let the rootball kinda take that over and get a good start before transplanting to larger pots.

the other factor here is simply that as you are relying on a window to grow the plant youre really not providing its ideal environment to flourish, have you considered investing in a small tent/light? indoor equipment is becoming more and more affordable in general, as always you never wanna skimp on lighting so if you consider doing this id definently recommend looking at HLG lights, you could get a small 2x2 tent for like 50$ and a HLG-100 for 150$, add a small fan to move air around and youd already be doing 100x better than you are now for that small investment.
lets agree to disagree, it depends on the execution, transplanted mine at day 4 and day 3, they continued to grow like there is nothing
ive done it before too, never said it couldnt be, but its common knowledge that in general autos do not respond well to stress in comparison to photoperiod plants, and no offence to the OP, but were obviously dealing with someone who doesnt have much experience as others so lets give them advice thats within their realm of ability, okay cheetah? okay.
autos put straight into their final container as they dont respond well to any stress including transplanting, photoperiod plants you can do either way really but alot of people prefer to start in small containers and let the rootball kinda take that over and get a good start before transplanting to larger pots.

the other factor here is simply that as you are relying on a window to grow the plant youre really not providing its ideal environment to flourish, have you considered investing in a small tent/light? indoor equipment is becoming more and more affordable in general, as always you never wanna skimp on lighting so if you consider doing this id definently recommend looking at HLG lights, you could get a small 2x2 tent for like 50$ and a HLG-100 for 150$, add a small fan to move air around and youd already be doing 100x better than you are now for that small investment.
Hiya, thanks for advise. Worth a thought- For the lights im just wondering if they would be seen at night and if i wud need to black out window? I know they can give off a purply glow.
Hiya, thanks for advise. Worth a thought- For the lights im just wondering if they would be seen at night and if i wud need to black out window? I know they can give off a purply glow.
well thats part of why you get the TENT with the light, the tent will keep light from getting in when the plants need darkness and will keep light from shining out a window for example. also you dont want blurple lights. HLG lights are full spectrum white light, much more efficient and as someone who dished out a ton of money on "the best" blurples i can tell you i replaced 800$ worth of blurples with 1 300$ HLG 225 and i shouldve gone with that to start because im getting denser heavier buds throughout my whole plants, no more "popcorn buds".

Edit: for clarification purposes- the tent will keep light from shining out when its zipped up obviously, and most likely you will run lights during night and have them off during the day so that you can take advantage of the naturally cooler temperatures of night-time like most growers who dont have a dedicated HVAC for their rooms do, that being said when you open the tent up at tight for maintenance or simply to bask in the glory of your plants lol, you will want to have a blackout curtain covering the window to keep unwanted eyes from seeing an oddly "overlit" window in the night, you dont need to go crazy and duct tape cardboard over your windows or any crackhead shit like that, just go to walmart and get a black set of curtains that are fairly thick, they are usually identified on the packaging specifically as "blackout curtains"
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So here, i took the liberty of throwing together a shopping list for you, Sadly HLG is currently sold out of their HLG100 model from their own website, but the ebay link listed here is from an authorized dealer of HLG products and i have personally bought from him before with no issues.

I listed 2 tents as i had given you an estimate of 50$ initially, after looking them up they're a bit over what i had remembered for this size, but well worth it still if you wanna do a proper indoor grow, the better tent has the same 2ft x 2ft footprint as the cheaper one but has a taller headhight at 55" vs 48" i know it might not seem like a big difference but trust me when your plant starts stretching and getting too close to your lamp and burning your buds you'll wish you had gone with the slightly taller one.

The extraction fan is something youll need to help remove heat generated from the light and draw in fresher air through the passive vents. youve obviously grown atleast one plant before, im not sure if you made it all the way through flower and actually got usable product from it, but if you did then you know the plant will start to smell up your house in flower stage, thast where the filter comes into play, the carbon filter will remove the smell from the air as it is sucked out of the tent, however with this small of a tent i really wouldnt recommend a filter unless your really paranoid about the smell getting you caught, i personally would go with the small extraction fan with no filter for this setup. upgrade to the centrifugal fan with carbon filter of you bump up to like a 2x4 tent size.

Better Tent- super long amazon link!
Cheaper Tent-
Extraction fan/no filter-
Extraction fan with filter-
3 weeks ago i put 2 new seeds in- this is how theyve done- no where near as good as my one i did last year.

People told me that i should use a bigger pot with perlite which ive done

Last year i used a smaller pot with no perlite.

Theres a chap on here from Northern Ireland whos windowsill grow is huge in comparison and he just used soil from Lidl but waters every 2-3 days.

Ive been watering daily so have i overdone it? And can they be revived?


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Looks great thats the size i need. Whats photoperiod does that mean its not an autoflower?

Im a bit new to all this haha
Yhh not a autoflower, need to give it 12 hours darkness a day. Bit of a headache But smells stupidly gassy

As mine are autoflower ive not been shutting blinds at night but now im thinking i should as there is a street lamp outside. Could this be affecting their growth maybe?

I have a feeling last year i shut them but im not entirely sure. That plant did well though compared to current ones.

Hmmmm i do wonder