What brand of coco coir does everyone use?

Went back today and was able to order 4 bricks of the Walmart stuff. Thanks @SwiSHa85
Np man. I went this morning and found out why my local had them marked down to $3.50. Either humidity or rain got to a pallet they had outside. They started to expand slightly and stretched the plastic packaging. I picked through the pallet and got all the good ones and a few stretched ones to make it an even 20 bricks. I'm good for several seasons now.
Np man. I went this morning and found out why my local had them marked down to $3.50. Either humidity or rain got to a pallet they had outside. They started to expand slightly and stretched the plastic packaging. I picked through the pallet and got all the good ones and a few stretched ones to make it an even 20 bricks. I'm good for several seasons now.
Yeah bro. That's a great deal. I used to get bricks of mother earth for like $10 on Amazon but shit has changed in the past few months. The price of coco, On Amazon, went thru the roof. So this Wallymart shit should fill my void. What shitty marketing doh!!! They call it soil when its not. and searching coco coir on Walmart never resulted in that product.

Good looking out..
Yeah bro. That's a great deal. I used to get bricks of mother earth for like $10 on Amazon but shit has changed in the past few months. The price of coco, On Amazon, went thru the roof. So this Wallymart shit should fill my void. What shitty marketing doh!!! They call it soil when its not. and searching coco coir on Walmart never resulted in that product.

Good looking out..
Still $6 inc delivery for bricks where I live ($3 coco + $3 delivery)
Yeah bro. That's a great deal. I used to get bricks of mother earth for like $10 on Amazon but shit has changed in the past few months. The price of coco, On Amazon, went thru the roof. So this Wallymart shit should fill my void. What shitty marketing doh!!! They call it soil when its not. and searching coco coir on Walmart never resulted in that product.

Good looking out..
I would have never known it was coco coir if I hadn't bought bricks off Amazon before. Found this stuff in store first time and I thought it would be trash but its actually pretty good. Other brands I've found rocks and plastic before but I've found very little foreign matter in this stuff. This stuff is also more pith which is what I like, less husk strings and chunks for max water retention.