Got screwed by Greybeard...

You are literally paying extra to a middle man to drop ship your stuff from tiger one or some other bulk place.
Nothing wrong with bulk seeds from spain except they are sometimes old or nothing special but u dont pay over 5 a seed unless u get like 3 then it's still under 10 bux each.
It happens. Credit card processing for seed vendors is a giant fucking pita. That's why most are cash/MO only.
Most in the stone ages yes. The rest take some sort of epay/coin/etc.
IMO if a seed bank doesn't reply, ripoff on shipping, charges any "tax" (goes up their bum), doesn't communicate (i give them 5 working days if they are a good deal), or doesn't accept some sort of safe electronic payment no thanks not worth it.
Also in general, if you purchase "old" release seeds, make sure if it's not a popular (i.e breeder makes multiple F1s a year from clones etc) it's under a year and stored in fridge but the issue is you never know unless you can sort by release date to the seedbank or it's "new" you're good to go.
You are literally paying extra to a middle man to drop ship your stuff from tiger one or some other bulk place.
Nothing wrong with bulk seeds from spain except they are sometimes old or nothing special but u dont pay over 5 a seed unless u get like 3 then it's still under 10 bux each.
actually he's a Tiger One distributor (Greybeard and Seedsman orders ship from same address) and often offers better prices than Seedsman
actually he's a Tiger One distributor (Greybeard and Seedsman orders ship from same address) and often offers better prices than Seedsman
Lol cool.
The best prices ive seen overseas are from pevgrow and linda seeds
Best yet directly from breeders.
I got a 20 off code in growdiaries from but the effers of course dont reply and the site says cant buy from u.s.a with cc but i still cant order with bitcoin typical dutch pot heads?
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For what it's worth, the dude is kind of abrasive and can come off as a dick but, in my experience with him, he's exceptionally honest and willing to more than make up for any problems. Definitely not the quickest to respond, but not a crook.
Well I finally got some contact. However,I was left with the money should've been put back or I can replace the order through cashapp or google pay. I'm not going to replace an order for something i never recieved and no refund yet on top of it. I'll just wait the 7 to 14 days to try to recomp the money I guess. Otherwise I'm just out and nothing to show. There was no apology, a one sentence explanation, and send me more money. Not a very good experience for me. Going to try brother mendel's selections next.......anybody know anything about these guys?
Well I finally got some contact. However,I was left with the money should've been put back or I can replace the order through cashapp or google pay. I'm not going to replace an order for something i never recieved and no refund yet on top of it. I'll just wait the 7 to 14 days to try to recomp the money I guess. Otherwise I'm just out and nothing to show. There was no apology, a one sentence explanation, and send me more money. Not a very good experience for me. Going to try brother mendel's selections next.......anybody know anything about these guys?
Ugh.... the Facebook group is a shitshow full of narcissistic posers and all his gear is just random pollen chucks with every plant he grows. Not the least bit impressed with Brother Mendel, his selections, or his Facebook group, to be honest. I left that group when some asshole was bragging about spending $10k on a 20 pack of 25-year-old "heirloom Durban Poison" seeds from his "guy" who had had them in a jar for over 2 decades in his garage or something stupid like that. Either the guy was the world's worst liar or the world's biggest mark. Anyway, somebody told him that it was ridiculous to spend anything on 25 year-old seeds that hadn't been stored correctly and the whole gang of fanbois shouted him down because the idiot making the claim is popular in the group. Pretty much avoid Facebook-based "breeders" at all costs. They're all chucking pollen out of a plant selected from a single pack of seeds to another plant selected from a single pack of seeds, all from places you can easily find yourself. Unless they have a special talent for selection and run through a lot of packs, in which case they wouldn't be running their business solely on Facebook of all platforms, they're just doing what anybody with a male and female plant can do.
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Top reccomendation is always Great Lakes Genetics because of the awesome freebies, but there are a shit ton of seedbanks that sell tested gear from accessible breeders who document their shit and use legitimate cuts. If the only information about a seed company's gear that you can find online is their description or a journal of somebody's first grow, it's probably not going to end up being worth your money. Maybe once in awhile, but not often.
Top reccomendation is always Great Lakes Genetics because of the awesome freebies, but there are a shit ton of seedbanks that sell tested gear from accessible breeders who document their shit and use legitimate cuts. If the only information about a seed company's gear that you can find online is their description or a journal of somebody's first grow, it's probably not going to end up being worth your money. Maybe once in awhile, but not often.
Agreed.....hell I feel like anyone of them is a crap shoot right now. It's been awhile since I've tried online purchasing. Things have changed, soooo many people trying to get in the game,just like every other aspect. I just wanna do me lol. The input is much appreciated.
Agreed.....hell I feel like anyone of them is a crap shoot right now. It's been awhile since I've tried online purchasing. Things have changed, soooo many people trying to get in the game,just like every other aspect. I just wanna do me lol. The input is much appreciated.
There are more people breeding great genetics right now than at any other time in history but you aren't going to find most of them in the "big box store" seedbanks. They're on IG, at the boutique seed banks, selling direct through email, etc.
There are more people breeding great genetics right now than at any other time in history but you aren't going to find most of them in the "big box store" seedbanks. They're on IG, at the boutique seed banks, selling direct through email, etc.
Yeah I can't fight ya there. That is true also. S
There are more people breeding great genetics right now than at any other time in history but you aren't going to find most of them in the "big box store" seedbanks. They're on IG, at the boutique seed banks, selling direct through email, etc.
Yeah that seems to be the concensus I get from everyone. Just thought I'd try that route,be a lil different. Just gonna keep up the good fight here,place small orders till I find what I'm looking for. Can't do anything else than that. Best to ya friend. Thanks
Funny that he blames a credit card processor for all the issues.. I placed an order. He recieved the money and mailed ten out of fifty seeds. shorted me 80 percent of my order and refused to respond to multiple emails. So I repeat. He is a fucking scammer
Funny that he blames a credit card processor for all the issues.. I placed an order. He recieved the money and mailed ten out of fifty seeds. shorted me 80 percent of my order and refused to respond to multiple emails. So I repeat. He is a fucking scammer
Right!!!!! Ok things happen,but how is it the consumers responsibility when you mess up on your end. Doesn't matter what the reason,if your a good person with good intentions you make that right. Live and learn I guess. Sorry you got ripped so bad.
Right!!!!! Ok things happen,but how is it the consumers responsibility when you mess up on your end. Doesn't matter what the reason,if your a good person with good intentions you make that right. Live and learn I guess. Sorry you got ripped so bad.
Another point I just thought about. Claims it's the processor and they stopped their account on the 3rd of may. OK,then why was the money taken out on the 8th still. There is some fuckery going on there and noone can dispute that!!!
Pending charges will still process once they've been initiated, which can take several business days. I get it that having money tied up in something you expected to be quick and easy is a hassle, but it can also lead to jumping to illogical and baseless assumptions. Don't know about the seed-shorting issue, but the credit card thing is totally understandable. Honestly, paying with a card (unless it's a prepaid debit) for items that are still federally illegal to buy and sell isn't really a wise move even if you live in a non-prohibition state. All the hassle can be easily avoided (and much better genetics found) by not limiting oneself to vendors that accept credit cards.
Pending charges will still process once they've been initiated, which can take several business days. I get it that having money tied up in something you expected to be quick and easy is a hassle, but it can also lead to jumping to illogical and baseless assumptions. Don't know about the seed-shorting issue, but the credit card thing is totally understandable. Honestly, paying with a card (unless it's a prepaid debit) for items that are still federally illegal to buy and sell isn't really a wise move even if you live in a non-prohibition state. All the hassle can be easily avoided (and much better genetics found) by not limiting oneself to vendors that accept credit cards.
Pending charges will still process once they've been initiated, which can take several business days. I get it that having money tied up in something you expected to be quick and easy is a hassle, but it can also lead to jumping to illogical and baseless assumptions. Don't know about the seed-shorting issue, but the credit card thing is totally understandable. Honestly, paying with a card (unless it's a prepaid debit) for items that are still federally illegal to buy and sell isn't really a wise move even if you live in a non-prohibition state. All the hassle can be easily avoided (and much better genetics found) by not limiting oneself to vendors that accept credit cards.
Lol ok iam a kid again
Used a prepaid,money was taken and accredited to someone's account. Got a reply email saying money should've been accredited back to my account already. Which should mean it was done days ago. No money,no beans,no warning nothing. Now no reply. Don't appreciate being talked down to like I'm dumb either. Lol first thread I read about great lakes genetics a guy was saying he got ripped off for over 700 dollars and im supposed to listen you. Get bent honestly
Lol ok iam a kid again
Used a prepaid,money was taken and accredited to someone's account. Got a reply email saying money should've been accredited back to my account already. Which should mean it was done days ago. No money,no beans,no warning nothing. Now no reply. Don't appreciate being talked down to like I'm dumb either. Lol first thread I read about great lakes genetics a guy was saying he got ripped off for over 700 dollars and im supposed to listen you. Get bent honestly
If someone said Dragboat ripped them off for $700, they were lying their ass off. Go buy some Facebook chucker beans, I guess. Trying to help you out, not talkng down to you. Same story for years and years and years with this seed shit. Impatience and anxiety from inexperienced people who almost always choose the worst possible options for everything from genetics to growing methods to seed vendors to payment methods and then have zero patience and go all over forums blasting whomever their paranoid delusions make them think is ripping them off... then when they get everything taken care of, they slink off and leave up their slanderous posts for the next noob (i.e. YOU) to look up and use as fuel for their own paranoia. If you were being ripped off, you wouldn't be receiving any communication at all... and no one operating a state-legal business is going to risk the potential liability of a criminal complaint by a customer. I don't know how old you are... but, yes, in this - you might as well be a kid again because that's exactly how you're thinking and behaving.
Top reccomendation is always Great Lakes Genetics because of the awesome freebies, but there are a shit ton of seedbanks that sell tested gear from accessible breeders who document their shit and use legitimate cuts. If the only information about a seed company's gear that you can find online is their description or a journal of somebody's first grow, it's probably not going to end up being worth your money. Maybe once in awhile, but not often.
You've mentioned in the past that paying $5-$10 per seed is a rip-off, in the ILGM thread, but I can't find anything on their site that is really any less than $5/seed (unless you count the random freebies in your calculation). Where are you finding quality seeds that cheap?
You've mentioned in the past that paying $5-$10 per seed is a rip-off, in the ILGM thread, but I can't find anything on their site that is really any less than $5/seed (unless you count the random freebies in your calculation). Where are you finding quality seeds that cheap?
You aren't looking apparently. Also, I'm taking into account that almost every breeder on there is BOGO full packs that you pick yourself... but not the tons of other great freebies that come with your order.

I'm honestly about tired of preaching common sense to skeptical seed virgins who need convincing not to buy obviously fake genetics from sham companies. I mean, for fuck's sake. There are 100+ page threads on this site about all this stuff. Rather than interrogating me about things that I don't have any reason whatsoever to lie about, why don't you go read those? Good luck in your quest for the obvious.
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