Happy Birthday cannabineer & tyler.durden

On this fine day, 2 beef daddies were born of sinew, cocoa butter and lion's marrow.

As bear and Tyler toiled away at their anvils, the sun burned hotter than a rattlesnakes asshole. Their butt muscles, barely contained by thick leather chaps, glistened with salted sweat beads. A lone buffalo screeches in the distance. The men nod. It is time.

"bathe finshaggy and bring him to me.", bellows Tyler down a stone corridor. "I have something SPECIAL planned for the boy".

"Pay special attention the ANUUUUS!", Bear screeches, unable to contain his maniacal laughter.


The rest of this hot and spicy erotica thriller can be purchased from my website http//:www.bobbyerotica.org for $12.99

Happy birthday sexxxies!
On this fine day, 2 beef daddies were born of sinew, cocoa butter and lion's marrow.

As bear and Tyler toiled away at their anvils, the sun burned hotter than a rattlesnakes asshole. Their butt muscles, barely contained by thick leather chaps, glistened with salted sweat beads. A lone buffalo screeches in the distance. The men nod. It is time.

"bathe finshaggy and bring him to me.", bellows Tyler down a stone corridor. "I have something SPECIAL planned for the boy".

"Pay special attention the ANUUUUS!", Bear screeches, unable to contain his maniacal laughter.


The rest of this hot and spicy erotica thriller can be purchased from my website http//:www.bobbyerotica.org for $12.99

Happy birthday sexxxies!
An art teacher who paints with words! I can't find the novel on your website?
On this fine day, 2 beef daddies were born of sinew, cocoa butter and lion's marrow.

As bear and Tyler toiled away at their anvils, the sun burned hotter than a rattlesnakes asshole. Their butt muscles, barely contained by thick leather chaps, glistened with salted sweat beads. A lone buffalo screeches in the distance. The men nod. It is time.

"bathe finshaggy and bring him to me.", bellows Tyler down a stone corridor. "I have something SPECIAL planned for the boy".

"Pay special attention the ANUUUUS!", Bear screeches, unable to contain his maniacal laughter.


The rest of this hot and spicy erotica thriller can be purchased from my website http//:www.bobbyerotica.org for $12.99

Happy birthday sexxxies!
Well thanks. Now I am compelled to practice my very best Johnny Weissmuller yodel while walking the halls of my Covid Redoubt and yelling ANUUUUUUSSS!