To hot


Active Member
Hi guys im. In. Veg stage im. Useing my chm315w light and my temperature is 31.2 is tha to high please and how can i bring it down thanks
Room temp 33c where I am now. Around 30c at night.
Got up to 37c earlier in the week (afternoon).
My plants are all growing fine, although I leave the tent doors open in the day so they don't get hotter.

There's lots of folks here will say your plants won't grow, but cannabis is a tropical plant, it can handle 40c IMHO.
Room temp 33c where I am now. Around 30c at night.
Got up to 37c earlier in the week (afternoon).
My plants are all growing fine, although I leave the tent doors open in the day so they don't get hotter.

There's lots of folks here will say your plants won't grow, but cannabis is a tropical plant, it can handle 40c IMHO.
Yea ive got the 2 side vents open once i get filter outtake on when it flowers the temp should come down en but dont need the outtake fan yet but it shoukd be ok en buddy isit
Do i need the extraction fan on en if im in veg ive been told not to and till its in flower

I leave all extraction on regardless of veg or flower.

Ideal environment is what you should be aiming for and cannabis does not like stale air. Circulation and extraction is an absolute must. Much easier to get your environment right first time instead of forever pondering and turning things on and off.

A good environment is a must and whoever told you that in veg it is not needed is a wrong un.
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I leave all extraction on regardless of veg or flower.

Ideal environment is what you should be aiming for and cannabis doing not like stale air. Circulation and extraction is an absolute must. Much easier to get your environment right first time instead of forever pondering and turning things on and off.

A good environment is a must and however told you that in veg it is not needed is a wrong un.
Ok buddy i be putting tha on today then thank you so much
I leave all extraction on regardless of veg or flower.

Ideal environment is what you should be aiming for and cannabis doing not like stale air. Circulation and extraction is an absolute must. Much easier to get your environment right first time instead of forever pondering and turning things on and off.

A good environment is a must and whoever told you that in veg it is not needed is a wrong un.
Do i still leave the side open has well. Now en
Personally I keep my tent shut and extractors on, keeps anything out that shouldn’t be in, it will create a more stable environment if you keep it shut, and also the smell in, if I was to have my tent open like that the smell would stink the street out veg or flower.
Yes I run my extractor 24/7 buddy if you’re struggling with temps I’d suggest that too. I run a 315 cmh with 4” extractor fan my intake is on passive and my temps are 78-80
I think the temp is up because i haven't got the outtake fan on

Remeber do not INTAKE and EXHAUST directly into the room with your tent in it.

Ideally you want to intake air from the room the tent is in and exhaust away to another area NOT the room with the tent in it.

this can be a window, another room, outside, a chimney stack etc.

If you dump all the hot air out of your tent and Into the room with the tent in it you will be intaking already warm moist air from your exhaust back into your tent and then you’ve just created a loop back of hot moist air with no where for it to escape.
Ive been told not to put filter on see but another guy on here told me shoikd use it all though veg and flower

I have a carbon filter on one of the upper vents, seems to get all the smell even though most of the time it's just circulating air around a room and open tent. Someone on the forum suggested no need to route all the smell through it for it to work, and they were right.

Windows in my room are always wide open, except for the monsoon storms (we had a big one last night).