Well then quick science explanation brought to you by caffeine!
My background is in restaurant menu R&D. Lots of notes lots of data tracking, and process monitoring in order to create optimum efficiency when executing these recipes in restaurants. Trying to get the process to where the lowest common denominator experience wise could replicate this with ease.
I am taking this approach to growing to reach the most consistent and optimum results in my grows.
I built my own grow tent to fit a pretty exact space I had and set it up into 2 distinct ecosystems. All of the soil, the pots, the lights, etc is the same.
The only difference between the two is the humidity and temperature. I try to maintain a consistent VPD (between 1.0 and 0.9) across both while maintaining fairly different temp and humidity ranges.
Area 1 is 82-88 F and 70-75% RH
Area 2 is 72-78 F and 60-65% RH
Both of these scenarios result in a VPD between .9 an 1.0 which is in the optimum zone for plant perspiration
I am tracking the temp and humidity every 1 minute giving me roughly 2400 data points for each temp and humidity every day. Along side this I take height and leaf growth measurements that I can plot directly next to this Temp/Humidity data in order to get a fairly accurate picture of what these different temp/hum ranges are doing for the growth/success of the plant.
The goal of all of this is to discover what is optimum for each plant and to eventually after 3 or 4 grows have enough data to map out the optimum grow requirements for my each unique plant.
My next grow I will focus on water and nutrient requirements. I have a 5 plant limit in Illinois so I cant run as many as I would like but I can run two of two different breeds and get a direct comparison. By the end of this I will be able to look at the data and tell you what the optimum parameters I will need for each plant to have the best quality and most growth.
My whole set-up is currently or is going to be automated and pc controlled at some point and this data will allow me to basically walk away and work on it minimally while still growing great plants
Well that is the quick breakdown haha.