Pandemic 2020

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You forgot Dr Drew, he's even been appearing on Fox sports shows.
Just like the religious con men, he will draw out the charlatans everywhere and gather them around his banner for the war on reality, this time reality is gonna bite him on the ass and chew out his entrails real quick, corona ain't the congress or the courts, the more lies the faster it spreads.
You forgot Dr Drew, he's even been appearing on Fox sports shows.
Think about the recent experience with HCQ and those who promoted it. Everybody with a brain knows what is gonna happen in a few weeks if they listen to Trump and all doctors know what will happen. As the body count goes up the level of shit on their faces will get thicker and they will be run out of the profession for killing people and breaking their oaths to "do no harm", a scientist would lose his job and never work in the field again.

Some red state body counts are gonna be big, though a lot of sensible folks are protecting themselves, but many crowd the bars and restaurants and with no testing they will need to lock down to survive when it hits them. The poor bastards in the medical system are screwed and dread the future.
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See how he tries to cover all the bases? He goes from not wanting a cruise ship to dock because he doesn't "want the numbers to go up", to it's "a badge of honor" for the number of cases. So obvious, even a caveman would spot it.
Minnesota is up for a darwin award. Does anyone here live in a state where this is going on? What is your reaction to people willingly spreading a virus that will most likely kill millions?

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I live in such a state, which is to say a state with a Democrat governor. These are the states targeted by the “Conservative” groups that have organized all of these protests. This despite all such states adhering to the White House’s pandemic guidance.

Despite MI having a large self-appointed militia, protesters have been a very small, but colorful portion of our state. Some of the self-employed Michiganders who supported the spectacle have been disappointed as the gun nuts n abortion activists have hijacked what they thought was their cause. This comes from the Conservative PACs pulling in all allied activists in their effort to inflate their numbers. Actions of these HEAVILY armed activists in the state capital has had a heavy backlash on the gun nuts as new, more restrictive laws are being written n public opinion has not been sympathetic to the Live TV actions of the morons.
Another thing your missing with Donald, a heart, some people think it's important, especially those who lost loved ones.
An utter and complete failure as a human being on every level, he's a failure as a man and especially as a president.
Watch: The Key Challenge Trump Fails Against Every Other President Facing Crisis | MSNBC

Presidents throughout history have led the nation to grieve during tragedy – until now. As over 90,000 Americans have died due to COVID-19, Pres. Trump is breaking the bipartisan custom of consoling the nation. During an entire month of briefings, Trump devoted less than one percent of his total time to condolences (as the Washington Post reported), a marked contrast to Presidents Bush, Clinton, Obama and Reagan. MSNBC Anchor Ari Melber delves into the historical footage, noting President’s action or inaction shapes “how the nation is protected,” adding, "this is not normal. We should not act like this is normal.”
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Joe is baiting Donald again, Donald watches this show compulsively, he personally knows these people and they are talking about him and Joe starts his day off right! Donald knows he's a stupid asshole because Joe tells him every week day morning, he might like fox & friends, but he's drawn to this like a moth to a flame.
Joe: Attacking Obama Won't Work Again In 2020 | Morning Joe | MSNBC

President Trump has gone after President Obama in recent weeks, and the panel weighs in on the strategy and how it's likely to generate the turnout vote for Biden in November. Aired on 05/20/2020.

it's really great he looks into the camera and calls him a moron- when in Rome..
Joe is baiting Donald again, Donald watches this show compulsively, he personally knows these people and they are talking about him and Joe starts his day off right! Donald knows he's a stupid asshole because Joe tells him every week day morning, he might like fox & friends, but he's drawn to this like a moth to a flame.
Joe: Attacking Obama Won't Work Again In 2020 | Morning Joe | MSNBC

President Trump has gone after President Obama in recent weeks, and the panel weighs in on the strategy and how it's likely to generate the turnout vote for Biden in November. Aired on 05/20/2020.

thanks for posting i often miss this due to time change:clap:

re: attacking Obama..that is sooooooooo last decade.


bye bye Trumpy* is finally not reporting everything out of your mouth.

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I live in such a state, which is to say a state with a Democrat governor. These are the states targeted by the “Conservative” groups that have organized all of these protests. This despite all such states adhering to the White House’s pandemic guidance.

Despite MI having a large self-appointed militia, protesters have been a very small, but colorful portion of our state. Some of the self-employed Michiganders who supported the spectacle have been disappointed as the gun nuts n abortion activists have hijacked what they thought was their cause. This comes from the Conservative PACs pulling in all allied activists in their effort to inflate their numbers. Actions of these HEAVILY armed activists in the state capital has had a heavy backlash on the gun nuts as new, more restrictive laws are being written n public opinion has not been sympathetic to the Live TV actions of the morons.
Many brought it home to their communities hundreds of miles away, as cell phone data has shown, some might need their guns in those places if folks find out they killed their kin.
One way violence could break out is:
Let's use the reopening "protesters" who went to the political events in blue state capitals, while encouraged by Trump and financed by right wing millionaires, as an example. Anonymized cell phone data has been used to track those who participated back to their communities hundreds of miles away in many cases, bringing death, suffering and overwhelmed hospitals back home. Many of these protesters were not wearing masks and there were a ton of photos taken and posted online, someone is gonna do a little "community facial recognition" on facebook and identify lots of these heavily armed morons, many of whom traveled for the Trump rally to storm the state legislatures. Many people will lose loved ones and will be plenty pissed if these stupid pricks brought the plague to their doorstep when they should have known better. Some will want to find those responsible, some will want to sue them, and others will want to do other things that might involve firearms and scopes, or even fists and baseball bats.

Five years down the road assholes are still gonna get the shit beat out of themselves in bars over this at the very least. If your next door neighbor attended one of these covid -19 "measles parties", and brought this to your family and killed some of them how would you feel? Some would burn the fucker's house to the ground and shoot him as he came out the door on fire.
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i figured it out..

he doesn't want mail-in because you can't change their existence, therefore, you can't change the numbers- they're going to change the election numbers.
One way violence could break out is:
Let's use the reopening "protesters" who when to the political events in blue state capitals, while encouraged by Trump and financed by right wing millionaires, as an example. Anonymized cell phone data has been used to track those who participated back to their communities hundreds of miles away in many cases, bringing death, suffering and overwhelmed hospitals back home. Many of these protesters were not wearing masks and there were a ton of photos taken and posted online, someone is gonna do a little "community facial recognition" on facebook and identify lots of these heavily armed morons, many of whom traveled for the Trump rally to storm the state legislatures. Many people will lose loved ones and will be plenty pissed if these stupid pricks brought the plague to their doorstep when they should have known better. Some will want to find those responsible, some will want to sue them, and others will want to do other things that might involve firearms and scopes, or even fists and baseball bats.

Five years down the road assholes are still gonna get the shit beat out of them at bars over this at the very least. If your next door neighbor attended one of these covid -19 "measles parties", and brought this to your family and killed some of them how would you feel? Some would burn the fucker's house to the ground and shoot him as he came out the door on fire.

Trumpy* couldn't have chosen a better time if he picked it himself..rural has yet to be hit which will happen right around election day.
I live in such a state, which is to say a state with a Democrat governor. These are the states targeted by the “Conservative” groups that have organized all of these protests. This despite all such states adhering to the White House’s pandemic guidance.

Despite MI having a large self-appointed militia, protesters have been a very small, but colorful portion of our state. Some of the self-employed Michiganders who supported the spectacle have been disappointed as the gun nuts n abortion activists have hijacked what they thought was their cause. This comes from the Conservative PACs pulling in all allied activists in their effort to inflate their numbers. Actions of these HEAVILY armed activists in the state capital has had a heavy backlash on the gun nuts as new, more restrictive laws are being written n public opinion has not been sympathetic to the Live TV actions of the morons.
Astroturf protesters have been plaguing Portland Oregon for years with the same bullshit. A few hundred fly in from all across the country to project right wing racism and power by marching through our streets with their fascist flags and regalia. They show up armed to the teeth. The even set up a sniper pit in one parking garage. We know about it because that pit was busted and told to disperse. Now, they are showing up in other cities, albeit using a different excuse.

I'm wondering how many of them are the same Proud Boys that we've seen in Portland. These guys are dirt poor. As you say, somebody is paying for these demonstrations.
Why is this observation not obvious to everyone? And by everyone, I mean his followers. You know the ones with TDS. Because you'd have to be deranged to believe/support him.

His followers are too invested in him by now. They cannot accept that they were wrong because that would mean defeat. Defeat is not acceptable and they'd rather vote against their own best interests. It's a cult mentality.
His followers are too invested in him by now. They cannot accept that they were wrong because that would mean defeat. Defeat is not acceptable and they'd rather vote against their own best interests. It's a cult mentality.
It is just like religion, the more someone not in it pushes against it, the harder people tend to defend it hardening their 'beliefs'.
jesus it's pretty clear he can hardly be bothered with her.

"Great student, great school," tweeted the President. "Just what I need is a lawyer in the family. Proud of you, Tiff!" A White House official told CNN Trump has invited his daughter to the White House Wednesday to congratulate her in person.

Q: do you think he could manage (or they allow him) this on his own?

If the president (who is commander-in-chief of the armed forces) decides to order the use of nuclear weapons, he or she would be taken aside by the "carrier" and the briefcase would be opened. A command signal, or "watch" alert, would then be issued to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The president would then review the attack options with the secretary of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and decide on a plan, which could range from a single cruise missile to multiple ICBM launches. These are preset war plans developed under OPLAN 8010 (formerly the Single Integrated Operational Plan). Then, using Milstar, the aide, a military officer, would contact the National Military Command Center and NORAD to determine the scope of the pre-emptive nuclear strike and prepare a second strike, following which Milstar/Advanced Extremely High Frequency or Boeing E-4Bs and TACAMOs would air the currently valid nuclear launch code to all nuclear delivery systems operational. Where a two-person verification procedure would be executed following this, the codes would be entered in a Permissive Action Link.[citation needed]

Before the order can be processed by the military, the president must be positively identified using a special code issued on a plastic card, nicknamed the "biscuit".[6] The United States has a two-man rule in place at the nuclear launch facilities, and while only the president can order the release of nuclear weapons, the order must be verified by the secretary of defense to be an authentic order given by the president (there is a hierarchy of succession in the event that the president is killed in an attack). This verification process deals solely with verifying that the order came from the actual president. The secretary of defense has no veto power and must comply with the president's order.[6] Once all the codes have been verified, the military would issue attack orders to the proper units. These orders are given and then re-verified for authenticity. It is argued that the president has almost sole authority to initiate a nuclear attack since the secretary of defense is required to verify the order, but cannot veto it.[7][8][9]

The football is carried by one of the rotating presidential military aides, whose work schedule is described by a top-secret rota (one from each of the five service branches). This person is a commissioned officer in the U.S. military, pay-grade O-4 or above, who has undergone the nation's most rigorous background check (Yankee White).[10][11] These officers are required to keep the football readily accessible to the president at all times. Consequently, the aide, football in hand, is always either standing or walking near the president, including riding on Air Force One, Marine One, or the presidential motorcade with the president.[11]

The operational plan for nuclear strike orders is entirely concerned with the identity of the commanding officer and the authenticity of the order, and there are no safeguards to verify that the person issuing the order is actually sane. Notably, Major Harold Hering was discharged from the Air Force in late 1973 for asking the question "How can I know that an order I receive to launch my missiles came from a sane president?" [12]

The vice president, the secretary of defense, and the deputy secretary of defense also have nuclear footballs.[citation neede
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jesus it's pretty clear he can hardly be bothered with her.

"Great student, great school," tweeted the President. "Just what I need is a lawyer in the family. Proud of you, Tiff!" A White House official told CNN Trump has invited his daughter to the White House Wednesday to congratulate her in person.

Release the transcripts!
Q: do you think he could manage (or they allow him) this on his own?

If the president (who is commander-in-chief of the armed forces) decides to order the use of nuclear weapons, he or she would be taken aside by the "carrier" and the briefcase would be opened. A command signal, or "watch" alert, would then be issued to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The president would then review the attack options with the secretary of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and decide on a plan, which could range from a single cruise missile to multiple ICBM launches. These are preset war plans developed under OPLAN 8010 (formerly the Single Integrated Operational Plan). Then, using Milstar, the aide, a military officer, would contact the National Military Command Center and NORAD to determine the scope of the pre-emptive nuclear strike and prepare a second strike, following which Milstar/Advanced Extremely High Frequency or Boeing E-4Bs and TACAMOs would air the currently valid nuclear launch code to all nuclear delivery systems operational. Where a two-person verification procedure would be executed following this, the codes would be entered in a Permissive Action Link.[citation needed]

Before the order can be processed by the military, the president must be positively identified using a special code issued on a plastic card, nicknamed the "biscuit".[6] The United States has a two-man rule in place at the nuclear launch facilities, and while only the president can order the release of nuclear weapons, the order must be verified by the secretary of defense to be an authentic order given by the president (there is a hierarchy of succession in the event that the president is killed in an attack). This verification process deals solely with verifying that the order came from the actual president. The secretary of defense has no veto power and must comply with the president's order.[6] Once all the codes have been verified, the military would issue attack orders to the proper units. These orders are given and then re-verified for authenticity. It is argued that the president has almost sole authority to initiate a nuclear attack since the secretary of defense is required to verify the order, but cannot veto it.[7][8][9]

The football is carried by one of the rotating presidential military aides, whose work schedule is described by a top-secret rota (one from each of the five service branches). This person is a commissioned officer in the U.S. military, pay-grade O-4 or above, who has undergone the nation's most rigorous background check (Yankee White).[10][11] These officers are required to keep the football readily accessible to the president at all times. Consequently, the aide, football in hand, is always either standing or walking near the president, including riding on Air Force One, Marine One, or the presidential motorcade with the president.[11]

The operational plan for nuclear strike orders is entirely concerned with the identity of the commanding officer and the authenticity of the order, and there are no safeguards to verify that the person issuing the order is actually sane. Notably, Major Harold Hering was discharged from the Air Force in late 1973 for asking the question "How can I know that an order I receive to launch my missiles came from a sane president?" [12]

The vice president, the secretary of defense, and the deputy secretary of defense also have nuclear footballs.[citation neede
Scary shit.

I wouldn’t want to live in a blue state these days. :cool:
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