If aliens did it why did they do it with limestone?
They build huge metallic ships to get here (unless they built them out of limestone, lol) and then build these things out of limestone?
A pyramid is a burial chamber, if you want evidence of this you'll note that the Pharoes had the biggest burial mounds... even beggars were given small mounds of rock that resembled miniature pyramids.
Transcripts from egypt have been found... almost diaries of common men if you like... and when translated they paint a picture of Egypt. One transcript found, along with official paperwork, was of a grave robber. He started out as an apprentice helping to build the pyramids, and through his knowledge of this he secured ways of robbing them. He led a very rich life until he was caught, a combination of wine, women a nd a loose tongue his downfall. He was also an atheist, with complete and utter disbelief in tyhe Egyptian gods... whom else could defile a burial chamber in such a way.
Strange that the Egyptians, so meticulous in their record keeping made no mention of these aliens building the pyramids for them... out of rock.
I ave a theory that I read in many places.
why were such similar buildings found in both Northern Africa and in central America, both built around the same time. Did the Eygptians and Aztec and Myans know each other? Nope, so someone else in common existed. It was the survivors of Atlantis. When Atlantis went down, survivors went East and West, via ships, and found land and built new civilizations......and pyramids.
If aliens did it why did they do it with limestone?
They build huge metallic ships to get here (unless they built them out of limestone, lol) and then build these things out of limestone?
Strange that the Egyptians, so meticulous in their record keeping made no mention of these aliens building the pyramids for them... out of rock.
who the hell said anything about aliens??????
i just want to know why such a HUGE feat was not documented on the walls yet everything else was. maybe the Egyptians moved into the pyramids after they were already there. the higher up in royalty the bigger pyramid you took over. where did they get the limestone? i'm just wondering because i saw a program where they tried to build a small section of pyramid and the amount of work it took was pretty large. even using all the engineering techniques. and what about all the lost knowledge? how does something like that occur? i'm leading nowhere with this. i am just wondering. this has been a long asked unanswered question.